Oakville Beaver, 16 Jun 1993, p. 22

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EARNyour moo Monet “and. natural IQ'll'l, pro m that work Gun on» gy. loo“ rough! Full or ttl tum. horn your homo all "r-astrt or mlomu» OAKVILLE Exocuhvo ot ho. hum $250 month all In chin Fm parking 336 8Ser7ttr86aiiQt2 SPEERS ' Third Lung, 1825-2900 tt Lots ot patto in. 2 top-mo from m or command. quhod of. Iico/rouil. zonod Ms, 8215”! In. month (s) ml. upgrade to your mom. it,',".','",":,'.) pruted Cull ownor Mr. 626 or an- 0170 Luv. mung. " (”any GLEN Abboy, on Mont. gomory Dnvo. a bedroom underground link. Clou to " amount... bus In GO in. than, onlowomly 'ttigtted basement with bathroom. Sky light. air conditional. 's",?ltgyt etc Asking SI 7,000 647-6449 10.000 sq ft, modorn m. dumial bulking. on L2 nor to. in thet [own of Milton Largo Ioncod paved rm. mod Mit. $1.500 no, ot. (no. 3425.000. Milk. mo an oitttr Call Jim, 3754466. 9 to 5 pm. or 519-853-1330 ”W OPEN and locum-I units to! loan horn tl 05/ MI n Call Ab. lskandor, Ano- omo Bmkor, ROMA: Abou- [qypo Romy Corp 335, A - anaconda! appel- “may. Aulomou‘vo Rap." 0am, cm n on 'trrtYSrt ling?" operations, 788. ESTABLISHED Podocl Pomonl 'mzon tood fran. chno Extallttrtt OM10 lo- cal'on. Tm. pol-n- nu. Sollmg Dolor coal at now “or. Full tum- inglufpon For mlo call Saul 1416607-W50 1. $124 900. 67 Washington, boa-chad amn- or/muromom home, oonlral Oakvillo. close to GO. 2 $269,900. Cuslom built country home, approx 1800 sq It, lugs puma. moms. Features family room, sun room. ttttd garage 22' x 28'. 3 'iNplattei, do» to town. Juno Sermon. Sal” at? Canada Trust Real y Ina/Router “at” GOVERNMENT grants Iona. and nun-lane. pro gram ior your new Ot on: mg small bum-u sue Worth HAPPY? if you'n not mat my $300 a day . " “It (416) 761-75m (24 hours) OWN you! own Butanou' Mud-omen tmmng Con. tinuing support Can than $50,000 timt your ptoht No ovomud. Excluuvo. Marr up anal: tor Oahet'" $0600 Fm Into ht mama-5555. who: OAKVILLE one bedroom in quot small building tam ing park, Near Dorval/mr. booca, $550. monthly, plus hydro, Immediate 499- RATES from t 75% Up to 95% fawning in. 2nd and frivate mortgages Fret) ranalusl No broker ho. O.A.C Call Fred Kumn I Redwood Mags 021-7716 ttr 20 BRONTE, 1 block from lake, one bedroom bau- manl, elevator. carpeted. 8860. July Ist. 827-6228. 6256987 NEWLY UPGRADED, Iowriu apartment build-n3 Rants reduced One be - room, 5595 2 bedroom $595 Heat, hot water and parking included Families with chlldran and pets wel- some. 647-1136 BRIGHT one bedvoom 2't'tg't cable, Iaup‘dry. pa n ' a yard u e 'lfJl'l'll) 1'lW,,aJr','th Digs- countpoodbh, M171 OAKVILLE, largo two bed. rooms, carpeted $680 m elusive, 1 bedroom $599. August 1st, non-Imokov 233-76V FURNISHED 2 bedroom basement apartment. tuving room. laundry andfarklng indudod‘ Mutable my at, 338-Q169, LARGE lower level 1 bod~ room apartment, separate drivel enlvanco Near Go ' bun. 3650 33tb-6040 TWO bedroom, ground ttoor apartment ot duplex. exclu- nwe use cl baumonl. $730/mon1h632-5690. AV bon McDonagh Ltd. Realty, viii:,"';" 's)rj, : q LOANS . LINE OF CREDIT 'No up from In 119 to 95% fmaocim 'ltHIMIe Consultaion '6 Days, 1ap-9 pm '181-2nd ' 310 "lines mesittmtial/thmm. -- vcun'mmvm v" - [ii "--"---G=t==u='=ie"_"eP_"_e_eP'l_""eePt--t. WEDNESDAY, JUNE M, 1w. Roy Brett, Sales 'toprosontativo Canada Trust Real ty tgtieottug#t- main-u Canada Trust Realty Inc./Realtor ittthtgttuf comm-veil - Spacious 4 Bedroom townhome Flexlble terms hum RENT TO BUY HOMES 338-2201 $1 1 5,000. To place an ad please call 845-2809 or FAX 845-3085 Mon.- Fri. 8:30 H.n1.- 5 p.m. ONE mmgmm me Hav- bout . a Jlat all J,',t'in'el'l'PivT'l I. “all m. '82Sfrttttrtttt (7 HIE-0008 TWO bedroom apartmom in houu Juno IM., $712 inaudi- viii.- Off Kan St Good Mormon 3324306 NEAR Shula-n Co“... lug- 2 maroon barman mm. plan . may. go pm 6253567 " In DIN n trfeetttt I." ly mm um Ida m. n eluding pool. (gums. on" FREEHOLD TOWNHOUSE Panto “In. Sudan/New. anonnivoly ronovatod. hu. munoou: mane! bedroom. rotinishod hardwood RttorB. new European knehon. “34.900. No counts pinto. Call 847-8256 to! Wm. TRAFALGARNtEW Largo with I“. wont we and [hm bedroom apartment; ciao Foam. play round THREE BEDROOM Pan!- houu mm don. 8960 Two bedroom penthouu mm don. $900 On. bodroom with don $820 In Mghnu do“ to Olin/III. PM». In- door pool and nun: 866-t t06 OAKV!LLE: 2222 Munro Avenue. 4 bedroom semi, 2 Morey. garage. 2 baths, ole. ceramic foyer, window cow erings. fenced krt and mom Wal to We and MCtStV tion centre Close to major 'gt1rggr $69,900 416- £800. TWO bedroom apamnonl available mnwdaloly Har- bourvuow Plaza. comm of Lakoshoro and Bronte Road. 82b-1261 TWO bedroom banomonl apartment Iwmgroom. laun- dry facilnuu. Available im- mediately. Kerr/Spoon. 336-6167 ONE BEDROOM walk In basement gi'rlrtl't','t',,'e 'tet hum. G n Abbey A1139!!! _ir_rttmrtisaterly LAKEFRONT Estate ul- ting. Large 2 bedroom with 2 baths, 2 timplatxrs, 6mm? room, laundry, age, poo. BeauMul. $1958.33”! month plus hydro Available Au- gust lst Call Jan 845-a3B2 OAKVILLE: 1 bedroom basement, cable, laundry. parturyluteraus entrance. TWO bedroom, mam Hoot ot duplex. analo back- yard. Finished half bau- monl. $099 plus 1/2 utn. Burlington luxury 1, 2; and 3 odroom mull men! horn». Hugo m-l door swimming pool/ " conditioning, twd bniconiu. llk. wow? trom tom. sun". Fwy-L- LIVE m Domain! who.“ Oakvillo. do“ to tho like, lop Iloor, one bedroom ',l2'rt"e,',t,,t; In Ionovnlod o do: home. hug. pnv-lo dock. tally carpolod, sun oung can lo or unglo. {as "toning Induan7g util. 'riartdpam'mg 644- W TWO bedroom m duplex $700. plus “mm” So - rah qtrttramm Maia»: my Ist Comm]. M74564 ONE bedroom apartment tor sublel, Next to Sheridan College. 