Oakville Beaver, 14 Feb 1993, p. 21

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GENERAL Carpentry. +Home Renovations +Addiâ€" tions +Basements +Kitchens «Bathrooms. Drywall, paintâ€" ing, flooring. Quality workâ€" manship, affordable‘ rates. Canadic 845â€"1968 ALEXANDER‘S RENOâ€" VATIONS Bathrooms, Ceâ€" ramic tiling, Drywall, Paintâ€" ing, Woodwork, Carpeting, Open Weekends. Free esâ€" timates. Call Alex 842â€"9976 FLOORMASTERS Hardâ€" wood Floor installation, sanding, staining, repairs. Low Prices 10 years exâ€" perience. Call 271â€"7491 TOP well known psychic (John Deere) will hold readâ€" ings in Oakville, for apâ€" pointment call 847â€"6889. HONEST single gentleâ€" man, early 60‘s, seeks sinâ€" cere honest lady over 45 for pleasant relationship. Box 136, 125 Cross Ave. Oakâ€" ville L6J 2W8 LOOKING FOR LYNNâ€" friend of Tamara. Call Joe 416â€"529â€"3763. l will perform magic for any ocâ€" casion. Birthday parties, banâ€" ‘quets, table magic and illusion shows. Call Dave McMahon. References. 827â€"1760 619 § BJ business personals business personals Own suite in exâ€" change for cooking, 5 evening meals, plus keepin? house (for single father with 2 grown kids.) Liveâ€"in large house with EAOOI' near hospital. ust be nonâ€"smoker, like pets. 586â€"3791 days‘ 849â€"9557 evg. Know how to cook a 24 ounce Tâ€"Bone to erfection? We‘re lookin for the best darn Line Cooks in town. If you‘re one of those please apé)ly at 157 Cross The Giant Marketplace is looking for an enthusiastic Sales Representative for the Oakville area. Experience is an asset, but we are willing to train right individual. Own car is required. Salâ€" ary, commission, car allowance benefits. Please send resume to: Stacie Roberts Giant Marketplace c/o The Oakville Beaver TG *39, Lawyerâ€"he‘s dynamic, art and loves dancing *44, Cateringâ€"she‘s phy. fit, intelligent,bodacious *54, Professorâ€"will travel, he‘s courteous, husky *28, Real Estateâ€"serious about love, she‘s pretty When romance becomes the most important part of your life, Carrons can make it happen! Burlington (416)335â€"0488 Ham(416)570â€"8783 Oakville(416) 842â€"8396 Toronto(416) 961â€"3283 Job! Perfect as 2nd Job! FREE RENT FREE BOARD ARMADILLO TEXAS GRILL Â¥ Let me be your Valentine® §}} sales help agents _ ReW{0 B sales help agents Ave. (across from Go Station) Partâ€"time personals Kitchener/Cambridge (519) 658â€"2134 domestic help ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVE WANTED! NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, Ont L6K 3S4 Exclusively for unattached adults RESTORATIONS. Speâ€" cializing in restoring motherâ€" ofâ€"pearl, bone and ivory inlay work on ‘screens and furniture. 827â€"5164 REMO Carpentry, finish work, doors, baseboards, rec rooms, etc. Free estiâ€" mates. Reasonable rates. 822â€"6086 CUSTOM CARPENTRY Renovations â€" rec rooms, kitchens, full basement renâ€" ovations, drywall and framâ€" ing. Reliable, dependable. Reasonable rates. Call 338â€" up to 1 pound per darg by using 100% natural herbal products. Nurse 842â€"2500. WEIGHT MONITORâ€"Lose A variety of new treatments availâ€" able including new investigational drug studies. EXPERIENCED, INâ€" SURED cleaning lady with own transportation. Call 829â€"5478, leave message. FOR the best cleaning lad in town, with excellent refâ€" erences, own transportation, please call 336â€"8276. EXPERIENCED honest, reliable cleaning lady availâ€" able with own transportaâ€" tion. Please call 844â€"1334 after 4 p.m. CALL for an appointment with our research nurse Mississauga 897â€"9754 Toronto 971â€"8193 EXPERIENCEDcleaning lady available, will do launâ€" dry and ironing, insured, own transportation. Oakville references.Leave message. 338â€"1316. CLEANING lady available to help you around your home. Reliable, reasonable. Leave message 842â€"4229 leave message CLEANING lady, houses/offices experienced references, own transportaâ€" tion, Mondag to Friday. Please call 842â€"0859 or ALINA‘S Cleaning Servâ€" ices. Houses/Apartâ€" ments/Offices. Low prices, highest quality. Fully inâ€" sured, references available. 