"‘UPDATEM†The Oakville Seniors Centre will host the Oakville Waterfront Festival Strawberry Social at the Sir John Colborne Recreation Centre for Seniors from 1 to 4 pm. Tickets are $3. Strawberry Social at the Sir John Colborne Recreation Centre for Seniors from 1 to 4 pm. Tickets are $3. Branch 114 of theRoyal Canadian Weekly get-togethers with a public health nurse for new parents. Program available at no cost in various locations throughout Halton. For information, call Health Line Halton, 825â€"6060. Me and Mom, a program designed Mississauga Widow and Widowers Club hosts regular monthly dance/social at 8 pm. at South Common Mall in Mississauga. Call 569-7151 or 845-5138 for details. Bronte Legion, 79 Jones SL, will host a Spaghetti Dinner between 4 and 8 pm as part of Waterï¬'ont FeStival. $5 for adults; $2.50 for children 10 and under. Call 827-4722 for information. Everyone welcome. 17w Oakville Amateur Radio Club will participate in Field Day, an annual continent-wide emergency preparedness exercise, beginning today at 2 pm. and ending tomorrow at 2 pm. at Bronte provincial Park. Public is invited to view the Field Day operation. 5m. 2 pm. in 5 pm. 2101 3|th Clescent Spacious 4lbedroom, renovated kitchen w. sunny eating area, ï¬n. bsmnt., nanny suite, pool, sauna; hot tub, newly decorated, quiet crescent in desirable area, near schools and GO, landscaped 120'x100' lot, $465 M, 842-6413. EAST OAKvnu UNDER mum VALE . OPEN HOUSE St. Cuthbert’s Nursery School, a non-profit organization owned and operated by the members for the pur- poses of providing educational experi- ences for their children, is currently accepting registrations for its two and three-day programs for September 1993.Call Mar Peebles at 842-7169. The Benson Hedges Symphony of F ire blasts off nightly at 10 pm. June 23rd, 26th, 30th and July 3rd, 7th and 10th. New competitors from Portugal and France, in addition to returning par- ticipants from Italy, England and Canada will entertain with displays staged from massive barges just off Ontario Place. The Hutton Cross Country Ski Club has a variety of evening, day and weekend bicycling events for all levels. The cyclist hotline is 637-0854. For general information, call 634-2012. Nobody’s Angel, a self-defense class for girls aged 7 to 12, to be held July 5 to 9th, 9 to 10:30 am. at Lindsey Park, The Rainbow Connection, a sum- mer music program for all children Grades 1 to 6, meets Saturdays between 9:30 and 10:30 am. at Faith Baptist Church, 1415 Trafalgar Rd. Call 842- 0938 Monday to Friday, 9 am. to noon to register. The Halton British Canadian Club has a new home at the Knights of Colums Hall, 1494 Wallace Rd. where it meets at 8 pm. on the third Friday of each month. For more information, call Pauline at 845-7773. Vacation Bible School runs July 5th to 16th at Christ King Lutheran Church in Mississauga. 9 am. to 11:30 am. for Grades 4 to 8. 822-1432 or 822-8931. 125CR033Avmcmï¬omtheaomm) flatab we 845-0150 C Orthodontics for Children and Adults ‘ at 243 North Service Road, West _ Suite 301 Oakville, Ontario Der-Mel ‘Tmï¬zgar Wï¬zge Oakviffe 3’13] 338-3220 Phone 849-1717 IORTH SERWCE ROA