14 THE NEW TANNER THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 2004 ACTON MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION 2004-2005 Fall TryOuts BBTeams Date Time Location BBTeams Date Time Location Rovice 4:30 pm Novice 4:00 pm PeéWee Sunday ees Mold Masters pion. Saidy 5:00 pm Acton Community ce oreo kagile oo 6:30 pm Alcott Arena PeeWee September 19:00 pm Centre Bantam 5 730 pm Georgetown Bantam Se 7:00 pm Midget 8:30 pm Midget 8.00 pm Novice 6:00 pm AE& Minor Date Time Location Pen Wcdnedey 7:00 pm Acton Community} | Midget Teams eeWee =<" 7 8:00 pm Centre ee September 1 9:00 pm aoe 6:00 pm idget 10:00 pm paral Tuesday Bh pm Acton Community : m Cent Bee: 6:00 pm MMidget September 7g. a ue tom Thursday 7:00 pm Acton Community PeeWee -- 8:00 pm Centre Atom 6:00 Bantam September 2 S00 +a 00 pm eeWee 7:15 pm Acton C Midget Th P cton Community gs 10:00 pm Bantam z isa 9830 pm cae Ravite 6:00 pm M Midget ee 9:45 pm 0 7:00 pm Acton Community PeeWee Wednesday 8:00 pm Carte 'Atom 12:00 Bantam September 8 9.00 PeeWee em on pm 'sainiay 1:15 pm Acton Community idget 10:00 pm Bantam 2 2:30 pm Centre MMidget September 12, 3-45 P pre 12:00 pm Ee tom F 1:00 pm Acton Communit PeeWee Saturday 1 2:00 eS Coane my) | Atom 6:00 pm Bantam September 3:00 pm PeeWee Tuesday 7:15 pm Acton Community Midget 4:00 pm pair September 14. 830 Pm Centre M Midget 9:45 pm pee 6:00 pm ok, itauday 7:00 pm 'Acton Community Atom 6-00 pin eeWee Bi September 13 8:00 pay Contre PeeWee TAS a : jantam 9:00 pm acho Thursday Sp Acton Community Midget 10:00 pm MMidget September 16 $3 Pm -- Novice 6.00 pm 2 Atom 7-00 pm A Aton 6:00 pm Wednesda P cton Community| | peewe, res Seaater is 8:00 poe pees Bentsen Tuesday ae Ag Community ma 9:00 pm MMidget September 21. 8:30_pm Ceatte idget 10:00 pm ert 9:45 pm Due to insurance regulations, all players must be registered with the Acton Minor Hockey Association before they can be allowed on the ice to tryout. Returning players should have registered prior to the spring tryouts. Please-remember that we will be depositing your second instalment of $150 on August 31. New players may use the registration form below or contact tsherren@cogeco.ca. Returning players who have not as yet registered are subject to a_ $75.00 late fee. In order to register your child, simply fill out the form below and return by mail along with a deposit of $300 by August 27, 2004 to: AMHA REGISTRATION, P.O.Box 46, Acton, Ontario L7J 2M2 Payment can be made by cheque payable to the AMHA, and dated August 31, 2004 or by filling out the credit card information below: Visa cE MasterCard[_ |Card#: Name on Card Exp. Date: Signature: AMHA 2004-2005 REGISTRATION FORM > PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY PLAYER'S NAME DATE OF BIRTH D/M/Y ADDRESS CITY/TOWN POSTAL CODE PHONE NUMBER PARENT/GUARDIAN NAME(S) HEALTH INSURANCE NUMBER DOCTOR'S NAME MEDICAL COMMENTS SIGNATURE OF PARENT OR GUARDIAN eS = IMPORTANT NOTES: a) Team selections will required to provide a fi player's card: players ~ *$650. Ifa player i b) Registration inclu socks for each pla: c) Cheques, money o1 above: cash p d) In order to be consid must be provided in training staff in an e e) Players who wish to t be allowed onto the information or non completed the regi: *The amounts of the final instalments In order to recuperate this revenue, the AMI Sept. 30, 2004. If selected, you will be wing amount upon signature of the OMHA *$600, players born on or before Dec 31, 1993 leposit will be returned by Sept. 21, 2004. , one pair of home socks and one pair of away or registration fees must be provided as specified nformation requested on the registration form its,:such as allergies, etc, could be useful to the be registered before they can Players who are : red either due to incomplete will not be allowed on the ice until such time as they have to the fact that the Tri-County League voted to remove the collection of Playoff Gate Fees. tto.add $50 to each of the final instalment amounts estimated in the spring. The higher 'AMA 2004-2005 Registration Fees are: ficantly lower than budgeted revenues from Fund Raising events for the past two years. This year, Registration Fees will Coverthemigjority of operational expenses. Please see the newsletter for information on how you can get involved with Fund Raising in order to help stabilize or even lower Registration Fees. Iai aa ey af OC Cat owners should be responsible for their cats To the Editor, Re: Cats are an important part of nature? Ihave never written to your paper before, however | felt compelled to respond to Ron Millard's letter of Thursday August.the 12th. Let me start by saying lam relatively new (4 years) to the area. I'm also an animal lover, but what on earth are irresponsponsible cat owners thinking when they allow their cats to roam free. I'm not even going to de- bate the health and/or safety issues here, or how they (cats) are an important part of nature...that's not the issue. The issue here is respect, re- spect for your neighbours' property. Would you let your dog roam freely on other peo- ple's