u Responsibility for caution on homeowner Place all sludge from paint and var- nish remover projects outside to harden before discarding. The biggest problem with liquid waste put into landfill is the witch's brew that results when many of these singly harmless sub- stances react with each other to create havoc when mixed. (Contlnued from page 12) tank room a hardwood no: kitchen. 53W.“ Nicely decorated hor Featuec main (kxx fomly room v frepioce, spacious eom kitch fn'shed lower kn/el,aoroeousgader town. l bedoo Vrtg/trmgtrxxrr hatNxxadiexys,ti STEPS FROM DOWNTOWN MAGNIFICENT PROPERTY COftONAT1ON PARK TRADITIONAL ELEGANCE! $649,000 FtarNyhcrr1efuloft%arm $699,000 Regency We home $299,000 Greattomiy home,4|evel 5899.000 Located on 2/3 acre and ohoroder. W06 plank tkxrs, ttttgat ed on o prNde one mo a mid boCkaht, mrmc' date condhon‘ ,over T,,xg,tt steps from downtown. stoned Oass windows. 3 feeplaces, we properfy, 'ngromd pod, kitchtr1 Wa:repxqxsttystthdeetntutpden itage home, Circa _1856. Large dammgaoge-Wmdmdo‘ed-LOBOfM‘QSDOCe-5mdhgwndheotedpoot 'xttctodtrxxrtswithN'tt1cemgs, pondr5bedoomsMbaths. bedocxru,wtAtoSt,hhitted's. updated» kitchen, - 5 .bedtxorrts, EAST END LOCATION $319,000 Nicely decorated 1 WALK TO APPLEBY RESTORED $328,900 d bedroom. mar fkxx $899,000 Lavd $319,000 Mature location d bedc features main a CODA/BTW QUIET STREET LAKEFR'ONY £60 -r- -- ’ DOWNTOWN LOCATION n Abbey $419,000 Conway renew 1yit me wilt' In other words, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Another conserver tip is to save old varsol that has been used cleaning oil- base paint brushes. The solids will set- tle in a few weeks so clear varsol can be poured off the top leaving a solid residue behind. I do this with repeated rinses of the 57 3i3.fskSri.1ti1t), TCRESCE Macho: RUTH ANNE WINTER )ccmon 5 u39,000 BetxhtiA m HI CHARMING HOME 5249.000 Ode Odwie. Ha paint brush in a can, each time pouring off the solid varsol into another can until no more paint comes out of the brush. $579,000 For those folks who are connected to a septic tank, be careful to avoid washing out latex paint brushes in a sink. Instead, wash them out the way you do an oil-base paint clean-up Ire Stoker mm if! Ile NE 3:0 Mak BIT: fed tatxxg, It UT mg and and m $153,000 principal rooms wnh r191 cemgs. updated kitchen, 5 bedooms, sdecttxuArtpdens&rrtuch more. MIN. FROM HARBOUR t TOWN $239,000 Wonderful open concept fanify home. Extra large maiter bedroom, finished lower level, 2 treTRres,hardwood 6otys. 5'35.“ $erridetached town- house 'n Centrd Ookvle. wok to habou and lake. Ovets'zed yard is My ttrcet1tTitrtcdisac. home, tyttnt eatm kitchen, lovety yad. tp'etstreerrnet:xt end, mah tkxxtarNy room, FAMILY HOME $299,000 Spacious d bedroom - t “2' u ' g, w, a ' ‘ , I " ’ I I, F i _eisA " N INl ' . Nl P. in B, " tp, - "2 a ’ ‘1. '. _. - if") In; - - r ' in 4 _ A' 1 uf, [ except that you use water in place of varsol. All of this caution puts extra responsibility on the individual home.. owner But we have to live on this earth and there is no longer any "away" where things can be thrown. PER STARTER