' Limited time - new customers only "Makers of fine quality Custom Kitchen Cabinets " With over 24 years experience ’For a Free Estimate call or drop by our New Showroom 221 DEERHURST on.†UNITS 3â€"6, BRAMPTON 458-6224 A KITCHEN BENTRES| CAN WE STEELES AVENUE EAST HWYAO! 221 Doorman! D'IVI Units 3â€"6 1) Brookdale 111 pts; 2) Centennial 104; 3) Falgarwood 93; 4) Wedgewood 83; 5) Glen Abbey 72; 6) Bronte 54; 7) Q.E.Park 32; 8) Lions 27; 9) White Oaks 19 RESULTS OF ANNUAL OAKVILLE NOVICE SWIM MEET (Hold Tuesday at Brookdllo Pool) TEAM RESULTS ELIGIBILITY: Born 1976 through to 1988 OHHVIllE BCDlUlEann SAT., SEPTEMBER 11th, 9 am. to 12 noon WHEN: WHERE: SINGLE ...... FAMILY (2) FAMILY (3) September 9 8: 10, 7 pm. to 9 pm. (‘1°° handling charge) No Tube Skates please. Join a VHEN: September 9, 10, 11 HERE: OAKVILLE ARENA 129 Rebecca Street TIME: Thurs., September 9, 7-9 pm. Fri., September 10, 7-9 pm. Sat, September 11, 1O a.m.-1 p.m. 90000¢QOO 00909900000000 GOODS ACCEPTED 6099000000. otoooo¢oo OOOOQOOOO 125 CROSS AVE. BOYS 13 l 14 50m BREASTSTROKE: 1. Ryan Duffy. Cam; 2. Ken Poustie, W0; 3. Stephen Johnston. Falg. 50m BACKSTROKE: 1. Stephen Johnston. Falg.; 2. Trevor Luck. Brook; 3. Andy Ribau. 50m FREESTYLE: 1. Peter Mlliams. Cent; 2‘ Stephen Johnston. Falg; 3. Ryan Duffy, Cam. OPEN 100m INDIVIDUAL MEDLEY: 1‘ $24500 ,‘425°° 25m FREE: 1. Oliver Marlar, Wedge.; 2. Andrew Kingston. Bronte; 3. Josh Vanderbroooan, OPEN 100m IM: 1. Andrew Won. Blame; 2. Mark Chantaj. Bronte; 3. Matthew Barons, W0. GIRLS 8 l UNDER 25m BREAST: 1. Alex Laughlin, Wedge; 2. Hannah Baanrup. GA: 3. Tuna Day. Cent. 50M BACK: 1. Hannah Beanrup. GA: 2. Tlana Day, Cent: 3. Micah DaSiOva, Cont 25M FREE: 1. Kimbofly Trehamo. GA; 2. Katie Snotsing. Cont: 3. Alex Laughl'n, Wodg. OPEN 100M IM: 1. Kirnbody Trohamo. GA; 2. Ashley Young. Brook; 3. Donna Macleod, Brook OPEN 100m IM: 1. Kyle Welsh. Falg; 2. Jordon Weide. OEP; 3. Michael Woloschuk. Bronte. 25m BACK: 1. Allison Gilmour. QEP; 2. Ashley Young. Brook; 3. Amy Paddle. Brook. OPEN 100m IM: 1. Hoather'Wan. Wedg; 2. Alison Gilmore. OEP: 3. Chrimina Yagar, GA. BOYS 8 I: UNDER 25m BREAST: 1. Andrew K'ngstm. Bronte; 2. Josh Vanderbrogan. Cent; 3. Mark Chantaj. Brorna 25m dACKS: 1. Toby Simpson. Wadg.; Paul Philpofl. W0; 3. Jonathan Ruppol. Brook OPEN 100m IM: 1. Lisa Beanrop. GA; 2. Cynthia Mederios. Falg; 3. Jan TMin. Falg. BOYS 9 1o 25m BREAST: 1. Roben Day. Cent; 2. Patrick Comerford, Brook; 3. Jonathm Manor. Wedge. 25m BACK: 1. Chris Smith. Brook; 2. Robon Day. Cont: 3. Jamie Shaking. Cam 25m FREE: 1. Jonathan Marler, Wedge; 2. Michael Woloschuk. Bronte: 3. Soon Madill. Falg. GIRLSD I: 10 25m BFIEAST: 1. Amy Peddlo. Brook; 2. Emily Lamantin. Wedge; 3. Christina Yagor. GA 25m FREE: 1. Bailey VanWanershoot. Falg; 2. Alison Gilmore, OER; 3. Janice Mlliams. Lions. OPEN 100m IM: 1. Craig Ross, Wedge; 2. Michael Noble. Wedge. 3. Romuns Fundeanu, Cent. 25m FREE: 1. Sarah Griffiths, Brook; 2. Jon Trffln. Falg; 3. Amy Gilmore, QEP. GIRLS 11 a 12 25m BREAST: 1. Erin Paddle. Brook; 2. Cynthia Moderios. Falg; 3. Catherine McCabe. Falg. BOYS 11 l. 12 25m BREAST: 1. Romulus Fundeanu. Cent; 2. Mika Schmidt, Brook; 3. Mike Peixoto. GA. 25m BACK: 1. Mike Peixoto, GA; 2. Rob Kapuscinski, Wodg.; 3. Adam Gmulund. Falg.. 25m FREE: 1. Adam Granlund, Falg.; 2. Mark Pareria. Lions; 3. Amen Singh, GA. 25m BACK: 1. Sara Griffiths, Brook; 2. Stacey Browne, Lions; 3. Amy Gilmore. QEP. Bryson Tan. Wedge; 2. Scott Ross. Wedge; 3. Peter VWIIiams. Cent. GIRLS 13 14 50m BREAST: 1. Jessica Cudmora, Bronte; 2. Kristina Ormtaglinni, Falg.; 3. Linda Tlen. W0. Mederios, Falg.: 3. Caroline Surï¬ng, Wadgo‘ 50m FREE: 1. Jessica Cudmoro. Blame; 2‘ Carolina Stsding. Wedge; 3. Lisa Beanrop. GA OPEN 100m IM: 1. Shannon Myers, Falg: 2‘ Kristina Montaglinni. Falg. .HALTON MEN'S HOCKEY'Lï¬GUE- - Non-oonha ' Trqiflu - him: time gm 0 Balanced tum - 17th season of opum'on - Excellent ofï¬ciating - Sweats/socks provided - Individnl enlries only Applications at RIVER OAKS or GLEN ABBEY ARENAS ' NEW 0LD~TIMERS DIVISION 35+ INNRMA'I'ION AND/0R RFHISI'RATION BY PHONE WINTER NON-CONTACT 50m BACK: 1. Lisa Beanrup, GA; 2. Cynthia IN OAKVILLE UPPER OAKVILLE SHOPPING CTR. 842-3934 10 AM. - 5 PM. OAKTOWN PLAZA 845-6674 10 AM. - 6 RM. (416) 849-9712 Organized Adult Recreation Hockey in a Fun and Safe Envimnment