5720 Please call David at 849-0654 ONE bedroom apartmont tor ranl, available August tat. 842-2153 or 634-8315. LAKESHOREIKEHR bedvoom $875 plus yd": On 2 levels _Bnght an ape cuous. Batcon"y, enau'ile laundry, parking. Immmo- dials. 535-t937 bur, iliso/ First and laai July at Canaan“: H|n10rdshlro 1 Sq. Apts. 1209 -tomut8tCoutt 1&2mo0n.doub GOOEW MIC-MSW. -Squnm0n m pools -S|um ‘thwmlom monthly. One bedroom $800. monthly in beautifully maintained quasi building, downtown, walk to shops, old Oakvillo, Lots of Benom in building, Call 644-6952. no base. FAIR RENT GOOD APARTMENTS TERRIFIC LANDLORD TWO BEDROOM, $900 SPEERS ROAD Luxury Apartments One and two bed rooms available um mediately. Alt con ditiomng. pool sauna. 338-3342 Ion.-Frl.9¢m-5 pm mum I M4-52tt) Mter 5 pm l teeMttttt ctIa-"trmm 639-8583 HE tht M26051 mm hum AKVILLE BEAVER I NEW two bodvoom buo- menl apartment, clou to Sheridan Collogo/ all con- venience; Availablo im. modably. 645-8804 NEW one bedroom base. ment, aEW/Tratalgar, sap- arale entrance. woodalovs, parking and tgth $650. utilities Included, uly Ist. 8444733 evenings. Looking tor quiet elegance in downtown Oak- ville? isit us to see our large comfortable three and two bedroom suites now available. Magnmcertt View of Harbour and East Oak- ville. Indoor Pool and saunas make this well cared for but ding the best value in town. Call for appointment g,eh',ti'.2'ft'lf2."o"o"v1"'"" tet m. Fathom: 1229 Marlborough Court I I ' m but”. Avon-No Close to Sheridan College & Oakville Place Quiet park-oe sgnipg; q i_nfg call: ENNISCLARE ON THE LAKE ll 2 bedroom & don - 1830 trq.tt 3 bedroom - 1575 salt. mill-undilu- "Ml”,mlm (Incl. NEW Kitghen, ii1ttypom, Carpeting) Enjo comfortable living in our spacious 3 & 4 Lcd',",',',',,",,' townhouses. available Home dizlely Pur features _inciude 4 appliances, b 1/2 bathrooms, indoor swimrning pool, sauna & shower facilities, indoor parking, on-site management, some fireplaces. Near shopping & transportation. Starting at $1.000 & up + utilities. Westminster Place Brant St. & Ghent Ave. N-Bttritt. u 100 sqft.) From $333. . 2-Bdrm. (1425 sq.fl.) From S965. . Big 20h26' 1tvJdirum "AK? "Fridge. Stove Dishwasher 'ched Outdoor Pool 'Saum ‘Reaoom .utdoorKhnt$oor Purim; Call For Appointment to View 632-5486 Daily9arn-7psat 1260 Marlborough Court 1 I. 2 Bedroom Apartment: Avail-bl. Immodlatoly MARLBOROUGH COURT APARTMENTS Cumming Design by Award VISnnlno Arum»! Bachelors -1 - 2 & 3 Bedroom: From $650. 2160 Lakeshore Rd. E Burlington, 333-9141 6 WEEKS RENT FREE From $785. . _ Beautifully landscaped! 5166 8. 5170 Lakeshore Road, Burlington 333-9533 “wild-bum! 'tol- Mat-mm: uxmumW-ramoum THE CANADIANA 5220 Mentor: Rd. Burlington'n Prime Address! WALLACE PINES 1 1 Burlington By Appointment, 639-0950 Call 827-6626 or 845-1482 BROKERS WELCOME ON THE LAKE Downtown Burlington Super Luxury, Extra Large Completely Renovated 1 - 2 .. 