entertainmer communications secunty ages to program temperature, high- efficiency appli- ances, lighting. ing systems; home automation pack- vent temperature changes; plywood beams that reduce the need for large dimension lumber. which in tum low- ers demands made on our forests; low- flow plumbing; landscaping with drought-resistant plants; solar cells which provide electrical energy for appliances and heating and cool- ucts such as we andfloor tiles; higl performance win dows that keel heat in, and Dre Environmentall y-sensitive housing is the wave of the future. Here are just a few of the new concepts and products that you can expect to find in your house of the future: cement that uses recycled wood fibre to cre- ate weatherproof. long-lasting prod- The require- ments demanded that competing teams use innova- tive materials and equipment to solve inefficiencies found in conven- tionally-built homes. meet strict environ- mental and energy performance tar- gets. N e s o u r c e s Canadak?ANMET, and constructed to display across the country, were selected through a national competi- tion sponsored by Energy, Mines and Well, thanks to a program called Advanced Houses, this isn't just a pipe dream. Ten " A d v a n c e d Houses How'd you like to cut your water and electricity bills by 75% are possible "Advanced Houses" now on Buildings Group, 580 Booth Mreet, Ottawa, KIA 0E4. CANMET/FNR. If you would like more infor- mation about the conference or the Houses program, please contact t. n e r g y Technology (CAN- MET) of Energy, Mines and Resources Canada It is delivered in partnership with the Canadian Home Builders' Association. Canada's build- ing industry is an enthusiastic partici- pant in the Advanced Houses program, which, as part of Canada's Green Plan, is sponsored by the Canada Centre for Mineral and ROBIN POPE 844-5000 A 1k suttortgroup-peopopmpertiesinc tyresentaiivt