Oakville Beaver, 21 Apr 1993, p. 7

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That became clear on the afternoon of Friday, April 2nd, when the three major political parties got together and rammed through the House of Commons an electoral gag law which will stifle our freedoms of speech and association during elections â€" the most critical period in a democracy. * This gag law threatens citizens with up to five years imprisonment if they independently spend more than $1,000 â€" individually or as a group â€" to support or oppose parties or candiâ€" dates during federal elections. To most Canadians, this Iaw would represent a draconian attack on freeâ€" dom. To politicians, however, it‘s simâ€" ply a way to control the political debate. The gag law will make federal elections a virtual closed shop for proâ€" fessional politicians... a monopoly for parties. All independent voices will effectively be silenced. Fortunately, this antiâ€"democratic law can still be stopped. Supported by The National Citizens‘ Coalition, 1 launched a constitutional court chalâ€" Dear Sir: It‘s sad to admit but the Ottawa political establishment has little respect for our fundamental freedoms. Gag law will control political debate My daughter was listening avidly to the radio as we heard the sobering news of the unrest in South Africa as a result of the death of black activist Chris Hani. If you have any questions about fire safety, don‘t hesitate to contact the Fire Prevention Bureau of the Oakville Fire Department at 338â€"4404. They will be happy to assist you. They would probably list it, in a smug kind of way, as one of those "chalâ€" lenges®" parents face at different times. There we sat, for much longer than my patience demhands, as I drummed the steering wheel waiting for the traffic to move. When you are doing your spring cleaning, it might be a good idea to check your home for any electrical hazards. Check all electrical cords connected to lamps and other appliances for wear and tear. Replace all cords that are worn or damaged. The Oakville Fire Department recommends that you make sure that extension cords are not placed under rugs, stapled to the wall or hung over nails. The insulation could deteriorate, exposing live wires. On MAY 1, 1993, Byâ€"Law 1992â€"226 â€" to establish rules and regulations for Town of Oakville Cemeteries â€" will be implemented. Cemetery staff will be working hard to enforce these byâ€"laws for the Oakville Cemeteries to improve the beauty and peaceful surroundings for visitors, as well as to improve the operation of the cemeteries in general. Any persons interested in obtaining a copy of this byâ€"law may make inquiries at the Oakville Municipal Buildin_?, Parks and Recreation Department, 1225 Trafalgar Road, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday. Telephone 338â€"4236. © PER B PECCCC PV TOCe NUTY care and parenting experts handled my little problem a along, the sunroof open just breath of fresh air. Thev would probablv | old Simple views of a child score a direct political hit April SEALED PROPOSALS for the above will be received by the Town Clerk, on or before 12:00 NOON, local time, Address: 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville or by mail to: P.O. Box 310, Oakville, Ontario L6J 5A6 Specifications, Proposal Forms and Proposal Envelopes are available at the office of the undersigned. The Corporation reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and the lowest or highest as the case may be will not necessarily be accepted. R.J. Cournoyer, C.1.M., P. Mgr. Director, Purchasing & Office Services A MESSAGE FROM YOUR OAKVILLE FIRE DEPARTMENT SPRING CLEANUP PROPOSAL FOR EXTERNAL AUDIT SERVICES ROPOSAL NUMBER PROPâ€"10â€"93 Â¥ [ JiNCumnes it s unsetting to see an | sttR ' often incomprehensible world l M through the eyes of a five year § * es And I have no idea how those childâ€" § & b \\\\‘\\ : and parenting experts would have ® s y 'ane i dled my little problem as we drove EC z_ ,‘ HART f § ig, the sunroof open just enjoying a s COMMENT ometimes it‘s unsettling to often incomprehensible through the eves of a fiv OAKVILLE CEMETERIES NOTICE 199 TUESDAY, JUNE 1, 1993 And I was again hesitating about just how much world stuff can be thrown on the shoulders of a soon to be six year old. Kate is a kid who would wake up five or six times in the night worrying about a ladybug trapped in the mud. In the warm sun, on a crowded Oakville road, the tragic events unfoldâ€" ing in South Africa seemed far away. But to Kate, it all seemed real. She asked the first seemingly innocuous question, something about what was going on in South Africa. Letters to the editor 1225 TRAFALGAR ROAD + OAKVILLE, ONTARIO + L6J 5A6 Monday, April 26, 1993 Planning & Dovomtu 7:30 p.m. Council Tuesday, April 27, 1993 Commn%Semoes Commitiee 7:30 p.m. Oakvilie Room Tuesday, April 27,1993 Administrative Services Committee 7:30 p.m. Traftaigar Room Wednesday, April 28, 1993 Special Meeting of Counci COUNCIL & STANDING COMMITTEE MEETINGS hfi.. e PR g j For More Information C * . Call 338â€"4236 C ?"’ 