Oakville Beaver, 27 Jun 1993, p. 25

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EXPERIENCED woman available lmmedlalely to care for children, sen ors. HOA. housekeeper and cooking. massage. Refer- enges. non-smoker. 642-9952 WOMAN wanted for rela- fionship. Should like travel. figfpgean background pre- Join their children in‘kin- cardine, Ontario. July 3 to help celebrate. Consider this r invitation. H.S.V.P. (519 396-4106. (Card) 'Carfib'fieuf’ta'ri'nizng 9', 99M?) W “W... - EXPERIENCED CLEANING lady available. Insured. Ex- oe_llent Oakville/Burlington ARTflUfi an_d "M‘argargt references. Call 632-5365 EXPERIENCEDcleanIng lady available, will do laun- dry and Ironing, insured. own transponatlon. Oakville relereneesieave message. 338-1316. CLEANING lady with ex- perience, own trans ana- tlon, references av labia, Monday to Friday. ap- pointment mll829-5491. want the best éei’vlce'ifi town. call us at 855-0557. We" guaranteed! ALINA'S Cleaning Serv- loesr' Try our service once and you'll stay with us for- exer. H_ouse_s_.. gpartmengs. offices' .fh'e’fi ’h’éét’ddfi forlowpdees. ul Insu . References avallab . "you Duties include chair side assisting with HARP and desk reception duties. Part-time Thursdays, Fridays and some Saturdays. Please submit resume to: Dr. Peter Lernlski and Dr. Debi Doron 635 Fourth Line Oakvllle, Ontario L6L 5W4 Hikers Haven is seeking a self- starting customer service ori- entated sales associate. The ideal candidate must have sales experience and enjoy the out- doors. Drop by and fill out an appli- cation. A resume is an asset 549 Bronte Rd. Oakville, Ontario ’seii motivation 'extensive training pmgram .profesioneu attitude vindusi leadl sales tools willingness io loam ~exciu prodngu lines ~awn uansponation oguaraMeod drew -no previous indusfly sales -monthiy bonuses experience growth within company Ontarlo's leader in Home lm rovements has just opened a branch to service 'Ile and the sur- rbunding area. We Require men motivation Pitchers Restaurant Kitchen ' Help (Part Time) Apply 1(rersonln: National Distributor Inqulres A Few Team Players Earn 540,000 to $60,000 [Year (Comm) NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED To Those Who Qualify We Offer: 0 New Company Vehlde 0 Management Potenflall 0 Comprehemlve Trolnlng Program 0 Dally 6 Weekly Income Optional Travel For Pomonol InteMew,CalI Now SALES REPRESENTATIVES SALES ASSOCIATE odayto a confidential interview 327-5050 BIL-DEN HOME IMPROVEMENTS 1410 Speers Rd. [fimmam -sduhdpagenh -hominuovemm 338â€"0804 Sixth Line CERTIFIED DENTAL ASSISTANT INSTANT INCOME! We Ofler REMO Carpentry, finish work. doors, baseboards. rec rooms. etc. Free esti- mates, VReasonable rates. DECKS. DECKS, DECKS. Custom built honest and quality builders, photos, rei- erenoes. Guaranteed. Local. Anytime 607-0881. IIASTER electrlclan. 100amps. service. new wir- ing. extra plugs lighting. Reasonable rates. Free es- timates. 827â€"9559 CHELSEY Construction. Specializing in: Finishing Basements. Bathrooms. Painting, Home Additions, Architectural Moulding; John Raposo. Oakville. 847â€"2543. DECKS. custom built. Pro- fessional work. Priced to fit your budget. For free as- timate call 275-8997 FLOORMASTERS Hard- wood Floor lnstallatlon, sanding. stalnlng. repairs. Low Prices 10 years ex- perienoe.Call460â€"6434 ALL FORMS OF carpen- try. Home improvements, aimlng. wallpapering. easonable rates. 11rs. ex- perience. Seniors discount. 