ads that pay you can place an d in the heralds classified imbes by a phoning 8772201 buying or tiling the htram is where you will find the results you want the home newspaper tor georgetown and district printing publishing v the orgatown herald haa served gaerpatewn and district ua printers and powuhtra for ovr a century effarkng the bast in fine printing end nawa coverage authorized as second class mali post office dept ottawa end for payment g ontario thursday march 13 1969 500 per year single copy price teh cents sightless visitor and canine guide impress school students a blind man but not a hand icapped man george cohen of montreal and his seeingeye dog held the rapt attention of both the high school students and stewarttown senior public school students at assemblies monday as he informally and naturally jet theft know what our concealed any sermonizing his only direct appeal was for eye examinations for everyone while mr cohen was telling of all the accomplishments theda has learned such as av- tervals had he done this he would not be blind today he stated his black german shepherd it means in everyday happen- i with the glamorous name of tags to be mjnd theda stole the show she had the younger students were one peculiarity about which asked to cover their eyes for a the audience was warned in ad- whfle and listen to him that vance she cant stand applause young and old at frequent inoiding hazards turning door way while in an indirect way he was warning of the dangers to eyesight through accidents and disease his grace and hum- at stewarttown school a few children applauded involuntari ly and started theda barking handles with her teeth pointing to door handles and bells with her nose so that mr cohen can rim his hand down her nose and follow the direction she gave an unscheduled demonstra tion at stewarttown school when she stopped the speaker from going further forward as he almost stepped off the stage his plea for questions was fill filled thick and fast he stress continued on page 20 grc sell 19 industrial acres to mcnally more salt less sand every winter brings a dif ferent set of problems for the works department this year with considerably less snow fall than last year less sand has been used up till now 1000 tons of sand and 175 tons of salt have been spread around the town streets this year the work forces have been using much more salt since it than sand now all the main arteries such as delrex ma ple prince charles john and rexway have been salted while previously they were only sanded while the forces have not been as busy ploughing snow as they were last year they have spent much more time removing snow the large banks along the highway were removed and the banks on all narrow roads particul arly john street which has always been a hazard in win- tertime i twenty men a grader two j ploughs three sanders and an extra rented grader are out all winter to keep the traffic flowing over the objection of cr em hyde council on monday okay ed the sale of lots 8 9 and 10 in the town owned industrial area to mcnally construction the 19 i acres sold at the us ual price of one thousand dol lars an acre with a time limit of 24 months 6n construction there is a buyback clause in the contract which gives the town the right to buy the land back if it is not built on in that time or if the town has a bona fide purchaser cr em hyde questioned the works faster j guaranteed lot coverage the offer stated at least 40000 sq feet would be built but he con tended this was half the amount some others had been asked to guarantee missing recreation money because no coordinating two readings were given to a bylaw monday night which would resurrect the recreation commission defunct for some fourteen years the bylaw or iginally passed in 1946 was am ended to appoint all nine mem not disturb any existing group he maintained there is no coordination between groups now except council and with councillors on it we would still have control he continued this is a forward step and the bers of council to the commis- town will be better off for it sion i he concluded present as one budget for grant purposes the first and second readings passed with mayor emmerson cr smith and reeve hunter op posed deputy reeve arthur speight asked that the third reading be witheld for a week for further study according to the procedural bylaw this re quest must be granted cr donna denison at whose j underlining the backing of instigation the bylaw was res- the service clubs and groups urrected emphasized strongly cr harry levy stated a motion that the appointments of coun- 0 thanks to cr denison had cillors was only a temporary been passed by the group at a measure until successors could recreation meeting thursday be elected or appointed by night having this commission effect- 1 ive again said cr denison we the mayor objected to the can collect four thousand in j nine councillors on the corn- grants to recreation which in mission and to any idea that the the past we have not received commission set the budget fori fortythree new donors 23 of r w ci jhj groups perhaps later it j them teens offered their blood el ihl h i w fjz b t be set p t0 work a y at the georgetown red cross z t w l 1 ahead but not after begets blopd donor clinic in holy cross could disturb existing recreat c mavnr fmmprcm v ional facilities which were working very well and run hy clinic donations top last year by four struck added mayor emmerson auditorium monday seizing on thtspoint cr ric cr ric morrow claimed the land is not useable in its pres- dedicated men he admitted the morrow stated this has been ent condition and would take change might be beneficial in the trouble with councils in the between twentyfive and thirty thousand dollars to fill and i grade cr em hyde took exception to this suggesting it would be an ideal site for a two decker type factor which would actually benefit from the topography the bylaw authorizing the sale passed with only cr hyde objecting the long run but stated if we past end up with soccer baseball gets and hockey on our hands how could it be handled do it later and nothing done he commented as the clinic collection 337 blood packs topping last years march clinic by four cr sandy mackenzie pointed out that all various groups and clubs endorsed the idea at a re cent meeting this is done to pick up grants only and will in the afternoon 139 offered he urged the passing of the byi blood of which s were re- law that night jectcd in the evening 14 of 220 j offering were rejected some turned away were teens between cr harry levy stressed that no existing boards or groups were being affected it is sim ply a matter of putting all the individual budgets together to with george cohen and his seeingeye dog theda are charlie crimes and janet dykstra of towne sewing storm sewers permanent paving in 626000 town road program a road program amounting delrex boulevard from sargent to 626000 for the town in 1969 1 to rexway prince charles from and a separate amount of 190- 000 for the reconstruction of maple ave was approved by council monday night this has to be approved by both dept of highways and the ontario municipal board before work is started the streets to be paved curb- campbell gate to delrex maple avenue from guelph to the old iron bridge near the sanitary land fill site and the roads in the industrial area storm sewers will