3 Bedroom Suites OAKVILLE COURT Pictumquo CountryUhuyll New Orr-Mm ro I AL “13475 “OXIDES: Aw "For Sula" Sign . Open House Sign: I] Advice . Feature Sheets . (maul For" Lakefront Apartments 844-7332 842-5518 845-7545 ONE 1/2 bedroom, very bnittt basement apartment Laundry. private entrance. downtown Oakvnllo, Avail- able Immedialo7lg 845- 79990r1-(ue)-4 474s TWO bedroom apartment available July lat. Near Oakwlle Piece $880tmtmth plus hydro, Call 545-5537 IAIN loyal ot a bedroom bungalow QUIOI "do and In“ Oahu!- Clo. lo oat-ooh. WW. shop- plnl. parka. Arr. laundry, par "If, nun. $1100 month Call Stan. lav. W, 647-6016 m 2W7]! IOU bqd. room home c on to GO, um b OEW hm pououlon Funk :30- 200t, 33-7” MAPLEGROVEI WELL mainlamed 3 bedroom. 1- 1/2 baths. 5 appliances, CIA. finished rcc.room. swimming pool wienc|oud dock. fttrtttqd yard. 51350.4 333-5506, Active Man- moment w. 2 Dan. ' aqtrruartc 00. an. In“ Damon! land you, MM Oak ville July It! 81250 $1.1“!qu PLUS mimics. 2-star". 1-1/2 car gamut 3-bedroom homo Mme: Moon! viz-poo. can-suite. 4-pco bath. mam tlttttr 2. pco. washroom Family room w/Franklm stove. Large lenced yard w/pri- vacy tence on both Sides of HEADON FOREST, 4 bed- rooms. 2-1/2 baths, main floor laundry, double ga- rage. $1300/mo. aniline: 827-6982, 855-393 nada Trust Realm 627-0459 2246 BURLINGTON, HEADON BURLINGTON PRIME Ity canon. 3 bedroom bunga low, air, 4 appliances Available September 1st $1.100 o utilities. 632-7789. loom mm ttreplace. v. Ittt9tqtt m Dool- am- "my Ankh“ A», tst 8965 Call Frank I to! 6 FOUR BEDROOM aatr-asotrit.rssmt Forest. new, large 4 bed- mom executive, 3-1/2 baths. F/P, main floor Iautt dry, well landscaped S1.300/mo., available Aug 15th, 336-5858 .[AUYIVUL ‘uou-ood , W CM (”.1 “by“ who-0M unm- 4 no m. m- ""o"9. mm 3”” “A'MIII. "_..bart-r-s CLARK“)! 2 lovol 2 mw.'”'w an Wu"?- EAST can“. bungalo- 2 bodloom, hung/army: ml 81.550 n..nits. ml” GENO.“ Luxury 2 & 3 bedroom Garden Homes in Oak. vllle from $915 per month. -5 appliances oFireplaoe -Bmedloom Wankel bllnde -Belcon|ee or gallon -Slorage roams -Secunly enhance -On-slle management ‘-Recmeuonel area "'artring Included . Aux about our b o a u e o I I e r _ Mum-now Condo Apts. 2 a 3 bedrooms tram $875 per month. . 5 a llamas . “romeo . ax.- conditioning . vertical bllnds . bmedoom . storage rooms . recreational area . parklng Included . security entrance Please call bet.. ween 9 e.m.- Son. at: 825-3327 2 bdrm; 2 full uhrma 132Uq.tt., ”at at Forum. avail. iiiiiiaGiii.' 2 bdrma. 2 all balms. l449aq1L. aouth mt expo- sure. avail. Sept. In. Both builder mm like new. 6 appliances, Marx anti many upgrades, recreational aci ities, pool. b.b.q. ma. party room, illness can- tre, guest anilea. Mania court, billiard mainland aecurily. For more infocall: OAKVILLE GLEN ABBEY . Umllod limo only Orange Prop mllahm£ 'q-tr-or-o " apls. ' "ms tor ram 8475043 MUM. Mlle. LUXURY CONDOMINIUMS GLEN ABBEY [91379. Tirc: evgsf 825 827-3027 PAGE??