847-6674. TALL, attracflve. cultured and cari lady. Eafly 60's. Looking or an honest and loving man with some qua} ities. Somefine who loves music. spans and good eon- versatlon. Must have a sense of humour. Please repl in confidenct to Box 438 clo Oakville Beaver, 467 S eers Rd. Oakvlllo. 0m. K334. ALL home renovations, ad- dnions. dormers. decks. kitchens, bathrooms. base- ments. 20 ears exp ari- ence. Stane ey 823- 9905. 823-9241 Sunday starting July 4th. Holiday Inn. Oa ville, yQEW and Trafalgar. 7 pm - 11:30 pm. Top DJ-door 'zes. Ad- mission $10.0 . (dress code). Buffet available from :30, $7.9517qu71nfor call 'u1es'2yles' 829-0279. ALEXANDER'S RENO- VATIONS Bathrooms. Ce- ramic tiling. Drywall, Chim- neys, Painting, Woodwork, Carpeting. Free estimates. Call Alex 842-9976 §INQLES_ DANCE lev‘eury COUNTRY like selllng. Walk 10 parks and lake. Stay at home mom avail- able to look alter all ages. 825-3413 anytime. AFFORDABLE home day- care, River Oaks area. Full/pan time. Wonderful set- up. many toys, crafls, refer- pnees. lease call for more inionnatlon 338-034§ EXPERIENCED, energetic mothers helper needed to help can for 2 young child- ren age 1 and 2 part-time this summer. non-smoker. own trans onatlon pre- ferred. 827- 884 ENGLISH Sgeakin live-in Nanny, NN B an driver preterred. One child. Start and August References and papers. 868â€"6665. AFFORDABLE daycare Thlrd Line IRebecca. Full [part time. lots of TLC {or your child. Many outdoor lindoor actlvlties. Large tenced yard. References. 825-2869 BUDGET Movers. Two professional men $40/hr. in- cludes gas, equipment. mileage, Insurance. Free estimates. 829-5756. cube van and half): Ur}- beatabla rates. 847-8906 HANDYMAN-EXPERI- ENCED at plumblng, dry- wall. landscaping, paimlng. electrical, ntry and ap- pliance repa t. No job too small. Free estimates. Call 847â€"8924 MOVING? Call Victor for HANDYMANwlth truck. No job too small. Free esti- mates. 24 hours. Call David at 644-2267. PICK-UP truck available for small moves. scrap \re- moval or ard clean-up. Reasonab e. Call Brlan 878-7994 GARAGEsmomobulldor cancels large pra~fab order! Factory overstock sale.1-car $3,333; 2-car $3,777: 3-car $4.666. Delivery. Installa- tion Included. Pad extra. Phil 1-800-387-1001. ers can make your'hdUsé shine! Ask about our Eany and Special. 349-0642 pager Sisâ€"bolfiTbF-iiél 544.2451 after 6pm. PRECISION Student Paint- DON'T throw your old furâ€" niture awary, bring it our wayl "Qua ity furmture re- 1inishlng_ and regair wor_k Licensed Home Da care is offered through an Agency sewing urlinglton, Oakville and Nflgsissauga, age_s1 mon_t t910_years OB Try a live out Nanny. Our Nannies are screened, full or part time offered. Mississauga, ages 1 month to 10 ears Sharon or Brenda 8 33 fit. filicbacl ant fill Qngels ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A DAYCARE Ill-CENTRE ALTERNATIVE ? Daycare Centre 1050 Grand Blvd. Oakville ls Accepting Registrations for Full Part Week Programmes Ages 15 months to 5 years For further info. call Nancy at aned, full or an time offered. Ga I Marlene 825-3433 or 849-3878 movinglmmgo GRADUATION ANNOUNCEMENTS 1993 The cost of placing your announcement will be $40. Please bring in a picture of the gradu- ate along with the wording of the announcement to our offices at: For further information please call: 467 Sp eers Rd. Oakville 842-901 6 845-2809 Thurs. Fr'i. "Gbifléomiii nlcafloq s_kjl_ls[ _{e_terences mquired. 