be install ed on sargent rd normandy blvd byron shelley and keats the storm sewer on private ed and guttered this year arejproperty behind bliss and stan main street from church to maple tycrs from edward to maple mount ahwiow boad from i easement has now been obtain campbell gate to the top of ed the hill at hungry hollow and the 180000 reconstruction of dard products will be started al most immediately since the may 3 probable date for this years walk the committee organizing this springs oxfam walk has come up with a date and a tentative route the miles for millions walk which last year raised 70000 to feed the hungry of the world will be hold this year on sat- mrday may 3 v the tentative route starting from st marys roman catholic church in brampton runs along queen street to huttonville up mississauga road to highway 7 along highway 7 through nor val to georgetown down moun- tainvicw road to glen williams through glen williams to union church on the town line down the town line to no 17 side- road east to snelgrove across highway 10 to the 1st line east chinguacousy then to the corn er of kennedy road and queen i street and back to st marys the distance slightly shorter than last years route is about 30 miles the oxfam committee hopes to make arrangements to set up checkpoints and refresh ment stations at huttonville church frorval united glen williams united union presby terian alloa school gateway restaurant at snelgrove and parkholme sthool on kennedy road smith stone on television its getting to be a habit several on location shots of georgetown have bobbed up in a couple of the qucntin durgens scries on the cbc- tv network at least two district farms have been the site of filmed shows of farm life now its a local industry smith stone ltd which will be featured on a future television program a cbc crew has been here all this week filming for a documentary on the plastics- industry release date is not yet known but its a cinch that channel 6 ratings in ge orgetown will reach an all- time high that night maple ave includes curbs gut ters and pavements from main street to the town limits the permanent paving prog ram sees some streets paved each year to cut down mainten ance costs last year king sar ah parkview orchard ewing rexway joseph hewson and elizabeth streets were perm anently topped curbed and gut- tercd expect 4000 customers 50 merchants in charge the chargex credit card sys tem will be in operation in ge orgetown by early june enrolment of merchants here and in several other parts of ontarios golden horseshoe will soon begin chargex offl cials estimate a merchant en rolment of 50 here with a card holder potential of 4000 lack allanach of infoplan international made the an nouncement last week when loc al bank managers and the press attended a dinner at north hal ton golf club chargex is a cooperative venture of four banks canadian imperial royal torontodominion and canadienne nationalc commission seeks greater industrial land control georgetown had already heard some details when a chargex official spoke at a chamber of commerce dinner a mission to take steps toward in a letter to council the in dustrial commission urged that the boundaries of the proposed area 4 in the regional govern- ment area of part of esquesing i serviced including surface ser vices such as road improvement and weed control 5 that all matters relating to the location of industry sale or rezoning of industrial land be referred to 17 and 18 years of age unaware that until they reach their 18th birthday the red cross cant legally accept their blood with out written permission from a parent council briefs an offer from burns trans- coverage 4 that the municipal p t0 purchase lot 43 in tho council provide a statement of town industrial area was turn- policy regarding the provision f l thf property commit- of services to lands not fully acton and georgetown be drawn far enough south to in clude the belfield expresway they also sought council per- few weeks ago the formation of a tentative re gional industrial commission made up of georgetown acton and northern esquesing the commission tee by council monday night o a letter from cato in vestments asking if the town planned to sell the 15 acres it owns at princess anne and charles st was also turned ov- i er to the property committee the plan gives merchants a credit plan which costs them 4 to 6 depending on vol ume and sale transaction size were tho suggestions- 1 while providing shoppers with a charge systenj them nothing if made within a certain period in chargex cards are good many other countries and can be used extensively bytravellers and tourists a distinct advant age to merchants is an instant i cash feature among their recommendations that lhe commission be the sole which costs body with au to dispose payment is of industrially zoned lands wtth- in the municipality 2 that the present and future available lands be invested in the commis sion for this purpose 3 that the municipal council invest these lands with specific instruc tions to the commission where necessary regarding restrictions the recommendations will be on their use selling price and studied in committee in the opinion of the comj halton county board of ed- mission said the letter these ucation informed council they terms would enable the commis- intended to send copies of their sion to negotiate with industry j minutes to council and asked on a firm basis would avoid du plication of effort avoid over lapping negotiations and prov ide a contact for industry where negotiatons may be kept in con fidencc they concluded by urging the development of good roads in industrial areas and to indus trial areas ms j hltlcrest newest church the first serylce of worship was held in the new hillcrest united church at the intersection of the 7lh lin 9 of esquesing and no 5 sideroad on sunday if was built by the60fgregations of hornby end ashgrove united churches who amalgamated last year for copies of their minutes in return council approved o a cheque for 56o6 to the board of parks management was approved as part of their 1969 budget o the town will provide crests for the legion curling team who have already won the ontario championship and will now go to truro nova sco tia for the dominion champ ionships the senior girls bowling team winners of the ontario championship will also be rec ognized the town gave them one hundred dollars toward the purchase of blazers which they will wear in the dominion fi nals sure and begorra council gave the nod to a st patricks day parade sunday march 16 sponsored by the knights of columbus 0 council took the first step toward having elm street re named ewing street and re numbered accordingly when they passed a motion asking the solicitor to look after necessary legal steps elm street is a continuation of ewing street carnation tag day planned for hospital the georgetown and district memorial hospital auxiliary will hold their first carnation tag day on friday evening may 9 and saturday the 10th canvassers including the candystripcrs will call door-to- door and will also be posted in the business sections of town handing out paper carnations as a thankyou for donations the idea for this tag day came from milton where tho hospital auxiliary have been making and selling carnations for the past seven years proceeds will go toward the purchase of hospital equipment 1