855â€"0557 0 § home improvements personals domestic help available TUTOR all ages, all subâ€" jects including French. Uniâ€" versity ~degree: Flexible Hours, 842â€"2119. +A age (BB Pianos). Reaâ€" sonable ratesâ€" Seniors 5% discount. Piano specialists. Free estimates. 333â€"1933 Burlington or 842â€"8199 Oakville. EXCELLENT _ Specialâ€" ized Math Tutoring â€" all levâ€" els, OAC, calculus, Finite math, trigonometry, algebra, university calculus. 823â€" 6767 ADVANCE MOVING Storâ€" BUDGET Movers. Two professional men $40/hr. inâ€" cludes gas, equipment, mileage, insurance. Free estimates. 829â€"2320 24‘ and 17‘ trucks with two men, $42 /hour. 3 men $52/ hour. Insured. 847â€"1378. ANNE‘S EXPERT Wallpaâ€" peringâ€"painting decoratâ€" ing. Reasonable rates. For free estimates call, 639â€" 0893 LAID Off Painter needs work. Free Estimates, Reaâ€" sonable Rates. Call Starr, 338â€"5228. GERRARD,William H. "Sonny" â€" (A reâ€" tired employee of General Tower Monsanto Diâ€" vision). On Thursday, February 11, 1993 at Oakville Lifecare Centre._Sonny Gerrard, beâ€" loved husband of Fanny Trowbridge. Dear faâ€" ther of Richard Gerrard and his wife Dorothy. Dear grandfather of "Richie" Richard Gerrard, Marvin, Kim and Debbie and greatâ€"grandfather to many. Dear brother of Elsie Houghton of Burlington, Phylis Lewis of Perkinsfield, Onâ€" tario, Millie Ashbridge, Lillian Ashford, Marie Dunnet all of Oakville and the late Viola Sorâ€" enson and H. Frank Gerrard. Loved uncle of Barb West. Visitation was held at the Oakview Funeral Home, 56 Lakeshore Rd. W., Oakville (I block east of Kerr) from 12 o‘clock Saturday. Funeral service was held | o‘clock Saturday afternoon. Cremation. Remembrances may be made to the Parkinson‘s Foundation or Alzheimer Society. JUNK pickâ€"up. Man with 2 trucks will haul away junk and used furniture, small moves. Free estimate. 634â€"5072 EXPERIENCED in Carâ€" pentry and Electrical. Small Jobs welcome. Rec Room Renovations, any size. Free Estimates. Call 279â€"4891. Nothing can ever take away The love the heart holds dear, Fond memories linger every day Remembrance keeps you near. PERSONAL SERVICES. Errands, appointment reâ€" minders, transportation, etc. (Reierances) Oakville, 842â€"2119. husband Reg who passed away February 15, 1984 EVERSHED â€" In loving memory of my dear ALL FORMS OF _ carpenâ€" try. Home |mprovements painting, wallpaperin years experience. mter Special $12.50/hr. 847â€"5906 IRWIN/RUSSELL â€" Heather Anne and Scott are happy to announce the birth of their first child, a son, Matthew Robert Irwin Russell, on January 24, 1993 weighing 8 lbs. 15 oz. at Women‘s College Hospital, Toronto. Proud %randparents are Marian and Robert Russell of akville, Heather Sutherland of Washington, D.C. and Garnet and Hal Irwin of Edmonton, Alâ€" berta. ITS A BOY HYDE â€" Kevin and Sharon (nee Poplar) are thrilled to annouce the arrival of Dylan Thomas on February 4, 1993 at 2:59 a.m. weighing 8 lbs. 1 1/2 ozs. Proud grandparents Jean and Jule Hyde of Oakville and Ted and Wanda Popâ€" lar of Grand Bend. Our thanks to Dr. Joshi and the staff at O.T.M.H. John are happy to annnounce the arrrival of their daughter, aroltne born February 7, 1993 in New York. fipy grand arents are Paul and Dorothy Fleischauer, of Pennsylvania and Mrs. Mollie McEnery, of Oakville. ‘A first couâ€" sin for Conor James McEnery. FLEISCHAUERâ€"MCENERY â€" Sheila and sW in memoriams esY in memoriams 0) B household services childcare available _ moving storage painting decorating deaths We will meet again love Audrey RELIABLE experienced loving daycare. Oakville Place area (Ridge). Babies welcome. Crafts, library, ‘parks. Referencées. *814â€"7185° ®1 T P RELIABLE daycare proâ€" vided in my home. Lots of TLC. Referances available. Trafaigar and Upper Middle. Please call 844â€"8545. SHERWOOD HEIGHTSâ€" daycare available in my home, very caring and lovâ€" ing atmosphere.829â€"4011 STRUCTURED childcare in my home, Bronte area, close to GO. Activity room, balanced meals, healthy snacks. 