335-3393 RELIABLE teenage baby- sitter needed [or 2 energetic boys. as es 2 and 3 1/2. Sixth Lne/Culham area. Occasions} evenings. are happg! Mforda'ble. ex- perience care oflered. All ages. Receipts». references. CaI1844-7729 DAYCARE required. my home or yours. Rebecca. Dorval area, 3 school aged children a! St. James School. Callaner 6 pm. 842â€"6987. ECE student/grad. pan-time mother‘s hel no give lov- ing care to year old and newborn and perform light flousokegplngAdutios. Wed. ENGLISH s eaking Nann _S‘eptembe_r tq _Octqbgr . Mb'uif 16m T'LIQé'ifi/Buii Driver. swimmer. 844-0905. A loved child is a he 1 chilq. A." of my_ c|'_IH n FRIENDLY Bears. afford- able. hlgh quality chlldcare. references. receipts. space avallable Jul 5. Glen Ab- bey,847â€"69 . T.X. BEDDING. CUSTOM- MADE DBAPEHY. uphol- stery. bedding. blinds. ac- cessories. Designer iabflcs, bodlinens, duvets, plllows. A loved child is a hal er’s Helpers avalrléblewlin- mediaiely. Call Maid In The Phllllpplnes, 84941076 . 333-4025. FILIPINO NANNIES/ Moth- PROPERTY Maintenance. Jobs include, lawn cutting, bush and hedge trimming. garden cars. etc. No job too small. Greg Gram 849â€"8630 Call CW 7 ' 72-9665 "950MB | 735 “mm Studérié’wiu'éfit'aâ€"ria'fripfi lawns/build fences. Very [aqsgnaplm References. CEDAR HEDGES. Pro- fessional Planting Services. Excellent Ouallty Trees u to 10 fl. High. For Instant P vacy. Free Quotes. call Campbellvllle. 1- (519) [IATUHE UNIVERSITY PlCKED-UP IN WATERDOWN EVERGREEN SOD FARMS 601 -7344 ADDrnON OF OUR THIRD STOREY STOREY - Daryl and Helen alon with their sons, D Ian and Darcy, are thri ed to an- nounce e arrival of a special little girl. Shelby Elena Storey, Saturday June 19, 1 93 weigh- ing 8 lbs. 8 oz. born at Women's Colle e Hos- pital. Proud grandparents Hu h an Nancy Storey of Oakville, Catherine oloney of Pe- terborough and great-nana Vera Storey of Mis- sissauga. Special thanks for all her help to niece Julie Russelle. IT'S A BOY VASSOV - Nick and Joanne (nee White) are thrilled to announce the birth of their son. Matthew Nicholas born on June 23, 1993 at 3:37 am. weighin 7 lbs. 9 ozs at OakvilIe-Tra- falgarMemonal ospital. Proud grandparents are Robert Vassov and Nora and en and Kay White. Special thanks to Dr. Eftimescu and obs. nurses especially Betty at O.T.M.H. Klaring of Aurora. The late Andreas Klaring would have been thrilled. Special thanks to the nursing staff of Women's College Hospital for their care and support. EARLY ARRIVAL MANN â€" Flex and Miriam (nee Dignam) and son Matthew are deli hted to announce the birth of their daughter adeline Violet on June 2, 1993. Proud grand arents are Michael and Violet Dignam of 0a ville. Special thanks to Dr. Burrows and the obs. staff at McMaster Medical Centre, including Jacinta Davies for the second time. on May 13, 1993. Proud alrandparents are Gi- _z§la'and prggo Hauz_ay of_ amjltop and glaqys ITS A BOY LUKASIK â€" Big brother Christopher is very excited to announce the Ion awaited birth of his new baby brother Jake arten. Born at 8:11 am. on June 16, 1993, weighing in at 7 lbs. 5 1/2 025. Proud parents In rid and Brian (Lou) would like to thank Drs. Bach and Cur- ran-Blaney as well as the nursing, staff at OTMH for all their special care. Proud grand- parents are John and Diny Martens and Chester and Jean Lukasik. ONE! TWO! THREE! HAUZARâ€" Andrea and Mike (nee Klaring) are thrilled to announce the birth of their new