Oakville Beaver, 5 Feb 1993, p. 26

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ib ol en oc l e ts es t t in d cA t n itc in PC ies oo B se it in dn i i nc esc BBb ds Bc W hi i ts t t Tc nc 9e THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Friday, February 5, 1993 â€" 26 EI:Isaleshdpagems EI:Isdeshdpagents GET RICH QUICK ?? Not here, but direct sales experience comâ€" bined with solid closing ability will earn you a better than average income, Leads supplied. Local office. If you enjoy meeting new peoâ€" ple and are motivated to market a superior food industry product let‘s talk Call Mr. Courtney at: 1â€"800â€"265â€"0824 EI:I sales help agents m P:sugurant 6â€"10K per month Toronto based company seeks local leaders to introduce proâ€" ducts/ services to existing customers. Huge profits for the right person (no MLM people). 858â€"1813 EXPANDING import auto parts company. . Sales and Marketing positions availâ€" able. 5 years import exâ€" perience preferred. 827â€"9407 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF OAKVILLE Cc NOTICES OF INTENTION TO DESIGNATE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town of Oakville intends to designate the properties listed below pursuant to Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act. Summaries of the reasons for the proposed designations are set out in Schedule "A" to this notice. A detailed Heritage Structure Report of each property may be obtained at the Clerk‘s Department, Oakville Municipal Building, 1225 Trafalgar Road during regular business hours. Notice of objection to the proposed designations, setting out the reason for the objection and all relevant facts, may be served on the Clerk of the Corporation of the Town of Oakville, within 30 days from the 20th day of January, 1993 being the date upon which this notice was first published in the Oakville Beaver newspaper. JUDITH MUNCASTER TOWN CLERK THE TOWN OF OAKVILLE SCHEDULE "A" Walton Memorial United Church at 2489 LAKESHORE ROAD WEST was built in 1914 as the home of the Methodist (now United) Church community in Bronte and is a reminder of the significant role that the United Church has played in Bronte and is an important link with Bronte‘s past. Walton Memorial United Church was designed by local architect George Burgess and is a good _example of church architecture from the turn of the century. LYON‘S LOG CABIN at Shipyard Park on Oakville Harbour was originally built in the 1820‘s. It is the last vestige of the Village of Vernerville, a small hamlet founded by Sir Frederick Verner in the 1850‘s, and an excellent example of a pioneer log cabin. The form of the building is identical to the original and the new logs and other materials are exact replacements. The stones which act as a supporting wall for the garden at the north side of the cabin were once part of the centre pier of the swing bridge over the Sixteen Mile Creek opened in 1895. OLD MAPLE GROVE SCHOOL ORIGINAL BUILDING â€" c. 1872, 288 MAPLE GROVE DRIVE, is a small frame structure covered in stucco with a medium pitched roof that was built as a oneâ€"room school house. It was built according to a design recommended by Eggerton R{yerson, Superintendent of Education from 1844â€"1876 and founder of a uniform system of public schools in the Province. Although Maple Grove School has undergone substantial additions, the original oneâ€"room school house still exists at the rear of the school and has retained many of its original features. This building presents an important reminder of the origins of education in Oakville and Ontario. 457 MAPLE GROVE DRIVE was built during the mid to late 1850‘s by James Wesley Hill. James and his descendants would occupy the house for over seventyâ€"five years. The main (West) section of the house is a good example of Victorian Gothic Revival. 65 PARK AVENUE was built in 1910 by Francis Coombs. In 1929, the _ house was purchased by Dougall B. McCunn and soon after was occupied by Miss Ruth Lightbourn‘s School. The house was recently restored and represents an excellent example of the Queen Anne cottage style. 85 PARK AVENUE was built in 1905 by George Hughes and remained in the Hughes family until 1947. The house is an excellent example of the Queen Anne cottage style and continues to retain much of its original form and detailing. Significant interior features include a partially exposed lakestone basement, detailed door mouldings and high baseboards. There is also an unusual pocket sliding door in the living room. 1107 REBECCA STREET, the land was patented in 1804 by Margaret Smith, daughter of Robert Campbell, a Sergeantâ€"Major of Butler‘s Rangers during the American Revolution. in 1916, the southerly part of the property was sold to Albert Hitchcox, who shortly thereafter constructed the house which stands today at 1107 Rebecca Street. The Hitchcox family lived in the house for over forty years. The house is a late representation of the simple frame farm houses which were once spread throughout Trafalgar Township. Original features retained include the windows on the east and lower south facing facades, the chimney and the basic form of the house. The front porch with carved wood detailing, although not original, is reminiscent of those constructed in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. 