Oakville Beaver, 2 Jun 1993, p. 42

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N tij 6 As If you have a sunny spot, the new pansies that are on the market are absolutely foolproof. Available now in solid colors like yellow, purple, blue, and color combinations that always match, the new majestic giants have proven to be an excellent flower of choice for window boxes, half barrels, clay pots, or virtually wherever you like to put them. And get his - majestic giants are heat tolerant. In fact, they thrive all summer long, just be sure to This week, I'd like to expand a little on annual flowers and vegetables that lend themselves beautifully to window boxes and pots of various descriptions for patios, decks, balconies. or any- where else you may have in mind. If you read my column last week talked about annuals and mention: briefly, annuals for containers. Annuals for your window boxes This Freehold Tomihmrie is luau-d on a quiet cm! in GLEN ABBEY. within my walkin ' distance of scboolx Marble and hardmxud Boorx 3 bedrooms, cal-in kitchen, 'r2i'lfll'l' rec. mom. , RUDI MUELLER 812-7000 $262,900 RA VINE IN EAST OAKVILLE A 1.7 ACRE PROPERTY teig'g'ie,te,a Creek ravine, within walking distance of theiake.huturetrees,pool, drivesay,4bedmoms,2rtrepiaces. RUDI MUELLER 84b7000 CALL TODAY FOR YOUR NEXT MOVE 842-7000J BRIGHT. BEAUTIFUL AND BACKING ONTO A PARK SUNNY SPOT iigjiitllti fill, Iiil.aiiiii::i' A HOME IN EAST OAKVIILE .. . keep the just let between just let it dry out on the surface between waterings, and when you do water, water generously. Other annual flowers that perform well in the sun in containers include: madness petunias and balcon geraniums (an incredible show of red or rose pink). Growing some containers full of flowers in the shade? Here are a couple of my favorites. Try tuberous begonias (sometimes called tuber rose) - abso- lutely gorgeous colors in the full range of the rainbow. . ' In , \John SIMKINS Tuberous bezonias love cool soil reasonably damp. In fact, damp soil, and shady locations. Plant them in patio soil mix, now famous for its water retention ability and its rich organic goodness. If you're looking for something low maintenance for the shade, try fibrous begonias. Remember to fertilize all your annu- a1 flowers with Transplanter 5-15-5 fertilizer at the time of planting and to encourage new feeding roots. Then, fertilize with water soluble 20-20-20 every two weeks through the summer months. Growing vegetables in containers? Try Whopper tomato. But only if you have a large container like a 14-inch clay or a half barrel. For smaller con- tainers, try sweet one million or sweet one hundred cherry tomatoes, With more Vitamin C per pound than citrus fruit, sweet one million has WHOPPER TOMATO taken the tomato market by storm over the last two or three years. You can stake them or just allow them to trail out over the brim of the container, and pick literally hundreds of cherry-size super sweet tomatoes beginning in mid-season. And remember, always plant tomatoes in a sunny spot. Other vegetables that lend them- selves to container growing include: sweet green Whopper pepper, butter crunch bib lettuce, and cucumbers, but only for hot sunny locations, and always planted in patio mix for best results. Mark Cullen is president of Weall and Cullen Nurseries. Listen to him on THE GARDEN SHOW, CFRB 1010, Saturdays 10 to noon. The garden centres are jammed full with color and selection, so go make your choices and happy gardening!

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