And once you've washed all those washed down the downspout, and starchy pots, don't throw away that you'll have no messy clean-up to do on soapy dishwater. Allow it to cool, pour your lawn. it into a plant mister - or mistress for NYLON FRIENDS that matter - and spray your plants with it. It's said that soapy water dis- Another clever garden use for our courages aphids and various other nylon friend is to place a leg of panty- common bugs. Want to make your thumb a little greener? Try starching your shrubs! Have you ever noticed your house- plants eyeing you longingly while you‘re cooking your pasta? Well don't worry, there's a good reason for your drooling Delphiniuml Evidently plants love starch. So, whenever you're boil- ing spaghetti or potatoes, save the water! Allow this leftover water to cool, and sprinkle it over your plants! You’ll literally see them thanking you. And while we're in the garden. I'm sure many of us have used a garden hose to clear out eavestroughs. Well have you ever tried pantyhose. I'm serious ... if you place a leg of panty- Starch plants for VrMrm1ttouMoRrrc6ur7ritn and Associates" Ltd. Realtor 340 CHURCH ST OAKVILLE M4-2950 RAMNEi1hAumHAItBOURt in L maxim momma. sumo. 844-2950 RALPH F. MCCORMICK LISEVYOUR RAIR - S 189,900 IOLA BUTTERY" mam/mn RIVER omvm PRIVACY BRNfTTA HOTIUM‘ 64b29$0/82SAN4 m IUTTEIY†WNW/M11 inifldï¬ MAKIASHASH! S2M,900 )LAB KEEP SOAPY WATER MIJONFRONTSI'UT DOM SUITE“ RY' m o, 894 hose over the end of each downspout and secure it with a strong rubber band so as to leave about eighteen inches or so hanging, you‘ll find that when you hose the eavestroughs. the leaves will get caught in the pantyhose as they get washed down the downspout, and you‘ll have no messy clean-up to do on your lawn. HALEY‘S é HANDY HINTS “% m ._____.___n_ i -e- M W Stains can be like bad politicians, once they're in, they're tough to get out! If you happen to be wearing a rust stained top and have just cut your fin- gers on a broken wine glass that has spilled all over you, you're gonna love hose over the wand of your wet/dry vacuum cleaner, allowing about eigh- teen inches to hang off the end. When you turn on the vacuum it will suck the leg up inside the wand. This forms an ideal catch-all for picking up pine nee- dles around your patio and lawn. But remember, please make sure the vacu- um is well grounded, wear rubber soled shoes and don't try this when the lawn is damp or wet, or you won't be reading any more Haley's Handy Hints! a greener thumb _,i,:,", STAIN REMOVAI 42.5 ACRES - BRICK BUNGALOW NEW $310,000 OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, JUNE 13, 2-4 PM. this show! Because we're going to tackle 3 of the most dreaded stains! ... Rust, blood and red wine. In order to get rid of those nasty brown rust stains from clothing or fab.. ric, here are two possible solutions I heard about. It's said that you should (See Straight page 19) Alex or y wide d Bub-n Glenn " had tS M Rog. Road with 4th bod- itehqn with tb. aluves ublo garage Please con» RCA3-066 m tft