[mummmm1(will:uImnInnuumIn"CmuImmInuIIIIuIuIuIuinInInIIfIIinIuIfInIIIuIIImuumInIIfIIf:uImuInuCu:nIIIIIInIIIuIuIIIIIII[MIiiiflyujï¬mmulnll J 8 mmHUIIt1IHIHHIIHIIIIHHIHIIHNIIIIIIlllllllilHIIHIHIIHIIIIIll|IIllllllIHIltlllltllllllllllllvllllIllIIIIIIIIHIIIIHIHIIIIUIIHIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllll||I|Il||llllllllllllllllllllllllllliillll M..- "t Rssocitate Professa Fowltu of MminIstmtion University of Ottawa 'Putting Oakville onto the Health ngndo " atlfW16TMffti,6M tMllllottlitt, iiosftmti, HSSOCIHTION fl lav-bu: 617::le be mam. Coupler: wand Hmld lell oA:ykt)letrthetttetin9trtothr_ mm: W's Mite of the Hospltol. ALSO: Election of Directors; Presentation of Financial Statement: Guest Speaker: Dr. Elizabeth Sayer Child Psychologist and Researcher will speak on Sugar and Spice - What are Girls really made of? Wednesday June 9th, 1993 at 8t00 p.m. at LG DOME 1173 MM“; Road East, Ookvllle Guest Speaker: Jane Fulton, Ph D Oakville Big Sister Association Annual General Meeting Everyone Welcome! CiliC0IiIlll MGGTING Report of the Auditor and Appointment of Auditor Holiday Inn (Iroquois Shore Rodd, Oakville Gender Differences over the Lifespan tjif"izz'Riiss, 'hsssttpaatt,/" Please join us at the June 9, 1993 at 7:30 p.m R.S.V,P. by June 4 at 338-0238 /p'" Nh,, Pat Atkinson receives letter of support for her 'Select A Student Directory" from real estate agent Dan Cooper 7L Wed . m 0% u 4 W jam 1'tejtjei, 23% M M ag2e and dLed. 120 Thomas St. Oakville . Reservations 842-4200 ,3 o -r--.. ii ' a ", I a ii; 'M ' - ..¢ _ Fr, ElrlfSl Eg I It il t"i'i) L) ' .' . i, (I, Lu A " u, r . D _ . it..--, :1- _ ‘- " - r _ Directory aims at helping students find work all year' community. 7 "There is a whole spectrum of job opportunities for students but people who could use these services don't know who to call," said Atkinson. ' She sees the system its a more cost-effective direct-marketing approach to student employment and one that could work more effectively than fed- eral government programs now in place. ' Atkinson went to the principals of White Oaks Secondary School, St. Ignatius of Loyola and Blakelock, with the idea of recruiting students and that has gone over very well. ' Depending on the success of this program, Atkinson said it could be expanded to include all the other high schools in Oakville. . f And far from being just a summer-job project, Atkinson sees her booklet as being a year-round guide to student employment. Need your walk shov- elled in the winter? Look up a name of a student in your area willing to 'do the work. 3 The exuberant Atkinson, an American with experience as a technical editor, hopes to have 10,000 of the indexed and saddle-stitched booklets distributed in June as the schools shut down for the summer. ' Atkinson has been soliciting business and corporate support for her idea but it has been tough slogging. But some organizations and individuals are coming forth to back the scheme. One such person is local real estate agent Dan Cooper who believes the book will help keep kids off the streets and is a more productive approach to helping students find work. "The idea has great promise," said Cooper. _ Atkinson said students, parents or those wishing to help back her idea can reach her at 847-8309. _ -"'"""--""'--"-"----"-"'""'""""-- Loo-oomooooooo-ooomomup- .009. 0-0003. - . 00-004 1 ' u t l [ 1 {a a 1'4 a c, a 5; - A {u l ' a - , " c. f. = I Computer camp offers something different for kids during summer Jgrccd to the appointment The result is the ‘Selec 1nd phone numbers of a v structured as a progression so children may return without repeating. Not only do they learn such thins as programming struc- ture, logical thinking and prob- lem solving. but they also experi- ence our wide range of software which enhance reading. math, creativity and social science skills. The Computers & Children Centre offers a Summer Computer Camp for children aged five to l4. There are six groups and the children are grouped according to their age and experience. Each group learns a program- ming language and the Camo is mak lst Agata] . i" Do-it-yourself Undock Seminar? SATURDAY JUNE Sth, 1993. I0 AM PAVERS. MUS. PLANTERS, STEP‘i YT? , T T YY N. y Y'eet A If! , XT, I , , I 3.3."; r, lt A 1tt Itll Buy " all? Selection Sand, Wh for $3.50 tit 'l?,ii','dili?ir or Bags Get 4 Free . "Std, 5 l'h Fruit Trees ',r jc s' 15% OK 2-~ 257-3577 n Il MARGARET KEENAN DESIGN STUD/O \tkin Deilvery Available 201§_Dunq§ gaget oisltyiile 1mm TO make space for our expanding custom work (just west of Sixteen Mile Creek) 121-123 Chisholm St. June 1St - June 5th no... . - a. good-6.03.3. 060.364.3030} {0. o "I h rt arns a program- nd the Camp is progression so Pf SALE spectrum of job opportunities for students but people ervices don't know who to call," said Atkinson. ' m its a more cost-effective direct-marketing approach at and one that could work more effectively than fed- [I 338- AGRAM tu mew it t.tsauN'd, . 7. “Jam _ .é. Juifai It n nl h it down with her Student Director y of students off ut 0 OFF /0 EVERYTHING fr (Hwy. 403 & Hwy. #5) m m computer. They can also make movies and edit them with anima- tion through the computer as well as build and create with Lego Logo. The camp strives for maximum learning combined with maxi- mum fun. Camps run for one or, two weeks, full-day and half-day' respectively. the cost is $125 per child, per camp and and $l l2 for the session including, the August Civic Day holiday. times are 9- ll:30 and 12:30-3:00 with a one hour supervised lunch for thd full-day camp and either 9-ll:30 or 1-3230 for the half-day camps. Our sessions run July 5-July 16, July l9-July 30. Aug. 3, Aug. 13 and Aug. l6-Aug. 20. I (excluding custom work and furnlture) Registration forms are avitjl able at New Central School, ' Balsam Drive in Oakville. al 844-8550. ' It ul 'fferi n Int Savings on Caliper' Trees rnment to pl u have people back on on who had previously discuss the project. booklet with the names ', specific services to the CASH or G1EGUE h fl ll h nts Irvin IT th tu (3 ff an}