Countrywide Town Centre Realty Inc. Oakville Town C z4@ D D ' | U JP â€".7 i C €0 €0x+â€"â€" ind y ao y wisl mc \¢ Bs s Aic sc B5 < Wce 115.E C mc llge ar |i!'!a'.i _ k on e ecommmtatiemmme ) Nesn _ _ t m | _ e â€" Ti |~â€"==#2 s * ALLAN BAIN*** + HARVEY GOODBRAND*** â€" DAVID BARRET* + DAN COOPER** â€" RICK CRAWLEY* WENDY FARROW* â€" HEATHER FENTON* + IRENE FERRI* + KEN FORBES* + LINDA JOAKIM* MARY KELLY* + JEAN KENNEDY* + MARK KIRTON* + JENNY KOTULAK*â€" BILL MARSHALL* MARGARET McCARRON* + PAUL McCUAIG* + BARBARA MURPHY** â€" JEFF PEARCY* LLOYD PHINNEY* + ED PUNKRIS* +« CAROLYN PYLYPIAK * â€" CATHERINE SMITH* RUSSELL SMITH* + JUNE SMITH* + ALBERT VENDITTI* Not intended to solicit properties already listed for sale. ***Broker **Associate Broker *Sales Representative I f you want your home sold, you‘ll want to talk to Oakville‘s busiest realtors. You‘ll find there is a difference at Countrywide. And the difference is results! Let us put our next sold sign on your lawn. Flad Next, please > Just call Countrywide. 338â€"6550 entre | 280 North Service Road West Oakville, Ohtarlo. L6M 2582 1 W