Upper Middle Road 8th Line LATELIER GRIGORIAN 294 LAKESHORE ROAD EAST 845â€"5542 DISTINCTIVE RECORDINGS OF FINE MUSIC THE TOWNE SQUARE 210 LAKESHORE RD., E. OAKVILLE, ONTARIO L6J IH8 416â€"338â€"2360 FAX: 416â€"845â€"7509 SS 4 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU "THE STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE® 844â€"6061 Store Hours: Mon.â€"Fri. 9:30â€"9:00 Saturday 9:30â€"6:00 Sunday 12 Noonâ€"5:00 p.m. We Know Home Match Works Chevroletâ€"Geoâ€"Olsdmobile 574 Trafalgar Rd. your money‘s worth...and more 874 SINCLAIR RD., OAKVILLE April Is Cancer Month Oakville Unit Blitz April 13â€"18th In Oakville, funds raised are directed to patient services and community education. Patient services, for example, involves transporting local patients to ) cancer centres, and providing financial assistance for dressings, drugs and medical iz equipment. A donation of $100 covers the transportation costs for one atients‘ treatment _ / or 12 months. A $500 donation pays for prescription drugs for one patient for one l > year, which is ‘ important considering many special treatment drugs are not covered by OHIP or personal plans. Also, any Oakville cancer patient can receive $75 from the Unit to help cover the cost of a wig. Please Greet our canvassers with a smile and a donation. This message has been brought to you by these community minded businesses. CANADIAN CANCER SERVING OAKVILLE FOR OVER 30 YEARS Monday to Friday 10 a m.â€"9 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m.â€"6 p.m. Sunday 12 noonâ€"5 p.m.* (*Not all stores may be open) Located at 3rd Line Rebecca in Oakville * Telephone 827â€"0229 OAKVILLE PLACE 842â€"3730 HOPEDALE MALL 827â€"4141 OAKTOWN SHOPPING PLAZA 845â€"6674 Open till midnight UPPER OAKVILLE SHOPPING CENTRE 842â€"3934 Everything you want in a drugstore. 8A19â€"1126 8274445 Hopedale Maill * FREE medical delivery * Health watch system * Computerized patient profiles 467 SPEERS RD., OAKVILLE 845â€"3824 LOCKWOOD CHRYSLER HE OAKVILL] Realty Corp. 418â€"2 North Service Road E. 842â€"7000 Dorval Bronte 175 WYECROFT RD., OAKVILLE 845â€"6653 60 Lakeshore Road W.