4 NY . 4 Aue es PA E â€" e >3 \»» + "7.-"1.‘: \?: os* 9’%: : “ c ,,‘:;-4*715'4 yA" sc * t uy P SA e : egee. OB â€" "~aax * }: ‘.‘:‘j"fi'fi * 4 * ragasie. . smy s f Tok o t kikgreP â€" & it io: rge . =» P # < s ~ 05. B!Z%‘-f- * Â¥ & Please note the date of the Transit Advisory Committee Meeting, as published in the Town of Oakville‘s April Calendar of Events, has been changed from Wednesday, April 21st, 1993 to Wednesday, April 28th, 1993. The meeting will still commence at 7:30 p.m., in the Oakville Room, at the Town Hall, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville. MEETING DATE CHANGE = TRANSIT ADVISORY COMMITTEE TOWN OF OAKVILLE s45sâ€"ss01 Did you know that the Town of Oakville operates and maintains both St. Jude‘s and Trafalgar Lawn Cemeteries in your community? Our courteous staff are sensitive to you needs and we can assist you in making your arrangements. _ ie CALENDAR OF TOWN HALL MEETINGS s PuUD sweeping across south Atrica. "And so â€" to show they are unhappy and because it is important to let people in government know you are unhappy," said I, rather portentously, "then they hold what is called a demonstration." I figured I was doing beautifully. You know, Apartheid, in six notâ€"soâ€"easy lessons. And throw in a little good old [ bEetiuni® c t imeipS tal \NHEW/ REminD ME To PuT you A_ ON THE SCALES WHEN We aET « LAAADM 7A A 4/ ‘ ‘"Many people are very unhappy in South Africa," said I, making what is probably the understatement of the year. Glossing over the assassination of Hani, I ventured into the violence that was sweeping across South Africa. "And so â€" to show they are unhappy and because it is important to let people What in the world would she do about South Africa? of the inequities and injustices e U p.m. Council Chamber ON THE SCALES WHEN We GET ~â€"â€"â€"â€"yh _‘ HOME, SAMMY,. THE OAKVILLE BEAVER 2. Residents must have lived in the Town of Oakville for fifty consecutive years (not necessarily at the same address), including Military Service. 3. Persons who live within the current boundaries of the Town of Oakville are eligible. (ie. Bronte, Trafalgar, Palermo, etc.) 4. Applications must be received by the Mayor‘s Office, 1225 Trafalgar Rd., Oakville L6J 5A6 or the Senior Citizens‘ Recreation Centres, 263 Kerr St., Oakville L6K 3B4 or the Sir John Colborne Recreation Centre, 1565 Old Lakeshore Rd., Oakville L6L 6N1 by Friday, May 7, 1993. 5. For further information call 825â€"9805. ‘ Qualified applicants will be invited to attend a special ceremony on Tuesday, gunga 1, 1993 at 7:30 p.m. at the Sir John Colborne Recreation Centre for eniors. Brief history of resident‘s past 50 years in Oakville: (Include past addresses, places of employment, time away from Oakville for Military Service, etc.) Use additional page if more space is required. Telephone Number Full Name of Resident Present Address: Applicants must be current residents of the Town of Oakville. Now I could see that to a five year old, it didn‘t make a whole lot of sense. It didn‘t make a whole lot of sense to me. So I vaguely said something about the government in charge there not being so good and the president should not be in his job. ‘"But can‘t people vote him away?" she queried. I had to give the kid top marks for tenacity. Even then, I was fashioned activism for good measure. "But how did 17 people die? And why did police shoot?" she asked, puzâ€" zled, the worry lines already beginning to appear on her forehead. Well, said I, not feeling so confident, already cursing the ever so detailed news reports on the radio which normalâ€" ly I applaud. â€" "Things got a little out of hand and the police that were there, began to shoot the unhappy people." FIFTY YEAR RESIDENT APPLICATION FORM 1993 Number of years resided in Oakville: How to explain to her a country where the black majority can‘t even vote? So I said, probably uselessly, that in that country many people can‘t vote; that we were lucky here to always be able to vote and tell people what we think. Or words to that effect, anyways. She looked unconvinced. She sat a sense of a country where people are treated unfairly solely to the color of their skin? How to explain blowing peoâ€" ple away; police opening fire on a crowd; a country so full of rage it is explosive? Just how to explain South Africa with all its complexities to a five year old whose notion of decency and fairâ€" ness is already a part of her makeâ€"up? starting to squirm a little...how to explain the unexplainable? How to give Date of Birth: ‘Oakyille‘s Award Winning Community Newspaper WMW&AMZ&W;Q Postal Code 418â€"2 Morth Service Ra. 6. B42â€"7000 C) F M O H CHARITABLE CORPORATION and there thinking for awhile as her brother â€" ever the man with insightful comments about world affairs â€" started talking about people in Africa being naked. That kind of thing I can handle. So much for South Africa. [E OAKVILLE ] For goodness sake is brought to you courtesy of the I w dn Sales Representative by Steve Nease PW . whh rICe pminitMindhonatir * 2 \UI? 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