> Rep LARGE one bedroom but- manl apanmonl. High coil- Inga. 5 appliances. 4-piaco bath, ail. normal. onlranoo. big yard 84 4407 THREE BEDROOM lown- houstt, close to Sherman College. aealtatm Juno IM, 5105 psi month Please cal alter a pm 821-7086 THREE pedroom. large llv- mg /dimngroom, 3 wash- rooms. Uppu Me.t/6trt WELL MAINTAINED com- plex! Very clean 3 bed~ room. 1-1/2 baths, 4 ap- pliances. finlshttd roc.room. lovely lenced yard, window coverings. garage. 5950. 333-5506. Aclive Man- agement TWO bedroom downtown. Available immediately. $700, no children, no pain. For more Worm-lion call 8444569 OPEN cannon! lull. with romeo. m beautifully main- lmnod quitrt building. Old Oakvillo Lots ot "niorB. $675 monthly Call au- 8962 No lou- “Worm-MU EXECUIIVEI UPSCALE 3 bodloom: wispy-Io l. bodvoom Nanny's quarters. tumllyvoom w/woodbummg AVAILABLE JULY Ist, 3 bedrooms. 1-1/2 baths, 2 appliances. "Mhr0om. Sixth Line/Upper Middle. $1050/mo». 632-2820 GOOD VALUE! Carpeted 3 bedroom, 1-1/2 baths, 5 ap- pliances. tlnishtttt base- menl. storage, parking, $895 333-5506, Active Management FAMILY pliances, garage, rec.room. $995 3: Active Management IUILINOTON, LUXURY Iurnuhod , I 2 bedroom. annotating latte. poet rte “Main. "on! SLOQSIM . museum Liar "oif plus utilihoa J00 645-5551 BASEMENT apartment, "pawl. entrance Two large bodvooms. walk-In closets. addihonal Ilomgl. anion. living area. 4 up. 3m ' "em-4w I'D ttqtMMtm any who: and mom- t" AIM W OAIVILLI bungalow. a mm. "e. 4 -teqe, - Art-tqt' WI. OII’OIDIICCIAIEV t,t2v ',gtt'tl"g.'t,',, TWO lug. hail loo! may room and laun- dry, largo Inch-n. s Ip- rluncu, double garage. oncod lol. Liliana Gama. Auoc Broker 3384000 [lo/Mu Ammo-mo Holly BACHELOR apartment tunable for on. tT/l,') Avanlablo July 6t Main "our ttff Rwanda. 8495/ mot-1h 33th-6908 IRONTE Harbour, lunar! on. tl,t"ilCLdi? pt, W. ' a. on» nub laundry, undonmund Tst',',', al-houv “cavity II 'ds-q6tto mw.2m.2 10”. “or WEDGEWOOD CREEK TWO bodroom spam-M Availabto vmmodilloly SOOOMOMH Call bow-on e p m and o p m tear-Nat In!!! " 0'00. bu TWO bedroom IplanM. balcony. clot. to Morph? and trat"ttortarton ttal - an. Jury " 627-0855 an "new“. I" canal THREE we July " No ”I: mutt-opium Exceptionalw1 well. maintained ighn’se Hydro include Outdoor pool Bachelor. 1 Mrm, $95)yp DEW/GO yr?tefpyerm M 845-9502 " 042-0304 0‘. yd amthttthgom pond. Many extra: SIZE! Larger 3 'oughoul, 4 ap- garage, finished $995. 