" OPINION F...........--.........-.-.....--...-.-'..-'..'.'.'- s--.----.---------.--. Bigots masquerading as freedom fighters Dear Sir: Ihave lost one more freedom. For many years I had on my car a Confederate flag. Not because I hate thisrazorthatone,butbecausel 1ovethatf1agHoftenthinkimustbea 1eft.over southern relic, I love the south the lazy days and the wonderful dmwl and so on. e Progressive Conservative Party of Canada did what it had to do Sunday in electing Kim Campbell as leader of the party and prime minister at least until a federal election is called. But the words of her acceptance speech had barely died in the stifling Ottawa Civic Auditorium when the political knives could be heard being removed from their scabbards. That's the way it is in politics. Some commentators were suggesting that Quebec might now turn against the Tories because it 'rejected' a Quebecker in the form of Jean Charest. It is to laugh. Considering that the country has had a Quebecker leading the country for the better part of a decade and before that, there was some guy called Pierre Trudeau. In between we had John Turner and Joe Clark for short stints. Only a political moron could conclude that by not electing Charest. that Quebec had been sleighted. Federal Liberal Party observers concluded that Campbell was simply another one of the old guard of the Conservatives and brought to her government all the baggage of the Mulroney government. Hogwash. What this Liberal wag failed to mention was that his party elected a leader who brought with him more than two decades of political baggage. most of it containing the thoughts of Pierre Trudeau. They had a chance to be re-bom and should have gone for Paul Martin. He would have brought some new blood and new ideas into their party, instead they opted for Jean Chretien, and if you talk to even die-hard Liberals, they'll admit privately that this was the greatest mistake the party made. So much for the Grits. Now I see my beloved flag has become a racist symbol. so for fear of There were some surprises at the convention, not the least of which was the strong showing of Halton-Pecl MP Garth Tumor who gave what we think was the best speech Saturday night. He wiped the floor with Patrick Boyer, the early darling of the media intelligentsia. Tunter, who had no paid staff and vowed to run a debt-hee campaign, refused to back any of the front-ninners. As a party, the PCs also came out of the dark ages of sexism that have plagued them since the infamous 1976 convention that saw Flora MacDonald go down in flames after being told she had the support of the majority of delegates. The party had to be anti-woman at that time, how else to explain the meteoric rise of political light-weight Joe Clark? Dear Sir: When you wrote your editorial on Fri. June run, it would appear you forgot there are six public school trustees for Oakville. Five out of six Oakville trustees supported Burlington Trustee Diane Leblovic's motion to keep tabs on the expendi- ture of funds and be notified of over- runs of $5,000 or more. I feel trustees Lane, Marklew, Scheel, Reid and Clark, should receive a standing ova- tion for being right on the account- ability mark. - But all that has been forgotten now. For not only did the Tories elect a female " leader but they also have the distinction of having the fast female prime minister. Quite a weekend. -- - So what about Kim Campbell? Well, she still makes us nervous. She's got to be a little more thoughtful about her policy of shooting from the lip and then mopping up the possible consequences later. She's got Marcel Masse in her camp and that really makes us nervous. Here's a guy who has done more to trash more government departments than any other cabinet minister and he's at her right hand. Scary. Especially of concern was Masse's comment after the Campbell victory when asked about how Quebec would react to Campbell's victory. "We'll look after them," he said. Like we said, scary. Ifshedoesntget swallowed up in the patronage game. Campbell has achanoe to make some positive contribution to government even if she only has a couple of months before she calls an election. She must bring Charest into her cabinet, she mustfindaspotfbrGarthTumer,inmlyinaminorpostandshemustbecasefulto be her own person. All in all, a weekend of historic proportions. Sieberfs vote shows she's out of touch with times Oakville trustee Penny Sieben, the only Oakville trustee who voted Employees lose out in gas bar drive-offs Dear Sir: This letter should be addressed to all those people who think that not paying for their gasoline is