NAVY EDGAR' 338-3r3MM2-9664 RNA Dm' 338-3737M- ttrm ut HARLEY 338-3737m47Ab344 UI HARLEY 338-373MMH364 U? "ARIry' 338-373Mb67NM DELEN SUB? 338-3r3MM9-3666 'til t'1tttl!llr' Il i, Sheny Chris, Sales Manager. is EEmed to .announ.a; that Leanne hmid has 2tid,,,. Royal lti2it'ii 240 No Semoe Road Brand asasales mpresentatwe. Leanne has an impressive real estate t/,t,ggit1gd having beena to ucm nt m Cgmbndge Ontgn'o fifths past several years. Please join us in welcoming Leanne Schrmd to . the Roy LePagrteaminOakville. 240 North Service Rd. Oakville 338-3737 ' Sales Representative .. Associate Broker '_r.R-tEa-Noemsat.tyrsor INCREDIBLE VALUI ROYAL LEPAGE LEANNE SCHMID* mum} 338-3737 Hume Hum Hum Hume Hunt Mhhk‘h' Tim" 'hue' T/UM 153W WM†' m37377m7m U1 HABIT ' 33b3737/867a3" ram SKLK' , 338-373MHF3566 HREN SMUtE" ' 33lr373MU9-3666 3Sr3V3t/r3t-aM6 “HEN 31" _ 336373MH9-3666 â€Muuwm'gm New! mm Branch. 7 A lifetime resident of Oakville, Bill began his mal estate career in I988 m Oakville before moving to Toronto for several years. Bill enco all of his at clients, 'i'llllf,"'lry'.l amuaintagoes to contact him at his new location. Sheny Chris Sales Mana , welcomes Bil} Stone as a 'gig', R teumtative at Roi?! Rial/g6, 2% North Service oad est 240 North Service Rd. Oakville 338-3737 _% Wu H†'Hyaoti1mrsr_rtst'urvrere, Ruby 'i'i_ii.,i,i-,i.,i,li,r:r,tti.rr: 'dl ROYAL LEPAGE DiEiEiTEf LU. l'lj'. BILL SFONE" Milr5Ti Hum Mum 'lllrtrllIrl;lllrlllllllt 240 NORTH SERVICE RD. S,l.5lg,,Syli'illl'iiilil' OAKVILLE mama: 'AUtth ' 33IF373 lhnt Dim: uncanny 910m . 0 mauso- ' 'lldAttgh 33lr373MMS-ttrm 'Gihh' ' IREM CAREY . Gile 33tr3737/338-9M6 HEEN SKUE . ' 33b3737/M9-3666 JEN MAHANNAH" 33b373Mt25-9967 il-i-l-l,)] HEUN gun‘ . 3363 MHF3666 Haas join us in t1gr't'tr,1g Marga to her new career m R Estate Sales. 240 North Service ltd. Oakville 338-3737 'Fa6hatr.R.teEstimt5.rvtsLu.tyrgor wMHHHIH‘H ROYAL LEPAGE MARUA KOLFISAR* EXECUTIVE VALUI ELEGANT LIVIM IDD2hllMIl Ham Hum "une Hume "mes - ' L12 HARLEY' 'Giiltth 338-3737 Gia'" 33mm TM’ EM)? SEW I HARLEY" 336-3737 ':jji,sjItuitt, Jlllliiii 1“ 2ivhiginuicttl,y, relocated .to He m London Ontario, 1ucessfully sold mal estate at Royal bePage's London Wdstrpount Branch. She has an @Xtimgiwe real estate background mcu ng props}? management and propertyren s. LEM SCWID’ 338-3737 Welcome P: AMEIA PBtSAtltr 338-3737 NANCY EDGAR" ' 338-373MM2-91M4 Sherry Chris, Sales Manager, welcomes Pat Bingham as a Sales Rrpp1iqntativé a.t Royal mpg; 240 North Semoe Road West ranch. 3-3-tV3tr7/tM7-a3" 240 North Service Rd. Oakville 338-3737 W L9†Rd at. Sonia-o Lu. Blobr Ill-Ili-ll. 1llllly)1lllllll -. llilllllllylllllll)lll ROYAL LEPAGE PAT BIN( SHAM†INCLUDES UTILITIES 11111101]: LE. OAKVILLI M99.000 S449.000 " "1‘ I) Wu Wm 'Gtiligh ' 'Glilitt' Maid: 95 m D go