10 THE NEW TANNER THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 2004 Bower Ave. speeding concern To the Editor, Having only lived in Acton for just over thir- teen months, reading your paper, listening to my neighbors and seeing for lems on Bower St., one can only imagine what will happen when con- struction commences on Mill St. in mid-April. Having moved from myself the traffic prob- busy Mississauga where ) Qe e2 6 @ Four D's Pets Pets and Su ies 197 Main St. oe ON. © 519-856-4246 Assorted Male & Female Puppies All Vet Checked, Ist Shots, Dewormed, 'German-Terriers cross ¢ Shih Tzue Beagles etc. Kittens also available Locally Owned & Operated De. Te The Next Spring Detox Session starts March 31! Learn why and how to keep your body safe. Participate in a supervised cleanse with a Naturopathic Doctor who has guided hundreds of people successfully to health, energy and vitality. March 31 & April 19: FREE Intro Seminars Session 1: April 7, 14, 21 Session 2: April 26, May 3 & 10 7:30-9:00 pm $110 for the Series Call to register Clinic in the Woods Sussanna Czeranko ND 5330 4th Line Erin (519} 833-2580 QZ (877) 251-1632 3s the traffic congestion was the least of my concerns, especially since I choose to live on a street with a post office. What is a con- cern is the high rate of speed motorists travel on -Bower Ave.to cut out 45 seconds off their drive by avoiding Mill St between Monday and Friday. This issue has been brought up before coun- cil with suggestions of adding stop signs and speed bumps on Bower to slow traffic down. The best our representatives could do is post 40 km hour speed signs. Well, what a good job that was, because I'm sure when drivers are doing 80-90 km in what was a 50 km zone, that 40 km sign sure is going to make them think twice. The other goal was to increase radar and police presence on Bower. Again congratulations council, a Sunday morn- ing before 9 a.m. has never been safer on Bower. I saw a town mourn, when a child was shot to death this past year, with- out warning. Council should prepare for the re- percussions of what will happen if a citizen, child or otherwise is killed or hurt by a driver on Bower Ave. with a fair warning. Sydney Patricia Now accepting spring fashions | for women and children. -- $ CONSIGNMENT Days: Tues.- Wed. 11-5 Tues. Wed. Thurs. _ ' Thurs.- Fri. 11-6 Call (905) 877-1242 Hours Sat. 10-5 Penniesworth Consignment Boutique 74 Main St. N.Georgetown (Moore Park Plaza, Hwy #7) STEWING IT UP: June and Lorne Doberthien settle in for some Irish stew at the St. Patrick's Day dinner at Knox Presbyterian Church last Wednesday, March 17. -- Ellen Piehl photo D AAA ARS =. Prospect Park soon target of perpetual poop machines To the Editor, You have printed letters of complaint about dog drop- pings and about cats roaming free and defecating in gar- dens and sand lots. It is surprising that no one ap- pears to care about the mess made by Canada geese. With spring rapidly approaching, it won't be long until the geese are out again en masse fouling every square inch of public property. Acton's Prospect Park was once a hub of activity for families during the summer months. Children played there daily; families pic- nicked, boated and fished. Fairy Lake was safe for swimming all summer long. Now Prospect Park, as well as the graveyards and school properties is so fouled by goose droppings that one cannot set foot there without stepping in dung. It is a dis- grace! It is unacceptable and unnecessary. Other towns have control- led the goose population by treating the eggs to prevent them from hatching, and/or relocating flocks to the northlands where they natu- rally belong. How is it that Halton Hills allows Acton's properties to be desecrated so? One would wonder if these same people who complain about dogs and cats are among those who encourage the geese to remain here year round by feeding them? I know those little goslings are "so cute", but they quickly grow into perpetual pooping machines. Perhaps town council, which is so intent on control- ling all human activities, could move on the problem of Canada goose overpopu- lation? Laurie Williams Cancer Society welcomes help from new residents | To the Editor, The Acton Branch of the Ca- nadian Cancer Society would like to welcome the many new residents to our town. You have chosen a wonderful community to live in. Acton has been and continues to bea very visible sup- porter of our cause. Hundreds of thousands of dollars have been raised to help beat this destruc- tive disease through research and support services. Acton has al- ways been in the top ten in Ontario for per capita donations. Weare a very generous commu- nity. We know that many of you have volunteered in your previ- « " ous communities and would like you to know that there is an op- portunity here for you to continue to do so. If you would like to volunteer to canvass dur- ing the month of April and you live in our wonderfull new sub- divisions, please give Angela a call at 853-5581. Or, if you would rather help with our daf- fodil campaign, contact Cathy at 853-1424. If you would like to canvass in other areas call Lizat 853-0585. It's a wonderful way to meet your neighbours! Cancer is a disease that knows no boundaries and has touched us all in some way. Together we can make a difference. Thank you. Liz Bailey. Campaign Chair, Acton Branch of the Canadian Cancer Society ~\ Free Shop at Home Service "IS EXPANDING" Para Paint, Wallpaper at Blind Store OPENING SOON 130 Mill St. E., Acton -- to Alexanian Bier ong Carpet eed se a saft, MOST RUGS BELOWEACOSI Carainate starting at oh ¢ wiles ALL STOCK MUST GO! Gisele Tremblay : Keep & present this ad & receive * Design Contudidi"- t 10% off your first paint order! ' mv SS 9-853: -43 59 email: tremblay.decorating@bellnet.ca 905-693-211 YY Seem eee ee eee eS