only getting back at the bil companies that they think are over-charging them at the pumps. A lot of stations are now going independent and that means that drive-offs are being taken out of the employees' pay cheque. When said employee is hired at minimum pay and has no benefits, this can be very expensive. In the last week there hav e been three such people at our station and three different employees have had to pay for this out of their own pocket. This can also lead to said employees being suspended or fired. So for trying to be friendly, courteous and doing a good job, we get left with the bill for people who think they are really pulling off a great one. My special thanks to the gentleman who paid for potato chips on the evening of June 9th after 10 p.m. I have paid the $35.24 for your gasoline. Campbell's moment EDITORIAL Shirely McKay having my car vandalized by some self-righteous uni-reds! cmsader, I removed my futt. WhenItooktheplttteoffmycar1 1ostapetstxulhmdatt.%mernight arguethechoi-nine,ntnso.1 removedthef1agoutoffearofvio- knee. Iarnvtangsy,aswellassati- dened.Haveweberomeasociayof bigotsmasquemdingashedom against the motion and who also hap- pens to be vice-chair of the finance ounmittee, offended the intelligence of everyone present with her stinging denunciation of this accountability motion. She clearly feels anyone who agrees with accountability is stupid. Isntthisthereasonshewaselected?1 cannot fathom how trustee Sieben The recent ramming of the NAFTA agreement through the House of Commons by the Federal Conservatives has political, monetary impli- cations. The PCs are ensuring themselves of multi-national financial support for the fall federal election! This is democracy? I would just like to comment on the Quality of Teaching editorial. I feel there are just too many teachers, especially the young teachers, who themselves don't know how to spell. When my daughter was younger, on numerous occasions I got work home that she used to do homework on with misspelled words even within spelling words she was to memorize. And of course I had to prove to her that what I had told her was correct in the dictionary. So unless we straighten out our teachers today and make sure they can spell our kids will never be able to spell. I think they should tap into our oil surplus and sell it to pay Canada's debt instead of taxing us people, the hard workers. That's my opinion FHON? ALONE CALL845-5585 E Got a gripe? Give us a call. Readers are invited to express their opinion on a topic of their choice by calling 845-5585, box All callers are allowed 45 sec- onds to express their opinion and must provide their name, address and phone number for verification. A cram section of the responses will be published in next Wednesday's Oakville Beaver. Will!!! SPEAK YOUR MIND ftghtets? BIGOT WEBSIER DICTIO an NARI Rarity-trut-ge-tttttty fitrtotit,titelasttimeididtwo mammal“ acatssaparkinglaandthreatened andthefewBudingtnouaeeswho supponedhcrpoimofvicwwac electedTheyateoutoftouchwith thetimesandcleady&xtthaeeaclue astohowtomanagernoneyatthe corpomelevel, Shernanagedtoputa newtwistonanoldadage-Penny wise,Nundfoolish,butinthiscase it'sNundwise-Pemy foolish. "thteholdsaoeedoropiniortin Ctsinactessihletoallreasonwith The Oalmlle Beam welcomes your comments. All amen must be timed and include me writer's address and phone numbet. Lenem should be typed. doutge-spaced and addressed to: um to the EM. The mu. m. Act - Rd., Column, OM. Lox MM 467 Spears Road, Oakville, Ont, L6K Bruce Bennett Classified Advertising: 845-2809 Circulation: 045-9742 or 845-9743 845-3824 Fax: 845-3085 Diana Wilson 2/6044 THE OAKVll.LE BEAVER fan Elliot Jane Eyre meMthpemmalvioknce.Iwould 1iketogoantisee.dateisayit Sttmeboat.somerttembersofthe amtmunitymayscteatnotncettities atmeanticallmeracist. Themalityisanyvisibleminority orsexualpeeferencegmupcanmarch amundalltiteylikeandtourpeidein theirraixortheirsexualptderence andevetyonenodstheircollective headsandcallsthematunueous. betagroupofproud whitesrnarch around touting pride in their race and may God have mercy on their racist souls I for one am white. Canadian and proud. I am no longer prepared to apologizeforbeing white. Ididnot and I will not make amends for what some misguided people did two hun- dred years ago. Slavery was the most disgusting abomination, I did not engage in it, therefore I will not mp! responsibility for it. Aooupleofdays agolwasinan express check-out line in a grocery store, 1-8 items. A woman came along and loaded the conveyer belt with about 30 items, we all looked at each other, shuffled around, then