18 months to 4 years old. Call 847â€"2905. will provide childcare in my home. Nonâ€"smoker. Safe/loving environment, meals provided, 6 months plus, River Oaks/6th Line. 844â€"1465 EXPERIENCED mother of 2 would like to babysit your child. Available Full or Partâ€" time. Any age. Will provide food, TLC and lots of toys and games. Please call after 6 pm. 338â€"5183 or 844â€"6593. Northwest Glen Abbey 827â€"8115 CHILDCARE, Region ap proved. Babies welcome References and receipts 827â€"9307 DAYCARE available in m home for 3 to 5 year old. CHILDCARE WOES? Esâ€" tablished happy home dayâ€" care has fullâ€"time openings for toddlers, preschoolers. Experienced, reliable. Reâ€" ceipts, references. Upper Middle/Sixth Line. 844â€"7729 1 will help students, grades 2 to 12 with their French lessâ€" ons. Reasonable rates. Need Help With French? Call 825â€"0012 anytime 0B childcare available private tuitions/schools Community Visiting Care Oakville). Visiting Nurse 24 Hours) 7 days per week. Baby to Senior, all ages. 847â€"2919. MOTHER‘S HELPER wanted on short term basis for childcare and houseâ€" work. Hours flexible (dayâ€" time required). No ilegals; mature, experienced indiâ€" vidual required. 845â€"7489. I‘M a working Mother reâ€" quiring loving daycare in my home for my 3 year and 11 month old Monday to Friâ€" day. Please call after 6:30 pm 847â€"3994. OUR 4 sons, ages 9, 7, 3, and 2 months are looking for new babysitter, our home, 5 days/ week, startâ€" ing March 1st,. If you are mature, caring, funâ€"loving, like to swim but don‘t smoke, have your own car, call 842â€"6541 NANNY for 3 children, 2 preschoolers, liveâ€"out, Glen Abbey area, pet lover, refâ€" erences, will consider mothâ€" er with one child. Mrs. Zarâ€" do, 849â€"3269. LOW cost, high quality dayâ€" care, my home, mid March, one year and older, River Oaks. 842â€"7019. CHILDCARE needed, my home, one girl 5 1/2yrs., part time Monâ€"Fri 8amâ€"1pm, nonâ€" smoker. Rebecca/Kerr Street. 338â€"5013 in my home. 6 mths plus. Sherwood Heights, receipts, references if needed. 829â€"2125 CARING and energetic perâ€" son required 3 days/ week in our home to help care for infant. Wed. â€" Fri. Approx. 3 hours/ day. Nonâ€"smoker. Own transportation. 8th Line/ Upper Middle area. 845â€"1406 LOVING, reliable daycare QUALITY full time daycare, Monday to Friday in m home Lakeshore/Burloa! area. 2 snacks, hot lunches, lots of activities. Receipts and references available. Smoke free environment. 634â€"0924 * Professionally Prepared Personal Tax Returns * Tax Planning Financial Advice for Individuals Corporations For Professional, clientâ€"centred service CALL845â€"5585 For further information please call For 1993â€"94 School Year When: Saturday, February 27th 9:30 amâ€" 10:30 am â€"â€" Inâ€"House Registration 10:30 amâ€" 11:30 am â€" Alum. Registration (for those who have had children enrolled in past yéérs) nursery schools ST HILDA‘S COâ€"OPERATIVE PRESCHOOL REGISTRATION Joe Sinkovie 1258 Rebecca Street We Welcome Ages 2 1/2 â€" 5 Years For More Information Contact: Mary Gail Vowell _ 847â€"7051 GENERAL REGISTRATION AND OPEN HOUSE March 6th 9:30 am â€" 12 Noon The Oakville Beaver Infoâ€"Source division. Where: St. Hilda‘s Coâ€"Operative Preschool! (parking behind St. Hilda‘s Church) childcare wanted I I NF O S DIAL A NURSE Consultâ€" ACCOUNTING, Bookâ€" keeping and Tax Services by qualified and experiâ€" enced CMA. Reasonable fees. Call 338â€"0256 Available for all your typing needs, resumes, manuâ€" scripts, school f)rojects etc. $3.00/page. Call 338â€"3989, Cantrax â€" Properties â€" We manage Commercial and Residential Properties in Oakville and Throughout Ontario. Rent Collection, Tenant Eviction, General Maintenance and Renovaâ€" tions. For Quality Service and _ Excellent Rates. 