ee BIRTHS MITCHELL -- Big brothers Steven and Spencer Mitchell welcome with much love, alittle sister, Samantha Cathleen Lenore Mitchell, born Sept. 19, 1996 at 2:26 am, weigh- ing 8 Ib. 13 oz. Terri Miller and Steve Mitchell would like to thank _ Dr. Perin and the nurses at Guelph General. SABO -- Josephina, Stephanie. Arrived safely Sept. 24 at Guelph SUPREME 873-0300 232A GUELPH ST., UNIT 10 GEORGETOWN, ONT. TOR. # 874-3048 RIDGEWOOD: The ultimate in luxuri- c's living to be found in this wonderful custom approx. 5400 sq.ft. home with a 4 car attached garage. Built on 17.35 acres of wooded property. Features: hand pegged oak floors, solid oak kitchen w/ built in appliances, 20 ft. open foyer w/ magnificent stairs, juliette bal- conies, formal living & dining room, etc. Call Marg Suitor* for further info. 0122 $189,900 HIGHLANDS OF HILLSBURGH: Nearly new bun- galow, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, spa- cious eat in kitchen, large fenced lot, walkout basement, quality built to R2000 standards, neutral decor and listed for $189,900. Call Marg Suitor.* 0123 NEW LISTING/COUNTRY PROP: 3 bedroom 1-1/2 storey on 5 acres. Lovely roomy kitchen with centre island, and adjoining family room. Main floor laundry, 3 baths, rec rm with airtight. Double car garage. Pond & stream on prop. Listed at $264,000. Call Marg Suitor.". 0150 General. First born daughter to Wally (Vlado) and Alena. Proud grandparents are Margaret and lvan Nejkov of Millgrove and Stephanie and Vlado Sabo of Slovakia. Spe- cial thanks to Dr. Clark and nurse Eileen for a safe delivery. IN MEMORIAM DIANE HANCOCK of Acton is the winner of the beautiful quilt created by the women of St. John's Church in Stewarttown. Draw was held Sat- urday at the church's bazaar. (15) a eR SSSR BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES KILBY, Jean Lorraine. In loving memory of a dear wife and mother who passed away Nov. 6, 1991. Though her smile is gone forever And her hand we cannot touch Still we have so many memories Of the one we loved so much. Her memory is our keepsake With which we'll never part God has taken her in his keeping We have her in our heart. -- Sadly missed by husband Ivan, daughter Beverley, son Robert and daughter-in-law Marjorie SYMON, Pauline. In loving memory of a dear mother and. Nanna, who passed away Nov. 9, 1995. She left us so suddenly, her thoughts unknown But we have so many memories of the Mom and Nanna we loved so much. * Sadly missed and always remembered. -- Anne, Randy, Ryan, Mark and Ashleigh ACCOUNTING IF YOU don't enjoy all that paper- work, call Sharon @ 821-7192 fora free, no obligation quote on your accounting needs. Specializing in small business. P.S. Quote this ad for $10 off your first invoice. (15) |S ESSER ADOPTION ADOPTEES and birth parents - Family Finders and The Canada- Wide National Adoption Registry 1-800-871-8477. http:// "Reuniting Canadian Families from Coast to Coast" 1-800-871-8477. (B) LOOKING to adopt. Warm loving couple need help finding baby. Can provide creative, supportive home. Collect calls accepted. (416)484- 6491. (B) SEE ANNOUNCEMENTS ATTENTION income tax preparers. Now is the time to open your own Income Tax Preparation business with U&R Tax Depot. With your knowledge and our proven sys- tems and marketing expertise, you will be a formidable force in your Community. For a Full Franchise Package, contact: U&R Tax Depot> Telephone: 1-800-665-5144, Fax: 1-204-284-8954. (B) ATTENTION business opportun- ists. Build your own home based business with consumable food products and earn full time money. Retail direct marketing. MLM-ers welcome. Top Level. Call 24 hr. Message (416)384-0331. (B) BIG cash income. IBEX Canada needs distributors throughout On- tario. Secure the rights to a dispos- able, high demand product con- sumed by virtually everyone! In- vestment $3,795. 