333-5506, taunt-onus tor m lacuna-NM 8025 Include: I. lath“. dryu ma! dining and " yard was! NEAL fiSThTli, 100-165 ET: AljT()MAfil' 400-455 mm RENT/IE9 170-196 m HELP WANTED 500-570 at.» LEISURE LIVING 200-265 'IE-e-ral ANNOUNCEIIEN'I8600-595 ma MERCHANDISE 300-385 Wai,, SERVICES MON Wed DEADLINES & CANCELLATIONS: Mon. 4 pm. for Wednesday issue , ID ADVERTISING ERRORS AND OMISSIONS: The iypoyaphical errors or copy omissions by the new by the error. Claims for errors must be made prior 1 p.m. for Friday issut com, do» lo mamland 4 rooms, 2 bathrooms boat mew. Available Aw gust “HHS ORLANDO vulla for mm. so mules tram Dlsnoy Includin? pool, looms. mm rl aval . able from $300 U a week car Bill 876-1 175, DISNEVVIORLD . Rent. t',t/,',e,t? Good also. 2 be room/2 bathroom town- house Pool, an, tennis. 8274020 LAKE MUSKOKA Island CARPETS, I have several 1.000's yards new Stain- master & 100% Nylon Car- Lt Will do livmgroom and all tor 5360, Inc udes ttar- pet, pad & installation (30 yards), Stave 639-2902 KNIGHTS or Columbus Hall avaualo tor nodding, anmvorunu. pan!» q Call tor mom information 827-1554 an" 39m BUNK beds, maple. new $225 Light oak desk, $175 Queen bed suite, light oak $225 Nest ot tables, 350 3100. 842-1450 CANOES, " and 16 Call8a5-3346 was: BEDROOM loam hm. I We. Mood- Mom, can“, "mama banana". "all“! comi- Uon Nut schools 'ttras not mm. Cu 275-3075 OAKVILLI , bedroom wanna". col-drone. about» 1"”.va 'M. zoo-sow ".ntrt" 4H5. SAUBLE BEACH, 1 bed room cottagss. modern close to beach. Ideal cou ples place. Bttateh-519-622 1462 Evenings: 416-639 4012 ADMIRAL eleclrlc stove 24', white, excellenl condr “on, like new, $165 847-80“ 'wo ot 4 Moms Iow- nouu omiutttq, than am at? m Hal 500 or u o no! mom. all menu- Ilvo Clan to Show” m In. Wu 237-7221 AVAILAILI "Mummy. 3 bedroom minnow“, 5 " lune“, Sir. gar-90. on; '2'N/g,t ttr6ro K C “CC." "rtt.rty Man- wt M. 'ao-rate 0000 van- can. - clom ' Wm, I . 0-. Hr: m. "if?“ 'lar,'),',',',,',',',',','." an! O. " Olmonlh, (00:03.- no. MN. “4- THREE bedroom town- haul. lav not an mi lb- ».Md buomonl, mar. aw. m. M on in no can“. to Show.» Col- VM‘W tte,,' 2570010 "18!! Marceau. 5 oo- - and In do“ ttt ao Dd Ooh. PIA? Im- mqaa8q . 1250 Wit =tror. 33-1” TWO and ' mm lawn no“... lvllllbl. mum. 'prtt, t_eeh" Mal an Io shit. 3 bodroomlowrv hous- Sludnnu “com. Rob MW FUINIOMED room Kalah- on and laundry locum... Clo“ In Oahu“. Place Non-amour "a-"" Winn FURNISHED room. from sn L'.',tC,lt'M d bu' o n on a "SO/m ONE BEDROOM In Mc Clancy St. lounhouu. $350 monthly. Behind Shanda" Non mourn only Avululo July IM. W LARGE TWO party}: going In"! North-892b81,02s/mo - 2/3 bdrm. T/H, 5 appl. Glen Abbey-$930/mo-2 bdrm condo, all app and air condit. available Aug. let. Bronte a997/rtto-3 bdrm T/H in quiet complex Bronte-$1.050/mo incl. utII.-2 level, 2 bdrm watmentral arr orth-S1.050/mo.- 3-bdrm. townhouse, 4 app. Mtmdowole-t1,39tVnto.-4 bdrm., 2-et. on quiet court, 5 a liances. cant. air Rlver 'o1TiTi?'r'i/t'fl1,i.1'L,euto, 4 bdrm. 2- st, 5 appl. Long term lease available EttMa1,tmblltrttt-4 bdrm. 2-st. with heated pool, central air, Eaat- Aepen Foreet-82,300Imo. Spacious 4 bdrm, 2-st. Prestige area. Glen Abbey " ' 960mto.. large exec. with 5 bdrm. , rec room with billiards table ' library ' den, cl ik',',",,,.,,,, Helgnta- "600hmo. 5 bdrm bi~level bu_ng 1kyy ELF! NEE Cal/WERE 1lpy, - lot-IA,, - __ 3 bdrm, 2 bthrms walk-out base. ment. eat-in hitch. en, fireplace, 4 ap. pliances. Avail. Au. gust Ist. $1180. plus utilities. Call 043-5079 " vwon plop-1‘.