looked away. the woman looked around, smile smugly and carried on. You see the woman was black. The rest of us were white, asking her to move her grocery order to a check- out for larger orders COULD have resulted in a racial incident. (Body language speaks volumes.) Recently, Metro Toronto council- lors voted against allowing the CHIN bikini contest to continue after this year, because it is degrading to women, which women? Personally I see nothing wrong with a group of young women competing, if that is their choice. Or is freedom of choice confined to a list of politically-correct pre-approved activities made up by a group of all-knowing, all-seeing bigs, oops, I mean community minded citi- zens. (Who have a God given right to dictate what is acceptable. Which God? I wonder.) I have one thing to say to all you politically correct, self-appointed, bigots - back off, a lot of us have had enough! No I'm not an anti black gay-bashing animal killing white supremacist, I'm merely a pro hee- dom of choice individual. How sad our society has become when even in a grocery check-out line fear has taken over. SS4 'iijilhAlij.ilili9 Risip3lflitf, E Joan Y. Clodd Ian Oliver Publisher Robert Ole-hey Advertising Director Norman Alexander Editor Geoff Hill Circulation Director Teri Cllll core Manager Tim Colel Pmdurunn Manager m Dear Sir: I stand corrected. Members of Town Council via Peter Wagland, Deputy Town Manager, have now told me that the 1993 increase in the town's portion of residential tax rate, 1993 over 1992, is in fact 1.96% I must confess I was in some doubt when I used 2.9% but did wonder if anybody would notice and, THEY did! Not a murmur of course, on the withdrawal of services to Town resi- dents that, so it is said, saved some 1.25% that, according to the Davies calculations, gives us a TRUE tax increase of 3.21% for 1993. I find this kind of selective response contemptible: why not address the full text of my letter in the Town reply? At some time," now or in the very near future, present Social Contract negotiations aside, our Town Councillors must honestly address Town expenditure with a mandate to reduce same. Dear Sir: Very recently I was part of the gathering to promote tolerance of all our citizens. while the Chief of Police was speaking, we were deliberately interrupted by young people running and screaming through the crowd with a Confederate flag which is a symbol of white supremacy. it was ugly. The police tell me there is nothing they carrcharge these young people with. It is a criminal offence to scream hate slo gans in public while completely disrupting a peaceful demonstra- tion but the Attorney General has so far refused to instruct the police to lay charges. We have had anti-hate laws for 22 years in Canada but under the legislation. the provincial government must instruct the police to lay charges. The NDP government has been silent on this growing climate of intolerance. Paul Fromm still teaches children in Mississauga and Ernst Zundel is still free to publish and distribute his hate literature. Whatever action is require to end this HATE is needed NOW. Society has two lines of defense against racism - the justice sys- tem and the education system. The government has refused to allow the justice system to function properly. We will continue to have raise this issue with the Attorney General in the Legislature until she acts. ---. LETTER 05mm: Dar -.-..- Time the law put end to hate ouncillors must address spending The percentage of children enrolled In preschoa income. In 1990, less than half of the children ' under $40,000 were enrolled. However, 75 pen lies with incomes over $75,000 were enrolled ll Preschool enrollment try family income WEEKLY FOCUS Thu Olin/Me Baum. pubIMod ovary Sammy. Winn-thy and FMay, M 407 Spoon Rd, 0“le II on ol Ibo Mellow Punting, Pummng a. Dumbmlng Ltd avoup aluminum rump-pan whlcmnoluau Am 9mm? Nam Mungâ€, Sumo 101mm. Hampton Guardâ€. Budimkm Per, Coin and Commotion, Emma auiiram, Goovmown iW Mom's. PM». Kmplon This Wook um, Wonk, Math!" Economlul and Sm, 9toufMttsluxtrehtt Mum, M lion Can-dun Pas; t'lt,'l',r8t Nun. Nwmrkol-Auvau Eva-Bum, Nam York Mum, o lb Btootr, ttIM Je,'/r',ut2,1e,2l'g, Thh Week, Pmbowum Th0! Wonk, Richmond Hill/Thom lughnn Llhmal, Scarborough Minor All manual publmhod In the Oakvtlo Bum/m In mound by 'a',r,'tu'r'l, mprtx$utntm m whole or In pan ol mm malarial In Mnctty lorbmn wt mu mnwnl of ma publlIhev Toe, Wâ€. W19. teschoc Gary Carr, M.P.P Oakville South (dies wnr hildren f n town Indopondnnv Er' Week, Mmrmm Miami-n Grimm m York Mmm,0 lb 'pf. LL. Davies wcomes fan am 23