1-800-538-6054. (B) DO YOU have a flair for decorat- ing? Decorating Den is now ex- panding. Home based, training, support, advertising, low invest- ment. Franchise and career oppor- tunities available 1-800-263-0242. (B) DREAM of owning your own busi- ness? Ontario Window Manufac- turer offers: protected territories, complete training, huge potential/ small investment. Complete line of windows available. Call 1-800-861- 7546, ext. 32. (B) GOVERNMENT funds. Govern- ment assistance programs infor- mation available. For your new or existing business. Take advantage ofthe governmentgrants and loans. Call 1-800-915-3615. (B) aT RT RAR CARD OF THANKS Many thanks to all those who do- nated baking and crafts for our ba- zaar. Your patronage was much appreciated. Thanks again. -- Anglican Ladies -- A.C.W., Acton SPROULE --I would like to express my sincere thanks to all my friends, family and customers for their kind thoughts, get well wishes, flowers and cards during my recentillness. A very special thank you to the entire Ward A nursing staff, Dr. Anand, Dr. Moussett, Dr. Robert Bourns, and Gord Terry. -- Ken Sproule CHILDCARE EXPERIENCED, fun-loving mother of two providing daycare in South Georgetown. Smoke-free, no pets. Close to St. Bridget and Sacre Coeur schools and parks. Hot lunches, crafts and lots of love. Call Paula, 877-7407. (16) YOUNG - The family of the late Harvey Young would like to ex- press their appreciation and sin- cere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbours for expressions of sym- pathy through cards, donations, flowers and food. We would also like to express a special thank you to Lake Avenue area folks, fifth floor staff of Guelph General Hos- pital, Rev. Pieter van Harten, Pres- byterian Church Women's Group andthe Shoemaker Funeral Home. -- Gerry and Marilyn Wieck and family. CAREER TRAINING MOTHER of two young children at home, is offering childcare in Lakeview subdivision, Acton. Please call Julie, 853-1247. (16) an conS EREE TSRR ER COMING EVENTS BAZAAR --- The Lakeside Chapter of 1.0.D.E. is holding their annual Bazaar on Saturday Nov. 9 from 1 to 4 pm at Knox Presbyterian Church, 44 Main St., Acton. Bak- ing, knitting, attic treasurers, penny sale, afternoon tea. Draw for week- end at Niagara Falls. Come and join us. (15) BE a successful writer... with our great home-study course. Call to- day for your free book. 1-800-267- 1829. The Writing School, 38 McArthur Avenue, Suite 2684, Ot- tawa, ON, KiL 6R2. (B) COUNSELLOR Training Institute of Canada offers correspondence courses for the Diploma in Coun- selling Practise beginning this month. For a brochure phone Toll- free 1-800-665-7044. (B) DISCOVER money-saving tech- niques. U&R TAX SCHOOLS has been helping students save money with income tax preparation courses since 1975. Study athome in your spare time. For free bro- chure, call: 1-800-665-5144, U&R Tax Schools. (B) INCOME tax course... by corre- spondence. Earn money during the busy tax season. Free brochure. Canadian School of Tax Account- ing, established 1966. 3157 Bayview Avenue, North York, On- tarioM2K 1G2. (416)590-9308. Fax (416)226-0644. (B) LEARN auctioneering atthe South- western School of Auctioneering. Next class November 16-22/96. Contact: Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering, R.R. 5, Woodstock, Ontario N4S 7V9 -- (619)537-2115.(B) EVALUATION CERTIFICATE This certificate entitles a residential property owner to one market evaluation by Gary Brand, and a complete presentation of the New Royal LePage Home Marketing Program, and the Royal LePage Exclusive Personal Service Guarantee. This service to be performed without cost or obligation to call Gary for an appointment. Sm 1111111 ROYAL LEPAGE BN you. Return this valuable certificate or GARY BRAND, FRI, Associate Broker '(005) 877-0173 (1-800-387-2230) : 170 Guelph Street, Halton Hills (Georgetown) L7G 4A7 This is not intended to solicit properties listed for sale or valid while listed for sale. . o "Gary Brand, FRI Associate Broker TROPICAL fish auction, Sunday, Nov. 10, 1996 from 9:30 am to 