- m alow on pnvate ravme lot, 3 fps hot-tutr, "r%'TGU."G' CAN FIND YOU A HOME! REGISTER NOW-NO FEE FOR OUR RENTAL MATCH OERVICE OTHE$t UNIT! AVAILABLE mum- “math!“ V Rentals 8: " Property Management " article for sale RAVINE SEMI ht!“ “can": room out. II room onm Win-Ion IIOEW Noni bu. house. lot Ion! IVY." 338-1 1 3O TRAFALGAR PROPERTY MANAGEMENY SERVICES INC 1950 OLDS, good bodr Starts and runs very wel New battery and alternator Needs balms W. or has! tailor. 80S-0755 1906 HYUNDAI Stellar GSL, 5 speed, am/fm cas- sette, sunroof, one owner. excellent condition. 31500 847-7847 1905 HONDA Accord LX, 4 door, auto, crunu. well maintained 33300. 8474946 1906 JEEP CHEROKEE Pronttar. 102,000 muss, 2.5 lure, 4 cylinder, 4 speed. clean. very good condition '3S00.2S7-025t WEDDING Photography . 100415 prints, in album plus negatives. " year: or penance. Reliable and ma- sonablo Picture Portocl Wedding Photography, 639-671 1992 MAZDA MKS. Pre. cidia V6. all options, factory CD changer, winter A sum- me! Yoko was. Low kms 316.950 Mango 542-5595 1991 TAURUS. 6-cyllnder auto. psJptVpm. an. storm un, cruise. 46,000 mt. coni- fitrtt, $6650. 637-1044. 1937 DODGE CARAVAN, 7 seats, am tint-d wmdows, am/fm cassolln. running board Clean family car. Asking $5800. Will canny Call 8 9-8753. mluro. like new, used 2 months mule! bedroom, gun-t room. living and dun- mg room VCR, etc 20 “WW Spears Rd (Oakhull Con. dom-mum.) tM2-a6t6 EUROPEAN marble come iablo. Wnunghouu ult- clouning oven, Wonlmg- hous- Routine Mug-ruler European wooden high chair (converts to Inblo I chow), Worn-r” 3-1:.“ huh. rowing mac in. MS-6Mt' in a p m NEED“). Lou up lo 30 no. 0 so dirt Try W! m 92199.99" tonal progum CONTENTS SALE: Fur FIXES, COPIEIIS, com on... amuse diving board and mucol Mucous tttt w I 32' pool "all”! condition MOJMCCM,N cycle Vorvo lock on "t melt. 2 Poul" mow um. 1M0 RM. Cd W7 Pam. Mint Coat Cur. ml valu- 12500 Sumac. 8t600 tte to. 00.! PM" - 'TrAbN2 FILTER m6 motor, load-m OFFICE FURNITURE Dun 310. Chum 810 not. 310. Rm t6th man mu snowing. Buy/30m no mass. 33.-0860 PARAFFIN urns. homo um: Em pom mounted. Hind. iooI, elbow. Con. “mom. "m. port-Mo In- M. - SOLID may“ ammo wit. u: when. almanac mod an all. tun-Ion! tNtttd6tet _ GARAGE/ YARD SALES TN "" to: ad. morn for home or'omct "F “1’99“!!!" Buy Thur Rock Chapel Antique Market SUMMER RATES YOUNG CHANG Grand: ' Uptlghu. Lam auction. VIIIGCOS! Hum ttt Pianos. HMS. Window, am tmm the IRA Plaza; (on) was (Limited Tlme Only) Saturday &/or Sunday noon : $25 0mm '. $10 Ilia. Call 639-3639 VENDORS WANTED 0n Hwy. K, (1mi, w. tg Hwy. IS) PIANOS Call am lot on Mamas: Hours. "ma-vau- house. tor vent WIN " akv Lil l pm. for Sunday issue " other than the t xt publication date 'ur 1984 Caravan, 5 pan- oengor LE series, 4 cylinder, ale, pts, rib, am/lm radio, tum, roo racks, running boards, new tires. Great shape. $3450. firm. 267-0675 leave mung; "" MAVERICK. 