triplets. Rachel, Kaylin and Matthew arrived on_ May _1§, 199g. Proud‘grantlparente are (5i- CUSCHIERI â€" Chuck and Denise and big brother Dylan are thrilled to announce the early arrival of Rachel Ann, 3 lbs. 14 ozs on Mon- day, May 31, 1993 at 7:21 pm. Proud grand- ents are Lynn and Craig Campbell and Isa- el and Charlie Cuschien. Special thanks lo Dr. Joshi, Mrs Murra and the staff at the O.T.M.H. Special Care ursery. COPPERTHWAITE â€" David and Heather (nee Ingram) welcome with love a sister for Hayley, Shaina Eva born June 11, 1993 at 12:28 pm. weighing 7 lbs. 3 1/2 ozs. Proud grandparents are Derek and Jill Copperthwaite of Mississauga and Barbara Ingram of Oak- ville. Extra special thanks to Dr. Richmond- Peck, Dr. Rouse and the excellent nursing staff at O.T.M.H. CROSSER â€" John and Nancy :nee Meyer) are roud to annbunce the birth 0 their daugh- ter shley Jeanne, born in Bangkok, Thailand on May 25, 1993, weighing 6 lbs. 1 oz. Proud grandparents are Jean Meyer and Al and Bar- ara Meyer, and Jim and Helen Crosser. baby daughter, Victoria Alexandra born on Monday, June 21, 993 at 9:31 pm. weighing 7 lbs. 14 ozs. at Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital Happy arand ents for e eleventh time are Peter and ilda ay Cadman, and grandparents for the first time are Paul and Sylvia Hurley, all of Oakville. Another great-grandchild for Elizabeth Cadman and first great- grandchild for Viola Hurley of. Etobiooke. S cral thanks to Dr. T. Goldenberg and obs ‘sta at OTMH and very special thanks to nurse Mabel. ITS A GIRL CADMAN â€" .Tom and Stacey (nee Hurley) are ghsolqtelx ghriljgd» to_ appounqe t_he birth_ 9f their The Oakville Beaver offices will be closed on Thursday, July 1st, 1993. Please reserve your advertising space early. ‘ Advertising Deadline igr Sunday July 4th will be Friday, July 2nd al11 a.m. “Oalwille’s Community Newspaper” CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEADLINES 'W FHE OAKVILLE BE} All other issues are regular deadlines BRASIL, Manuel - In loving memory of a super brother who passed away June 12, 1993. We think of you in silence Every second of each day And we miss you more and more Than words can ever say. People liked his style His cheerful. well mannered way He had the most gentle smile And always a funny word to say. Honest, patient, brave and true Kind, generous, handsome wonderful guy He was the brother you'd like to have To share pain, sorrow, laughter or cry. Each morning when we awake We know that you're gone But no one knows the heartache As we try to carry on. Our hearts will always ache in sadness Secret tears still flow ' What is meant to lose you, Manny No one will ever know. Our thoughts are always with you Your place no one can fill in life we loved you dearl In death, we love you stil . You are sadly missed. Sisters Fatima, Tina, Maggie, Anna, Maria, Cecilia, Rosa and brother Joe. KQPRIVA TAYLOR ADAMSON Walter and Dorothy congratula- tions on your 50th anniversary. Married June 26, 1943. â€"All our love and good wishes from Bob, Donna and Frank, Luella and Gary, Scott, Kirk, Krista, Mathew, Mark, Philip and Tracy; 56 LAKESHOHE ROAD WEST OAKVILLE, ONTARIO LsK IC7 FUNERAL DIRECTORS Tenypooke Don Clarke Shaun Webb COMMUNITY FUNERAL HOME LOCALLY OWNED OPERATED BY RUDY KOPRIVA NEILL TAYLOR 844-2600 >6A4ALarltrerstmre Road West. Oakville ifluneral Home Obakufifi 842-2252

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