THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1998 THE NEW TANNER Tell me, please, what can I do? By SANDY COLERO Special to The Tanner What's the first thing we think of when we think of a family. It's love. As human beings, we want to feel loved. We want to feel loved. We want to feel accepted and to be a valued part of the family, not a bur- den to it. Is Quebec a burden to our family of Canada? Some say yes but I shout No. I have been blessed with a little taste of Quebec, an experience that will last in my heart forever. | had the opportunity to take part in a week-long program in Ot- tawa with students from across Canada. We learned things about our country from the people who live it every day. I didn't learn it by reading a textbook or listen- ing to a teacher. It was real. It was true. There were 140 Canadi- ans all at peace with one an- other. No hate, just love, pure love. And we all unique in our own ways. One night I was told while we singing O Canada that this was the first time one girl from Quebec SANDY COLERO had ever heard it. She had never been allowed to hear it or sing it. Her father would not have his daughter take pride in Canada. But I re- member seeing her cry after we had sung it. There had to have been some Canadian pride inside ofher. You could sense that she had found it and was struggling with it.. Au commencemnet de la semaine, mes amis et moi (que parlions toujours le francais avec les Quebecois), lui avons demande si elle est pour ou contre la separation du Quebec. Elle a dit, "Oui! Bien sur! San doute! Je suis pour le separation." (At the beginning of the week, my friends and I (who always Cutting Pegasus hurts To the Editor: It is with extreme disap- pointment I have found out that the Pegasus bus line is being shut down. Pegasus is the only bus line that connects Georget- own to Acton to Milton to Oakville to Burlington and back. Does the public real- ize how much of a negative impact this will have on our communities? Why was this done without consultation of the public? As a computer high school teacher in Milton, I Come September, many Sheridan College students from our community will not + be able to have a safe, de- pendable bus line to the Oakville school. Also, many adult students will not be able to attend classes with Halton District Catholic School Board at Hwy. 5 and Trafalgar Road. If the council had con- sulted the public first (possi- bly a referendum) maybe the communities involved would not mind paying the extra tax dollars for this worthwhile spoke French with the Quebeckers) had asked if she was for or against the sepa- ration of Quebec. She said, "Yes! Of course! Without a doubt! I am for separation.") But at the end of the week, she wasn't sure. You could tell something had caused her to have a change of heart. I think it was a miracle. I can see where the Que- bec separatists are coming from. They have one of the most beautiful cultures and landscapes that I ever seen. Have you visited those Plains of Abraham or tasted Que- bec's gourmet food? No won- der they want to maintain their heritage. So should we. We can't let something like that get away from us. My brothers and sisters in Quebec, to whom I have grown so close, would be- come part of another coun- try. We could never sing our national anthem together on with the same feeling. ou leave, I'd see my coun- iy fail. I'd see my brothers and sisters being taken away from me, right before my eyes. Our bond would be bro- ken, our passion shattered. Canada is my home. I'm part of the family. But no more a part of the family than a beautiful baby girl born an hour ago in Quebec. She's my new baby sister. For my sake, for that newborn's, and all the other children in our country, please Quebec, re- main with Canada. We have a chance right now to solve this problem of separation. I don't want to look back in 20 years regret- ting the outcome. I don't want to have to tell my chil- dren that I grew up in a dys- functional country in turmoil and continual frustration. Let's get busy fixing this situation now. So tell me, please, what can I do? If I ave to step in there and help, hey, I'm there! Sandy Colero is the son of the former Chris Brunelle of Acton. His essay won a $1,000 prize in the Vancou- ver Sun's national unity es- say contest. He has just com- pleted Grade 11 at Delta Sec- ondary School in B.C. Casual Fine Dining Presents Jean Le Gendre WM hla Are Dropping Ik ae LCL) The loonie! 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The --_ want to maintain the quality Tenderloin « Shepherd s Pie pewss Rbapsody --Yatsoubemewitben 55) 3 bus stops right at Milton of life in our communities f Deze Enchantment 7 0 Wesem Caribbean $2013 Mall and Allendale, allowing _ versus cutting and slashing For reservations, please call pecass Song of America 7 ntMexico $1823 convenience for seniors. 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