I lived in an apartment on the left hand side of this pic. I think the address was 151 or 51 Kerr Street. This would be in 1960. We had a 1956 black and white Ford which looks like ours in the picture. The lady who lived in the house was called Pearl. She gave me drinking cup for my daughter who was born in 1959. My husband worked for Dominion Furniture across the road. It had relocated to Kerr St. after having a fire at their premises downtown Oakville Colborne Street.
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Halton Images is created and maintained by the public libraries of Halton Region, the Burlington, Esquesing, Milton, Oakville and Trafalgar Township Historical Societies.
I lived in an apartment on the left hand side of this pic. I think the address was 151 or 51 Kerr Street. This would be in 1960. We had a 1956 black and white Ford which looks like ours in the picture. The lady who lived in the house was called Pearl. She gave me drinking cup for my daughter who was born in 1959. My husband worked for Dominion Furniture across the road. It had relocated to Kerr St. after having a fire at their premises downtown Oakville Colborne Street.