847â€"2750. CONTRACTS wanted for cleanm% offices, banks, etc. 774. Leave message NANNY Wanted â€" loving ene getlc to care for 2 boys, 3 1/2 years and 8 months starting midâ€"March. Non smoker, references. 847â€"0577 anytime DAYTIME nanny needed immediately to look after 4 well behaved children, 2 are 1/2 day preâ€"schoolers and 2 at home full days. Please call 844â€"4963. SITTER required for 4 days during March Break, March 16 to 19, to care for 20 month old and 7 year old. Bronte area. Please call 338â€"9644, evenings, 825â€"2335. Well referenced Nannies from Queâ€" bec. Summer and year round placeâ€" ments. (519) 925â€"5333 ‘Yâ€"4§ Business available, wanted childcare wanted nursery schools nursery schools......... childcare available. ChiIOCBTG@ 775 nannies, available wanted... § driving schools.......... insurance........... business services.. professional directory chartered accountants.. tax financial directory rentals outside Canada... mobile homes parks. campers, trailers, sites. campers, trailers... camping equipment.. sports equipment.. boats supplies... snowmobiles..... pools supplies resorts, camps... 1ravel........:...:s... hobbies crafts women‘s column MERCHANDISE 300 articles for sale.. 3 articles wanted.. craft sales.......... garage/yard sales. auctions, sales.. firewood...... Christmas tr baby needs........ industrial equipment. computer/video..... t.v., radio, stereo... musical instruments. pets, supplies........ horses livestock. kennels/boarding.. hay feed...... photography... swap trade..... tickets for events...... AUTOMART cars for sale... 400 cars wanted... 405 trucks for sale trucks wanted.... vans, 4â€"wheel drive.. sports cars......... 425 antique cars.. 430 motorcycles ....... 435 auto parts, supplies repalrs auto leasing, rentals........ AUIO .. 450 garage storage space......................... 455 HELP WANTED CATOOY WAININQ.â€".:.. ..1. se s 500 career counselling resumes s p. computer/data processing... office help..................... sales help agents...... hospital, medical, dental.. hotel/restaurant............ teaching opportunities.. .. 045 partâ€"time help............ domestic help wanted.. domestic help available... partâ€"time seasonal help... volunteers.......... employment wan .. 570 COMMUNITY NOTIC NONCIGTS. :. 2:10.3 +700 :snr is 600 legal notices... 605 ublic notices. 610 irths........... 615 adoptions.... 620 engagements..... 625 forthcoming marriages. marriages........... . 635 anniversaries.. .. 640 deaths.. ..645 obituarie .. 650 in memori 655 cards of thanks.. funeral directors. cemetery plots... 670 announcements. ..675 coming events. .. 680 personals.... .. 685 birthdays............ .. 690 business personals... amusements, clubs... companions....... liaison services...... 108L TOUNC.1... 2101 SERVICES home improvements............... household services... handyman.............. moving storage... drapes, upholstery. dressmaking, tailoring... flooring, carpeting................ gardening, supplies landscaping snow removal. catering.... rentals...... house petsitting is music, dancing dramatic instruction....755 private tuitions/SCchO0lS........................... 760 nursery schools.. business orportunities mongage RENT apartments flats for rent..... apartments flats wanted.. condomiums for rent.... houses for rent..... townhouses for rent. housing wanted to re rooms for rent wanted..... room board available wanted shared accommodation...... retirement living.... halls lodges....... LEISURE LIVING vacation properties. apartments/condos for sale....... farms for sale, rent wanted. outâ€"ofâ€"town properties.. property outside Canad housing wanted.... lots acreages..... investment/business properties industrial/commercial space.. office business space......... stores for sale, rent wanted REAL ESTATE houses for sale...................... townhouses for sale.. vailable wanted... esumes..

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