9 Some helpful home water saving tips l (6,000 gallons) per year. . Conventional toilets use as much as 20 litres per flush. By comparison, water- saver toilets use less than 13.25 litres, and low-consumption toilets use six litres or less. Other water-conserving products include low-consumption residential uri- nals (3-6 litres per flush), and composting, incinerating. and chemical toilets. . It is estimated that the payback period for shower heads is a couple of months while a low-consumption toilet will pay for itself in a few years. . A range of water-conserving kitchen and bathroom fittings are available featur- ing flow regulators that can significantly reduce water and hot water heating costs. . A new generation of water-conserv- ing dishwashers and clothes washers is entering the marketplace, many of them fashioned, in the style of European appli- ances such as front-loading cléthes Wish ers. Call the Greater Toronto Home Builders' Association Housing Information Line, 39l-HOME for more information.