property, I think not. Are you starting to see the picture here Ron? You must be in the minority who believe it's okay for your cat to use your neigh- bours' yards as a litter box. This whole thing about council having more impor- tant things to do. Yes, perhaps they do, but they wouldn't have been debating this issue if there wasn't a problem in the first place. I don't think it's unreasonable to expect people to find solutions of their own, as you put it, but the solution you refuse to ac- knowledge is cat owners should be responsible for their cats. There is a by law for picking up after your dog, do you intend to follow "Mr. Bigglesworth" around and clean up after him? As for the complaints you hear in your community (?), coming from former city dwellers, the general consen- sus of those in my immediate neighbourhood (that includes people who have lived here all their lives) is that a responsi- ble cat owner doesn't allow their cat to roam freely. Heck, you might even want to check with the recommendations of the Humane Society, ".....cats should not be let out to roam free.....". I'm sure that's all some city dweller propaganda where you sit, sir. One need not look far to see "Missing Cat" posters plas- tered all about town to realize there seems to be a lot of miss- ing cats. How do these cats become lost in the first place? There's probably one (or two) broken hearted child(ren) out there for every missing pet, and unfortunately the people to blame are the very ones who allow them to roam free. - Eric Boles, Acton Attacks on traditional family fueled by egalitarian proponenets To the Editor, Thave just finished reading the book, "The War on the Family," written by Wm. Gairdner, 1992. Your edito- rial of July 29,2004, hit on some of the questionable ac- tivities that are happening on our society today. Mr. Gairdner's observations of the attack on the traditional family (one man, one woman, with children, in a committed marriage) has moved me to share some of his comments with your read- ers. He alleges that the tradi- tional family, as the basic social unit throughout his- tory, is under siege by proponents of a welfare state who are dedicated to the transformation of this most basic social unit into dispa- rate political units (autonomous individuals with as many as possible de- pendent on the state). Egalitarian proponents push for everyone to be equal with the same rights (ie. same sex marriage), same income (pay equity), same privileges (affirmative action), and same moral system. These people believe in a-utopian state controlled from the top down, not bottom up. He claims that the family as an institution is at the heart of the entire social order, but "traditional families" are now considered "reactionary" by modern liberals, who have little concern for a 'higher power (God), but see them- selves as an elite "knowledge class" that knows what is best for the masses. In the Annual Report 2002, from the Court Challenges Program, a national non- profit corporation funded to challenge Canada's laws in the courts, there is a most re- vealing statement made by chairman, Chantal Tie. She writes, "The importance of the program in translating the dream of an egalitarian soci- ety in reality cannot be underestimated." The Charter of Rights and Freedoms is fuelling a philosophy based .on Jean Jacques Rousseau's dream of state sanctioned, imposed rules and regula- tions that all must endorse whether their moral convic- tions approve or disapprove. Taxpayers are spending millions of dollars to fund these court challenges and Mr. Gairdner claims that moral relativity will lead to moral decay and can eventually lead to to- Acton Jiu-Jitsu Martial Arts and Self Defence for Adults & Children Street proofing, teaching . discipline, respect & Self «. confidence for Adults & Children. : (519)853-2424 4» 5A Mill Street, East *Proud members of the Canadian Jiu Jitsu Association» E-mail: jiujitsul@sympatico.ca talitarian regimes. There is a war going on and it is being waged for the. minds and hearts of your chil- dren, grandchildren and society as a whole. The bible states that the enemy comes to steal, kill, destroy and he is the father of lies. The bat- tleground is your soul and whether you choose to serve God or the gods of power, money, etc. Is Canada going to go the way of secular humanism de- manding rights and freedoms . with no obligations or re- sponsibilities attached or are we going to stand up for righteousness sake? I pray we choose the latter. Sincerely, Pat Woode Education has merits To the Editor, At this time teenagers are deciding if they are going back to school. Years ago I knew some- one who dropped out of high school in Grade ten. Over the years he got heav- ily into radio equipment and boating which required mathematical skills. One day he said to me: "If I knew what this stuff was used for I would have stayed in school." So if teenagers do not think they need education for employment maybe they will need it for other parts of their lives in future. Thank you for your time. Yours truly, Norman Foote, Acton