Oakville Beaver, 10 Sep 1993, p. 6

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OF COURSE THE c NUMBER. ONE PRIORTY s is Fops. Classified Advertising: 845â€"2809 _ 6 _ Circulation: 845â€"9742 or 845â€"9743 d \‘ 4 a s + The Oakvile Beaver, published every Sunday, Wednesday and Friday, at 467 Ian Oliver Publisher rs Rd. Oakvile, is one of the Metroland Printing. Publishing Oistrbuting group of suburban newspapers which Incides: Ajax Pidkering we rtiser, Bartie: Advance, Guardian, Buringlon: Post, Robert Glasbey Advertising DireCtOT _ Coifqroed Comecton, Elobcate Guardan, Georgalown . Indepandant Acton Free Pross, Kingston This Week, Lindsay 1’%: Week, Marcham Norman Alexander Editor Economist and Sur, Stouffvile/Uxbridge Tribune, Milon Canadian Champion Mississa News, Newmarkatâ€"Aurora Eraâ€"Banner, North York Mirror, Oakvtle Geoff Hill Circulation Director Bemer, Today, Oshawa/Whitby This Week, Peterborough This Week, Richmond Hi Thomhit/Vaughan Liberal, Scarborough Mirror Teri Casas Office Manager Al material published in the Oakvile Beaver is protected by copyri hi. Any Tim Coles Production Manager S.;’fififllé"pmfi’ in part of this material is aidlly forbidden wihout tha 467 Speers Road, Oakville, Ont. L6K 3S4 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Friday, Sept. 10, 1993 â€" 6 The way it is arely had the federal election been called when the verbal blows began between the two top contenders for power. Prime Minister Kim Campbell said it could be years before national unemployment falls below the 10 per cent mark. Considering 11.6 per cent of the population is unemployed, that‘s not a very optimistic statement. Of course the response by Liberal leader Jean Chretien to this comment was not unexpected. Chretien said the Tories had jobs as a priority for the turn of the century while it was the Grits who would "create jobs for 1993." And here we thought this election campaign would be somehow different from the other ‘traditional‘ battles for power. Chretien‘s phrase suggesting that his government would ‘create‘ jobs should send a shiver up the back of every taxâ€"paying Canadian, whether they‘re unemâ€" ployed or not. Let‘s get one thing straight: governments at all levels have never created any kind of meaningful, longâ€"term jobs except among the civil service. That‘s it, periâ€" od. And for Chretien to suggest otherwise is to further distance himself from the reality of 1993. Who will pay for these governmentâ€"created jobs? If you said the taxpayer, you‘re right. And why would the Liberals create these ephemeral jobs? Why for political gain and nothing else. At a time when governments are trying to privatize some of their vast responsibilities as a way to try and reduce our crushing and economyâ€"destroying government costs, Mr. Chretien would throw more money at the problem. That solves nothing. Any party could reduce unemployment in a The Oakville Beaver welcomes your comments. All letters must be signed and include t'he writer‘s minute if it wants to spend billions of borrowed dollars to pay for more civil serâ€" address and phon.e number. Let(ers should be typed, double-spacec'i and addressed to: vants and government bureaucracy. Just what the country needs, more debt and Letters to the Editor, The Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, Ont. L6K 3S4 jobs that give employees little hope for the long term. e e e e e ce en en ce en e mc en en e en en e e e e en e en e e e e e en n en en 0 000 000000 Only private business creates real jobs and it‘s about time all parties realized ® that fact. Tossing more millions of dollars on reâ€"training programs is completely £ l A f h i ht k meaningless if the jobs for which these people are training aren‘t there. What all VlO atlon O uman rlg S ln par Case party leaders should present over the coming weeks is some kind of strategy that ; se bli iety? N shouldn‘t be viewed through roseâ€"colored glasses. The era of promising taxpayers Dear Sir: e 8y _ nique a VlOl_z:itlon of pud c prggnetyh. (()j or;]e can argue the moon for a vote is long gone. What taxpayers want to see now are the facts Does the end justify the means? This is the question . that the evidence nee SJIO lgat Fig 1 OweYir'te'g ici II them the truth so they can deal with what is to come, not proâ€" I have reggrdmg the Halton Pohcg s recent surveillance garhgnng this eyldence, e police @y ave' YIO al and policies tha.t fe : y ; 5 of a public washroom at Oakville‘s Shell Park. No _ the rights of the innocent men who used the washroom. graims thatean Cpossibly live up to yoas lqctpn day.promises. doubt, the police had the best of intentions, when they _ Even if the police never videotaped the innocent men‘s Let‘s cut the bull people and tell