"Prospective home buyers will find many opportunities to make their dreams of homeownership come true," says Murray Koebel, president of the Greater Toronto Home Builders' Association (GTHBA). There is a plentiful supply of housing and a wide range of new housing choices and options. Many builders are providing attractive financing options, and most new home purchasers quali- fy for the federal government's GST rebate. Affordable ownership - Today's marketplace offers great benefits to the homebuyer. Housing prices have stabilized. ANN $Wt2.ErMtsPBREM)A NEWEU W1 magmas; Circa 1887. Larger than worth seeing. dream home l further informan JUST LISTED PRIME WEST OAK TRAILS $360 00?! ‘wmmx’ an Old OaKVIHe UV 't""fi" = WALES CR Ji,),?),'?,!!,',,??,?,:,?,', 's, 'iyf,i',t,?iifji, Baum. '8'J/lg 9,000. Mo CONNELLW, JANE LUMBERS1 on PHYLLIS NICHOLSON' EXCLUSIVE CHARTIM Exquste resudenoe. gracious gourmet kit., handsome ibrmy I room. stunning master suite. 5129 ANN SINH'EHURST‘ 8446061 ow mortgage interest FORD O'BRIEN‘ 844-6061 ft?N?p'BRIEN' 8444i061 I i. PHYLUS N|CHOLSON° 844Ai061 on please ca â€"â€"_â€" Mes 'enovated famit have significantly reduced the cost of buying a house, and flexi- ble mortgage options allow home- buyers to select the type of mort- gage that is best suited to their needs and goals. Under this program, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation has reduced the mini- mum downpayment for federally insured mortgages to 5% for first- time homebuyers, insuring up to 95% of a new home's lending value. The deadline for making RRSP withdrawals under another First-time buyers can also ben- efit from the First Home Loan Insurance program. I I $399rMtrtETiiatii" iirtrde7iy.' 12175? p perry with second age which would perfect 1Ul'lfld11X'l, CIose to dwntwn 189K HOME OF THE WEEK WWW! JANE LUMBERS' 844Ai061 EDNA KING' 8446061 i.llp%N)iUA'l2rf, Hanover kit. new bath. ve â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€" "_-------.---, " federal program - the Home Buyer's Plan - has recently been extended to March I, 1994. Consumers can borrow as much as $20.00 tax-free ($40,000 for couples) from their own RRSP funds for the downpayment and closing costs on a home. Repayments of the funds to the RRSP can be made in equal instalments over 15 years com- mencing in 1995. For more information on the Home Buyers' Plan, call the Greater Toronto Home Builders' Association, 39l-HOME and ask for a copy of our brochure "The RRSP Home Buyers' Plan: Does it work for you?" bun $599 court TAKE LOOK._|T‘S WOW! $339,000. , I In every way, locahon. condition of home, spectacuar get/pod. priv. " Owner wants offer. 8M f8 Salesman“; 300. Very special property of dwntwn. 4 bdrms., sauna, party patio with awning, trees gown. ars'lyl,fa?,gi'/,,ut, ttinqy0uhtrvrrtmmWtyo"rtgforand hugewolllroedpnvawlot. EDNA KING' 844-6061 EDNA KING' 844-6061 EDNA KING' 844-6061 BEVERLY ELUS' Rial fiSTfiTE caREER Local realtor is seeking a registered' Broker/Manager for our Oakvllle Branch. Excellent opportunity for an experienced manager or a candidate seeking a management position. Please forward resume to Box 4348 c/o Oukvillc Beaver 461 sa',,') Road. pakvillc, nturio. 1.6K 33h MS in the tennis REDUCED SOUTH CENTRAL $199,000. Immaculate 3-bdnn., mam Mor addition. 50x135' mature lot, fruit trees, walk to lake, shops, sdtools. ss'ltlih5ikRtE,e.Nl,YMrfilJu'ris $710,000. 3 large potential lots off Lakeshore near Appleby College - 1 .4 acres. $990,000. 9 Acres future devel- opment 2A South of Hwy. 5. s2,tit, EXCLUSIVE 1.1me smiams; warm. m, Sam at weave. Walt D 'Towre" and/or Hamour. 'am rm. w/wet bar and F/P, 3 b acuza, bidet in ensuite. Lake views BEV ELUS' 844-6061 OLD 9AKVlt,LEpJ.PL.EX $219,000. Convert. locauon for hosp. & "GO'. Needs updating. easily restored to sings tam. or used for income. BILL HUMPHREYS" 844-6061 BEV ELLIS" 844Ai061M25-1441 LAND TO BUILD ON! LAND TO INVEST IN! SUSAN FLYNN' 844.6061 BILL HUMPHREYS" 844.6061 Ifi3llirlll'i'ii11 'ais'i and FIP, 3 bdrms m a;