t‘ne years ago, a group ot Bronte businesses got together and formed a Business Improvement Area (BIA), a cooperative body dedicated top improv- ing the appearance and the attractive- ness of the area from a business standpoint. "We named to make Bronte a nicer and more pmtitahle place to do business in," says Bill Morgan, owner of Ducks Bronte Harbor and current chairman of the BIA, The first step the BIA took was to create Canada Day activities in the area. Next they mounted lighted wreaths dur- ing Christmas. and then large tlower planters were placed at curbside in the summer, Along with these beautifica- tion steps came the approval to be open for statutory holidays because the many specialty stores attract tourists. and to counteract the heavy corss-border shop- ping. WWW BIA makes strides iir'"iiiiifrove shopping atmosphere' Special to the Beaver 1h SH“ " SANDERS (ERICI'IR June 2416 Marine Drive Oakville, Ontario L6L 1C7 Jantzenv We're the only of Oakville open for . Warm, friendly atmosphere . Delicious food (authentic' British tastes from back 'ome) 825-8940 '/i,f,'ier There’s never been a better tune to «Q NO Tel. 827-001 0 . -- t Pw . '." ' rum V I ["Hfa“;l§*fu.; _ Hm roup of Bronte 2432 Lakeshore Rd ittti1i'ii?i-i-i "Ihe BIA also gives you the oppor- tunity to meet other businesses in Bronte which make up a good chunk of open n these holidays," says Morgan, “and we're one of thine auras in all of Halton Commas M0p.rn. 20f?ljhshom.l?.d, W. 827-6566 mgr A Hair Care Affair For Ladies d) Men AlsoA Foot Care Cent)? J9!!! m cum Every business in the BIA is required to pay a levy to the town based on the assessed value of the property they occupy. The BIA board of direc» tors, made up of 13 local business own- ers and one town Councillor, submit a budget to the town for approval, the town collects the levies which have been determined by this budget, and the your business," says Schroeder, "l)uring econonne times when things are rough, it's important tor businesses to pull together and shine customers†This year, Morgan says a major con- cem of the BIA is the very unsightly condition of Lakeshore Road from Jones to East Street. "There is a heavy vacancy rate among establishments in the area," he adds, "so we’re hoping for sidewalk improvements, tree planting and flower planters. However, we won't make a determination on how to do this until we've talked to the town and the new businesses involved. We consider this to be the display strip of Bronte and its appearance is of grave concern to us." LJ"""" Atradition of (iiepdy personal service and 5:th selection, all in a beautiful 1 eside setting! qu a regular size Blizzard and " will be donated to your local hospital for children. OFFER GOOD (June 5th & 6th, 1993) av" Jfti'fi"'i"' {401% fl§@®W@iH© ij) 847-6213 - [tt55iAltgit5t-C? 7tit2ti" Especially Cats for I0 years and past chairman of the BIA. Another aspect of the BIA is the advisory role it has taken concerning a number of issues over the years. For example, the BIA cooperated with the Town in the development of the park, and members of the BIA have been on the committee for the new harbor devel- opment, as well as the new policing committee. Special events are an important part of the BIA, For Canada Day, the Climax Dixieland Jazz Band will be playing, a display of Canadian an will be highlighted in the historic Post Office at the loot of Bronte Road, and there will he a fireworks display off of Bronte Bluffs. "The special events arranged by the BIA are a tremendous form of PR for us," says Gordon Partridge, owner of 2?d, Some of these activities include the cieation of u tourism brochure to attract visitors, special events, and cooperative advertising, motley K'tlviiitt 't'iti) Get more than yoar,.24: worth. For gifts with a difference Including: Semi precious stones Semi precious stone Jewellery Glass animals filled with semi gget', stones . one and wooden carving Carved wooden masks and drums Ethnic beadwork and curios Bead chokers, bead anklets and bracelets Most items handcrafted and imported and much much more at excellent prices. 2444 Harbourview Plaza Bronte For A Pleasant And Exciting' 'i,,':)") Surprise, Visit (Is At: ":6 musmuz COVE /i' 2404 mm M. I. Inna 847-1041 (next to National Video) ulven to the BIA for ii))'iKt .ll'IOll in need of stones for construction. As Bronte grew in population, it attracted artisans, merchants and industries including blacksmiths, shoemakers, a saw mill and ship builders. Sury hopes that the sense of com- munity which has always existed in Bronte will be strengthened through Community spirit thrives in Bronte BIA," he says. "At any I continues to be a popular point for people walking, f eating ice cream." Even though there have positive results from the Bl store closing has been appreciable lower than experienced by other areas, includ- ing malls, which is ll measure of stabili- ty. "This is attributable in part to the BIA," he says. "At any rule, Bronte continues to be a popular destination Although it's difficult to assess impact of the BIA on actual busint Morgan does explain that the numbel [tit (ip (Continued from page Nt, a walking, strolling and 'ggégmhéfwt! 9 .79 4’4 ", f ,m, / "aoruur I w 1mm I "fi'i I Cog I Hours: Monday- I Tuesday-TI Fnday I Saturday I Sunday Jo ill 6; I ON I I I I I I l:tyiirjiri,tl,- -",'.,t11T,"t't,",.W,Tt.'f,ltT'"e'"it ', /?Nylqtyf1Ttor:3,0minytes. I HOURS, 9 AM TO 9 PM MONDAY TO FRIDAY I 8 AM TO 5 PM SATURDAY Our special Label Program is designed with you in mind. Now you can add a unique "personalized" touch to all of your special occasions with a specially labelled wine ... . Wedding . Anniversary . Business Function . Sales Meeting . Convention . Special Event q Promotional Business Gift (lllpiteau m (linemen Iinu lib. OAKVILLE: 100 am: Road (Bronte Harbour) Unit tr, Oakville. Ontario Ill. 3138 (416) 847-0257 mean an {humus Mints Tth, PRIVATE LABELING SERVICE may" "'""-F ffi'i5ii'iii'4i'i'jbr'r'r; Sammy 8:30 artt-5a) . I Sunday (Tanning Orgy) 1111) omAmDprg Hours: Monday - Closed .19qu . Thursday Wg). o.m.-§:g) pm Raffles and Prizes. - On Saturday we’ll have clowns and face painting kr the children. BIA, there are been many Iii Tanners must be over Io years old. Please tXM for an appohfmenf Cocoon vdd tgti8 Jme 30th, 1993. 67 BRONTE ROAD, I OAKVILLE, ONTARIO C6L 3B7 ' " . 99.891626. . . . .: 1atwlhtmtrtttse-oviekedty rcvii,yfJ tho the efforts ofthe BIA. Sury is no stranger to the concept of the BIA. Before taking his posi- tion, she volunteered for one year it the Burlington BlA. She has (a degree in political science and French from the University of Toronto and is currently taking a public relations certificate _at Ryerson on a part-time basis. ",' lunc merchants paying the k opposed tothe idea. We lem of strengthening the c the BIA "The BIA has enhanced and improved the stature of the village Sig nificantly," says Morgan, "which could not be done by individual businesse,s alone." ' 1nd expands till some is JIM 2408 LAKEWE ROAD WEST 047-0565 rowing pains which Morga? my BIA goes' through at on? sther, "In both the existing ded areas. there are sornh paying the levies who are We have the prob. he commitment It)