6 pm. At Century Gardens, 340 Vodden St. (near Rutherford), Brampton. Held by the Brampton Aquarium Club. For more info call: Mike Buckle, (905)846-4034. (15) Nov. 7, Thursday -- 7:30 to 9:30 pm: Free Healthcare clinic on dia- betes management: For people who use insulin and for people who don't. Refreshments and demon- strations. Location: Young's Phar- macy and Homecare Seminar Room. Please call 877-2711 for information and registration. Nov. 8, Friday -- 8 pm: It's euchre night in Eden Mills! Everyone is invited to a fun night at the Eden Mills Community Hall. Admission is $2 and includes refreshments and prizes. Sponsored by the Eden Mills Friendly Seniors. Call John, 856-4784 with any questions. Nov. 8, Friday - 8 pm: Square Dance, sponsored by all the churches of Eramosa Township. The dance is at Rockmosa in Rockwood. Tickets are $5 each, from any Eramosa church, Out to Lunch restaurant, or at the door. We're not professional dancers, but just enjoy the fun. Dave Freure, our caller, explains the dances as we go along. Further information is available from Square Dance Cen- tral, 763-6147. Nov. 9, Saturday -- 10 am to 2 pm: St. George's Anglican Church, on Guelph Street in Georgetown, is holding their annual bazaar, which features a bake table, Christmas crafts, white elephant table, chil- POWER CLASSIFIEDS! dren's fun fair, raffles and more! Lunches are available. Get a head start on your Christmas shopping! Nov. 9, Saturday - 1 to 5 pm: Learn strategies for turning conflict situations into opportunities. Iden- tify your conflict managementstyle. Seminar offered by the Canadian Mental Health Association at 341 Kerr St., Oakville. Fee is $55. Call Susan Phair, (905)845-5044 to reg- ister. Nov. 12, Tuesdays -- mornings: The North Halton Literacy Guild is offering a work preparation class. for adults needing help with job applications, reading job ads, resumes, letter writing and basic computer skills. Call (905)873-2200 for more information. Nov. 12 to Dec. 17, Tuesdays --7 to 9pm: Doyouexperienceamood disorder or know anyonewho does? This is the workshop for you. Come to this free six-week educational series and self-help support group in Oakville. Call Susan Phair at (905)845-5044. Nov. 13, Wednesday -- 7:30 pm: The Early Days of Norval: Local historian Mary Maxwell will talk about the early days of Norval at the next meet of the Esquesing Historical Society, at Norval Pres- byterian Church. Learn about the mills, the churches and the tav- erns! All are welcome. Nov. 14, Thursday -- 7 to 9 pm: They meet again! The Acton Arthri- tis Bluebird Club will watch a video Whatyou really need to know about osteoarthritis, to be followed by a discussion group at their next meet- ing, at the ASSIC office on Willow St. New members are always wel- come. Pauline can provide further details, 853-4940. Nov. 16, Saturday -- 10 am to 2 pm: Beth-el Bazaar! The annual Christmas Bazaar will be held at the church, on the corner of Hwy. 7 and Churchill Rd. N. There will be home-made soup and buns, crafts, baking, knitting and much more. Nov. 16, Saturday --- 10 am to 5 pm: The Good Mews Cat Club presents its third annual Cat Show at the Acton Legion on Wright Av- enue. The theme, "Cats Go Coun- try," is expected to attract nearly 150 cats, from 30 different breeds. Judging is continuous throughout the day; exhibitors from across Canada and U.S.; vendors from cat food and supply companies. Ad- mission $3.50 for adults; $2 for children; $2.50 for seniors. Contact Madge Turner, 853-4872 for info. Nov. 16, Saturday -- 11 am to 2 pm: Come to the Christmas Treas- ure Land Bazaar and Tea, at the Salvation Army, 114 Mill St. E., WMarttia Studios 11505 DUBLIN LINE. ACTON ONTARIO L7j 2M! NOW YOU HAVE A CHOICE Learn the art of playing the guitar, Bass, U, in a private studio just south of Acton in Speyside. Also you can . record your bands demo in my recording _ For bookings contact Lee Martin at: or P| Tel (519) 853-1382 Fax (519) 853-1063