it like it is. decided to bug the men‘s washroom at the park for a _ actions, they still watched these men during a very priâ€" * group of gay exhibitionists were reported to have been _ vate moment. I, for one, w_ould have been offer_lded at l | phlll battle engaging in illicit sexual acts in the washroom there. _ being watched by the police while legally using the The police were trying to apprehend the perpetrators. _ facilities. . i 35 _ f The police‘s motive were honorable and correct. You might ask... how do I expect _lhe pohcg to gathâ€" ne of the main areas of discussion in the early days of this federal election However, we must judge the police‘s judgement in _ er evidence in such cases? Oldâ€"fashioned police work is just how well, or more appropriately, how badly the New Democratic | their choice of surveillance techniques. The police _ is the answer. If the police suspect that certain individâ€" Party will fare when all the votes are cast. placed a hidden camera over the washroom stall and _ uals are involved in such crimes, the police can raid The most pessimistic of views would see the NDP lose all of its seats. But there | watched all activity that went on within the stall and _ the facility and catch the guilty in the act. This way, is no doubt that the party is in for a very rough ride indeed. videotaped all illegal sexual acts that occurred. police can gather evidence without spying on the pubâ€" In the Oakvilleâ€"Milton riding, only a dozen people showed up at the Galaxy Is such surveillance a breech of the constitutional _ lic. > ¢ Club Wednesday night to see Canadian Auto Workers union activist Willie | protection against unreasonable search? Is this techâ€" Michael Girdlestone Lambert, acclaimed as his party‘s standardâ€"bearer. The turnout bodes ill for the NDP, not only in this riding where the party has Two Ve"y dfierent Views Ofnudil:y always done poorly, but throughout the country where the ‘leadership‘ of Ontario Premier Bob Rae has made a lot of Canadians nervous. Dear Sir: regular basis when we see. our wife _ someone else‘s anatomy “indecem" What should make the local race interesting f rom Lambert‘s perspective is that Many of us are aware that over â€" or husband unclad? How then can I _ or "obscene" ar_ld make a complqml the Oakville Transit unionist will actually be running against his boss, in the perâ€" | the last few years, Gwen Jacob, of _ deem my own genders anatomy _ that could possibly lead to criminal son of Mayor Ann Mulvale who is running for the Progressive Conservatives. Guelph, has been trying to secure _ and that of my wife, or husband _ charges. s E the right for women to appear topâ€" _ decent, yet at the same time deem David Bielby less in public. Since then, it seemed only a matter of time before this (0] man Slll laWS s WEEKLY POLL iss:J):e woultil surtglée in ?)cdzer c(l)tr]nâ€" There are tO y y o4 t . * . ons s Dear Sir: @/â€"T*EOEBEMRC‘ Should the Cunadian Open remain ul [ minities; and this it did when this _ _ mo nicyele Helmet Lepislation: Vol H 6A Glen Abbey or should the event be rotated | summer in Oakville, a woman sunâ€" : g y ns s 4 se I tried to keep it simple, but it appears as if some folks just didn‘t get it! MON § your t bathed topless in Lions Valley i s P J f At no time did I: Cast your ballot by calling $45.5585â€" |_ Park: e * suggest that helmets were not beneficial to one‘s safety; * box 5008 to vote. So would charges be laid? Was * suggest that helmets should not be worn; Callers have until 12 noon Thursday to | this woman a criminal? Well on * discourage anyone from: wearing a helmet, encouraging others to wear â€" register their vote. this particular day, with at least @ _ helmets, insisting their children wear helmets; ' Results of the poll will be published in J dozen people seeing her, no comâ€" * suggest the law infringed on one‘s rights. ; . f ‘\ CALL845â€"5585 the next Friday edition of the Oakville | plaint was issued and she was not I‘m well aware of the benefits of personal protective equipment, having ‘ T Beaver. open to potential charges. But why _ spent a great deal of my life wearing and ensuring others wear, PPE. My would someone make a complaint _ main point was, and is, that impracticable laws are silly (hence my analogy ' RESULTS OF LAST WEEK‘S POLL anyway? After all, do we not see _ with condoms). We already have far too many. § | Should Ontario Premier Bob Rae call a provinical election before his term | our own genders anatomy in While I prefer to remain impersonal in these debates, for the record Peri expires? change rooms? Do we not also see _ â€"I‘ve raised four children! Yes:16 No: 2 the opposite sexes‘ anatomy on a Doug Boocock

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