Retailers convicted of selling tobacco to minors now on Web It is now easier to find information on There are no Halton Hill retailers listed. Halton retailers who have been convicted of Halton's Health Department has also selling cigarettes to minors. increased the number of compliance checks Earlier this month Halton Region began for each tobacco retailer in the region. posting the names and locations of retail outDuring the checks, test shoppers-- students lets that had been convicted in the past six aged 15 to 17 years old employed and trained months of selling tobacco to a person under by the health department-- visit tobacco retail 19. outlets under the supervision of health departThe information is available at www.halment staff and attempt to buy cigarettes. DR. BOB If the retailer sells cigarettes to a test NOSAL per, he/she receives a written warning. If "The posting of this information on retailer sells cigarettes to a test shopper a secHalton's website is part of a comprehensive strategy intended to deter retailers from selling tobac- ond time, charges are laid. Last year each tobacco retailer had an average of co to kids, " said Dr. Bob Nosal, Halton's medical offitwo compliance checks, this year the number of cer of health. Currently there are only two convictions listed on checks will increase to four. The increase is related to the Smoke-Free Ontario the website, for stores in Burlington and Oakville. Act, which comes into effect this May 31 and bans smoking in all enclosed public places and workplaces and toughens the rules prohibiting the sale of tobacco to minors. For more information on the Smoke-Free Ontario Act call the Heath Department at 1-866-4HALTON (1866-442-5866) or visit the above website.