Dest New Home Value of the Year! ame out and see for yourself why Westwood in Glen Abbey 1Heruont 82 7â€"0884 SALES OFFICE HOURS Mon. â€" Thurs. 1â€"8 pm Sat. Sun. 12â€"6 pm Feel it â€" Touch it â€" Walk it!! WALK THROUGH OUR "DESIGN EINALIST" MODEL HOME AND EXPERIENCE THE EXCITEMENT "¢A1 *Based on The Greater Toronto Home Builder‘s Grand Sam awarded to Multi Area Developments, March 26, 1993 Prices and specifications subject to change without notice. LO.£. QON TO TODAY! * Facilitate small business financing: From curtailing profitâ€"insensitive payroll and property taxes to increasing the availability _ of equity and debt capital, the financing barrier for small firms is towering and must be broucht down. +â€"Fix the GST c o m p l i a n ce problems: â€" With every GST dollar an entrepreneur takes in for the government, 20 cents is spent complying with this complex tax â€" in its current form, the GST 1s an expensive small business nichtmare; *~Reduce ~the regulatory burden: Small _ business owners often wonder if they went into business to sit at a desk and fill out government forms. The paperâ€"burden and _ regulatory environment has reached mammoth proportions â€" reduction and efficiency must be the objective now; * Alleviate the tax burden: Small firms consistently cite taxes (at every level of government) as their most serious concern and block to expansion and job creation â€" relief is needed immediately; Entrepreneurs can‘t do it alone, however. All the guts and grit in the world won‘t overcome the barriers to entrepreneurial initiative _ which currently exist in Canada.; In ‘its federal preâ€"budget submission, _ the Canadian Federation of _ Independent Business highlighted the barriers small businesses are finding impossible to _ hurdle. In summary, here‘s what needs to be done: Small business has been the focus of a great deal of attention lately; this dynamic sector is being counted on for a breakout of this stubborn recession. Neither big business, big labor, nor government have the means to drive the economy forward â€" only the guts and grit of Canada‘s i n depe n d en t entrepreneurs can rally the economy. By MICHAEL WYCKS Special to the Beaver Business must lead recovery CFIB Feature Service.