87 REYNOLDS STREET was built for Charles McDermott in 1915 and has remained in the McDermott family since that time. The McDermotts are one of Oakville‘s long established families. Charles was married to the former Agness Connor, the daughter of Jarnes and Catherine Connor, another of Oakville‘s oldest families. The house is a 2¢/: storey red brick residential structure which displays influences of the Edwardian and Queen Anne styles and has been largely unaitered since it was built. It is one of the few buildings of its type within the downtown area. 3128 SENECA DRIVE was built in 1919 by Dalt McDonald, one of Bronte‘s most wellâ€"known shipbuilders, for Fred and Ida Belyea. The house is a good example of the Edwardian Classicism and late =~ Queen Anne styles and is virtually unaltered from the original. It is an important link with Bronte‘s past and is one of the few remaining heritage buildings on the west bank of the Twelve Mile Creek. ORIGINAL c. 1845 SECTION OF THE BUILDING LOCATED AT 134 THOMAS STREET was built by John Brown who was one of the first shoemakers to come to Oakville. The land on which the house stands today was originally owned by William Chisholm as part of his 960 acre purchase from the Crown in 1827 for the town site of Oakville. The house is a representation of the Oakville vernacular style. and features the symmetrical 3 bay facade of the original building and the original 6/6 multiâ€"paned windows.: PARTâ€"TIME day and night (\;VaitIStafl. Needed immeâ€" iately. Apply at Cop Catfe, Bronte/ Speers. £ PARTâ€"TIME | waiter/waiâ€" tress required days, 10 a.m. â€" 2 p.m. Ask for Ron 827â€"7341 domestic help wanted Partâ€"time Job! FREE RENT â€"FREE BOARD Own suite, in exâ€" change for cookâ€" ing, 5 evening meals, plus keepâ€" ing house (for sinâ€" gle father with 2 grown kids.) Liveâ€" in large house with pool, near hospiâ€" tal. Must be nonâ€" smoker, own transport and like pets. 586â€"3791 days. domestic help available CLEANING lady available. Experienced, own transporâ€" tation, references. all 842â€"6826 EUROPEAN cleaning lady available Fridays. Experiâ€" enced. Own transportation. Call 844â€"0821. FOR the best cleaning lad in town, with excellent refâ€" erences, own transportation, please call 336â€"8276. PROFESSIONAL house cleaning, medical offices done by experienced Euâ€" ropean lady. Excellent refâ€" erences from Toronto. 3386â€"9295. | EiEI announcements PROSTATE PROBLEMS? Patients needed to help test a new safe effective drug. Make an appointâ€" ment with _ our research nurse to see if you qualify. Mississauga 897â€"9754 Toronto 971â€"8193 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS drink, your . business. want to quit, ours. 487â€"5591 1â€"522â€"8392 PINK flamingos for rent. Proceeds to support Multiâ€" ple Scierosis Society. 845â€" 8301 TOP well known psychic (John Deere) will hold readâ€" ings in Oakville, for apâ€" pointment call 847â€"6889. business personals wORD PROCESSING Service â€" Resumes, coverâ€" ing letters, reports. Quality work. Reasonable prices. Please call 878â€"5108 f available, wanted URGENT! Urgent! Urgent! Ride wanted from Glen Abbey to Kipling/401 daily. Call, 825â€"8973 evenings. home improvements I ALL RENOVATIONS Additions Bathrooms Painting Electrical Tile Specializing . in basement finishâ€" ing. Free Est. can Peter 402â€"3071 FLOORMASTERS | Harâ€" wood Floor installation, sanding, staining, repairs. Low Prices 10 years exâ€" perience. Call 271â€"7491 REMO Carpentry, finish work, doors, baseboards, rec rooms, etc. Free estiâ€" mates. Reasonable rates. 822â€"6086 WINTER Special $12.50/hr. All forms of _ carâ€" pentry. Home improveâ€" ments, painting, wallpaâ€" pering. 