Project Wishbone under way Police aiding animals in care of Upper Credit Humane Society Halton Regional Police Service in Halton nail clippers, cat treats, kitten formula, cat Hills and Milton is hoping everyone remem- carriers, spray bottles, litter scoops, litter bers the animals at Upper Credit Humane boxes, cat condos and trees and scratching Society this Christmas. posts. The Service has once again Rabbit water bottles, pellet launched Project Wishbone to food, Timothy hay, rabbit toys aid the animals in the care of the and new our used small animal Upper Credit Humane Society cages are needed for rabbits. and is accepting donations at staThe Humane Society also tions in Georgetown, Acton and needs cleaning materials such as Milton. scrub brushes, laundry soap, "When you are choosing a toy sponges, liquid bleach, new or or treat for your own pet this used towels, ammonia, dishwashChristmas we would like you to ing liquid, cleaning clothes, large think of those pets that have garbage bags, floor mops - mop been lost, abandoned and abused K9 officer Rick Lost- heads, cleaning caddy, rubber and have been taken in by the racco and potential gloves, paper towels, glass cleanUpper Credit Human Society and new recruits Batman er, cleaning rags and latex gloves. other area animal shelters," said and Kobe urge resiOffice supplies including phoa Project Wishbone spokesper- dents to donate to tocopy paper, post-it notes, son. "These animals ask very lit- Project Wishbone postage stamps, large scissors, tle out of life, some love, a soft pens and highlighters, coffee bed, veterinarian care and a bowl mugs and a TV and DVD player of food. This year we hope to give those ani- for training in reception are also needed. mals at the Upper Credit Humane Society Also needed are new or used large and and other area animal shelters all those small animal veterinarian scales, dehumidifithings and maybe a few toys." er and medical supplies such as hydrogen Items on the Humane Society's wish list peroxide, cotton balls and rescue remedy. include dog items such as smoked marrow Donations of cash or cheques will also be bones, new or used blankets and comforters, accepted on behalf of the Upper Credit leashes, collars and gentle leaders, new or Humane Society. Tax receipts are available used dog igloos, new or used dog toys and for donations over $25 if requested. Kongs, stainless steel water buckets and new Donations are being accepted at local or used dog beds. police stations in Georgetown (217 Guelph For cats items needed are large cat cages, St.) and Acton (38 Mill St. E.) until new or used cat toys, clumping cat litter, cat December 22.