(KRUI PLRI“. IWLxhh ' Ill Ima' P‘hI}H" “H512 ‘1!le 545452 '4.F3MFs"tTiE"'iT- T 1.3; 'of, _ g o = , F,. 9 . 6'v, ""' . â€PM? _WTv'isimswr, ' . .t "r / . IlllM -.r _ raet . " 9r. â€In F - I} ' I ' > . ' C " ii . an AFFORDABLE - 4 BDRMSJ LAKEFRt $164St0theownertmm,ckaetodo-sx 3 t11r.teH8hhhxifulltmr)ntxxty-mr. 9.915159 "mm I MS8522 513m CAROL HIRE} Realtors advise that you start with the exterior and view your home from as many different angles as possible. In its current state, does it have any "curb appeal" - does it appear to be in good condition and are the grounds neat and orderly? Is there anything that sets it off from the other homes in the neighbor- hood - such as special features you may want to enhance? If you find you're confronted with By applying some marketing savvy and clearing your home of unnecessary clutter, it will look more spacious and inviting. Your Realtor can offer a fresh, professional perspective in advising you on how to spruce up your home. You can hardly expect to be surprised if potential buyers aren't bowled over by your home if it appears to be full of clut- ter of a little worn around the edges. Any Realtor will tell you that a tidy, well-kept home will attract a lot more buyer inter- est than one which is disorderly and in a poor state of repair. Spring is traditionally the time of year when many homeowners' thoughts turn to selling and trading up. If you're think- ing of selling your home in the next little while, you should take a good, long look around to see what you can do to spruce it up so it shows to its best advantage. Titty, home will attract the buyers WI. 590,95!"- tmtt.yqtt 'ttxA 3% Financing Available On Many Of These Homes . Sales Representative .. Associate Broker EXTERIOR 845-8522 “In! mum ria, 2d5 :1 'tdr a, , MI "gif- = 1 Ill! ."r Fi 'l' _ i), KL. i;i~ii CALFORNIA DREAMING Sielm0.Ast-ieaxarinoen, mam Bleaheximk GWENKENNEDY. MS4B22 JAMES kw}? 345-3522 CAIN )LYN SMITH' Keep in mind that while you can't and shouldn't try to hide any faults, there's nothing wrong with repairing your home. If asked about certain conditions. be hon- est to all times and if you have had some- straighten them up and mak thing If somt Also check your front porch for signs of winter damage - you don't want prospective buyers tripping over any cracks or holes. Take a good look at your foundation as well; buyers are bound to be leery of purchasing your home if you have a lot of foundation cracks or decay- ing brickwork. While scrutinizing the exterior of your home. check your patio or deck for signs of decay or unevenness caused by the spring thaw. Reinforce any week spots and make any other necessary repairs. peeling paint and lots of debris, it's prob- ably time for some minor facelift work. You may be surprised at the difference a fresh coat of paint makes. renalru wh M as wnspout say h ROYAL LEPAGE “mm' [hm Minn the wintt [ml 9.11mi sure your me RITA/BRUCE MacKlNNON " MSaS22M46,a90t, $189.90) .Maetfkxrin-lawsuige "Wulktoaliamaiies More F CAM DCTN.EY "Kn.“ VERA WADE]! " mind that prosp probably want to furnace or boiler And to make this onerous task more pleasurable for both you and your family, consider making a game or contest out of it - awarding a prize to the person who manages to sort through/or tidy up the most by the end of the dav. ment an If you‘ve got a large accumulation of junk to sift through. look at this as a unique opportunity to sort through para- phernalia you haven't seen for years. INSIDE If you’re like most homeowners, you probably can't deny that there are areas inside your home which could use some sorting and sprucing up as well - particu- larly if you've occupied your home for a number of years. You should also set aside an area where buyers can put their rain boots, shoes or umbrellas while viewing your home. out front and back yards are tidy and groomed. Since the early spring can be some- what of a messy time of year, consider installing extra doormats both inside and It MARIJNGHUWB' tr boiler. as well as your water good idea to start in the base i work your way up. Keep i, START AT BOTTOM ti 239 LAKESHORE RD. E., OAKVILLE ood loo purcha Hana Hum "an: it vour will In ll $V/mSurmmris wmini so why not buy a home w/wiv. back yard & fab. poo Bsmt walkout. 2 bars. MARYLYNN TAKACH* Hom-,-, 1 5135(1). 3&2txirmsMaintemmzhee.Exsentx fhtirttedLyoeriewlw/tepem.,liv.&diuareai. DUDLEYFaiTER" 345-3522 “W SHIRIJIY O'MFARA. “WM.“ VERA LANI It's wise not to consider undertaking anything but relatively minor renovations at this time, unless your home is really in a state of poor repair. If you do decide to embark on a major project, you may not be able to recover all of your costs in the many more Also keep stairs and stairwells clutter- free and install proper lighting where it's lacking; you don't want prospective pur- chasers injuring themselves as they fum- ble around in poorly lit areas. The same common sense applies to the main floors of your home as well. Eliminate unnecessary clutter and apply fresh paint where necessary. Remember, you want to show the amount of space and potential your home has to offer. your home The workroom should also be tidy and well-organized. If you‘re working on ongoing projects, make sure everything is put away neatly before any purchasers come by. If you intend to sell your washer and dryer with your home, Realtors recom- mend that you make sure they can be eas- ily accessed by people who come to look at your home. meter heater, electrical our u.nitTA_amipsttrTsritttrtxFtkx m2m5mh..3walk-mlswnvim w "atttt' our valuable tips on sprucing up altor can provide you with 'me control panel and water Harm 'GIW l3)