15 years experiâ€" ence. 847â€"5906 USE Visa or MasterCard to pay for your Classified Ad. Call 845â€"2809, CoMmMMuUNITY NoTICES ALLANâ€" Jeff and Stephanie (nee Reidt) are thrilled to announce the birth of their second child, a son Mitchell Blake on January 15, 1993 weighing 10 lbs. 6 ozs. at Clinton Hospiâ€" tal. A little brother for Kirsten. Proud grandâ€" parents are Lyle and Mary Helen Reidt of Oakâ€" ville, Don and Joan Brodie of Bayfield Ontario and Bob and Terri Allan of Clinton. AUKER â€" A brother for Ryan. Edward and Connie (nee Mickley), formerly of Columbus, Ohio, are happy to announce the birth of their second Canadian, Glen Edward, born at Oakâ€" ville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital, on Wednesâ€" day, January 27, 1993, at 5:13 pm., weighing 8 lbs. 3 ozs. and 20 inches long. Proud grandâ€" parents are Joseph and Sylvia Auker, of Colâ€" umbus, Ohio and Glen and Christine Mickley, of Danville, Ohio. Sfiecial thanks to Dr. Glover and Dr. Riley and the special staff at Oakville Hospital. ERKHARDT â€" Andrew and Sandra (nee Lough) give thanks to God for the early and healthy arâ€" rival of 6 Ib. Hannah Emmaline born January 27, 1993 at Kâ€"W Hospital, Kitchener. Very roud grandparents are Margot and Alois Erâ€" Eardt and Norma and Douglas Lough all of Oakâ€" ville. ITS A BOY GREEN â€"Philip and Robyn of Burlington are [')_Ieased to announce the birth of their son, yler Michael born on January 22, 1993 at 9:38 pm., weighing 8 Ibs. 7 1/2 ozs. Proud grandâ€" parents are Bob and Karen Treadaway of Oakâ€" ville and Frank and Joan Green of Milton. Speâ€" cial thanks to Dr. Joshi, Dr Cruz and the staff at O.T.M.H. ITS A BOY KURZ â€" Cathleen Kurz, and her mom and dad Debbie and Tong, are happy to announce the arrival her baby brother Bradley Alan Anthony. Weighing 7 lbs. 4 ozs, Bradiey was born Januâ€" ary 26th, 1993 at Oakvilleâ€"Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. The happy grandparents are Thea and Tony Kurz of Milton, Maureen Deakin of Oakville and Alan Deakin of Boston, MA. Greatâ€"grandparents are Catherine Remmer of Milton, Theodore Willemse of Oakville and Maria Kurz in Germany. P.S. Special thanks to Oma for taking care of me when mommy was in the hospital. MOLTNER â€" Krystin and Shannon have a litâ€" tle baby brother. Bill and Michele (nee Rusâ€" selle) are proud to announce that Scott Camâ€" eron is the newest member of the Moltner household. Born January 30, 1993 at Toronto General Hospital. Scott weighed in at 7 Ibs. 12 ozs. Proud grandparents are Hank and Joan Russelle and Kurt and Barb Moltner all of Oakâ€" ville. |=|:I birthdays birthdays Happy Birthday Way To Go Over the Hill > _ Goes Dear Old Flo 5 "Happy 30th Birthday Sandra" Love: The Carrigan and Cox Clans CLASSIHED + Iia births Iia births . FINAL CASTING ANNOUNCED [ "It‘s A Miracle â€" The Sequel" The role of the Angel will be played by Madeleine Donna Johanna Coulter, 9 lbs. 1 oz., 20" who premiered at 8:53 a.m. Tuesday, January 19, 1993. A coâ€" star for her 2â€"yearâ€"old brother Gerrit, under consideration for double casting, both as "Bobby" and as the Devil. Proud producers are Kenneth Calvin and Gerarda Maryâ€"Ann (nee Gremmen). This project was greeted with applause by Grandparents Donna and Calvin Coulter of Tillsonbourg, Ont./Englewood, Fla.; Leny Gremmen of Oakville, wife of the late Gerry Gremmen; and Greatâ€" Grandmother Johanna Snijders. Thanks to The Lord for blessing us with this gift from Heaven. Thanks also to members of_ the production team: Drs. Ewaschuk, Buba and Trenholm and the backstage crew at OTMH Caseroom/Obs. Y we e we ce we ce e ce e e ce Ifi engagements IEEI engagements HALE â€" GLOVER Colette and Jim Hale of Victoria, B.C. are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter Barbara to Nicholas. Nicholas is the son of Catherine Glover and the late Ronald Glover of Brighton, England. Hale, Jenny, friends and family extend congratulations and wish them much happiness. m _ e _ MERLEVEDE, Roger H. â€" Peacefully at home with his family on Monday, February 1, 1993. Beloved husband of Florence. Lovingly remembered by his children Diane, Rob and Bill. Will be sadly missed by his sister Jane and brother Gus. Fondly remembered by his nieces and nephews and other family and friends. Predeceased by his parents Aime and Marie and his brother George. Visitation was held at the Oakview Funeral Home, 56 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville (one block east of Kerr) 7â€"9 p.m. Thursday. Funeral liturgy 10 o‘clock Friday morning (today) at St. Jame‘s Catholic Church, 231 Morden Road, Oakville. Interment Trafalgar Lawn Cemetery. In lieu of flowers donations to the Canadian ?an_;::er Society would be appreciated by the amily. IE in memoriams lE in memoriams WILSON, Robert (Bobby) â€" In loving memory of my dear son, aged 21 years, who assed away 7 years ago February 8, 1986. hings I feel most deeply Are the hardest thing to say, Dearest Bob | Ioveg you In a very special way. If I could have one lifetime wish, One dream that could come true, I‘d pray to God with all my heart For yesterday and you. Sadly missed by his Mom. * *X * % »% X% % $ ®% * »®% * * L. * * * * has bas us * * * es * * e C MORE CONVENIENCE MORE BUSINESS L ALONE â€" »#ourservice YOU CAN NOW PLACE ‘WORD ADS® 24â€"HOURS A DAY (These are small ads eg. Articles for Sale, Cars for Sale, Daycare etc.) COST: $8.45/15 Words Plus 30¢ each additional word Per Insertion (Maximum 40 words) For Further Classified Information Call 845â€"2809

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