66,852 mules, One owner. 2-door, automatic, servlco records availablc, Blue. 5450' Call 827-6t90 1000 CHEV Impala, a/c, amltm India. Good condi- tion, " In $1400. or boat on", Phono anytime 827-0792 (Part Time) I VISTAMERE RETIREMENT RES' DENCE requires a mature part time house- keeper. Hotel or retirement experience ned- essary. . Please apply at Hm] can luv this AUCTION SALE Thursday, June 17 at 6:30 p.m. To consist ot antique items, service statlon signs & tins, boxes, cards etc., wooden tel- thone booth, movie and TN. memorabilia, o d newspapers, pictures, farm antiques, etc., Coca Cola cooler, Oran e Crush cool- er, gas pump signs, new 'd'll"/rl tackle, rods. reels & lures, etc. To be held at "Hume: Auctlon Farm" lo- cated at 9313 - 4th Line, 3 miles northeast ot Milton. Usual terms & conditions etc. Sherwood Hume. Auctloneer 416-878-4870 25m tuck: " ado q Accounting/Micro. Computers . Medical/Legal Secretarial q Dental Receptionist. , WordPerfect, DOS Come q Lotus 1,2,3 Drivers required to operate 24' van. Must have clean abstract. $10-$12/hr. General Laborers needed for load- ing and unloade truck. Must be physically fit $8- 10./ hr. Manhattan Agency requires immediately children of all ages, babies, children ' teens, as TV/Movie extras and Catalogue models. Parents . Call Now! 897-2323 Part time tor chair manufacturer. Good command of English langua?e necessary. Experience with industria machines essential. Rush hour bus from GO station to Wtstopf'iEkAiva/iyistty Circle SEWING MACHINE OPERATOR Hmlneop Boys & Girls Wanted AUCTIONS, SALES ' REG. MIN. COLLEGES ' UNIVERSITIES . CAREER INFORMATION NIGHT muss. JUNE 24th at 7:30 p.m 467 SPEERSRD., OAKVILLE Max Movers PT/FT Oakville Based q Residential . Comma! . Auction Divisions ' Earn While you learn ' Unlimiied Income potential ' Independence from 9-5 routine . Work In your own community 845-91 80 The Power of Teamwork! Make a date with your future! For a reserved seat call: REAL ESTATE SALES HOUSEKEEPER Call tt29-aTjty . Financial Aid May be Available . . Full and Pun-limo Classes aso Sherin Dr. ability k upied 338-0909 Pat Evans The Windshield weevil-H pays your $50 deductlbb on windshiald replacement Call 845-5828. - 50v“ AUTO cuss; $38 A babe of a dual. Ca and trucks wanted. Dead alive. but prion. Call 27 7474. 2720982 _ to be maimed. so TvBird, Chev convoniblo " Ca Inc, " Cadillac. Poncho. Call 847-6109 ovomnga. " 1050's CLASSIC CAM HIM out wanna Emu mm for sale m Ill cla m was! training Wt “Wrap momr'epdr ht lied ad ml

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