Oakville Beaver, 6 Oct 1993, p. 6

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1'Sg. 'l" ;,*§K%WWW§;ZLW - t ; , 'dist, Fifi A/it t ' ' _'i,__:'-"i" as _ _mr%iraightt ttirlllm 'ttgtttgNittertetiWRt _eailtta98 I 116/ filmm‘.HIM(1.();IkVI|le ( MI I _ 845-3824 Fax: 845-30t I CIusmlmd Arlvnnlsmq 845-28 (Insulation 845-9742 ()1 845-9 f you were one of those who tuned in to either of the big political debates Sunday I and Monday evenings, you probably have no more reason now to vote for one over another. If you dissect what was said in the debates, you'll have to choose among the less- er of the liars leading the political parties of Canada. Let's take on the leaders. Jean Chretien: he's simply not credible as the keeper of the public purse. There he was Sunday night waving his red book on policy like a latter-day Mao Tee Timg. The trouble is, his words on job creation, which he has taken as his mantra in this campaign, ring hollow. In Chretien's mind, short-term and expensive jobs created and paid for by the federal government on public works projects, mean more people will pay taxes and the debt will go down. Bizarre mathematics. Perhaps a high school student should point out to Chretien that in a works project, the government will have to pay for materials with cash they have borrowed, pay the workers with cash they have borrowed and still pay benefits after the work has ended. Result? Better infrastructure, more debt and an even greater possibility that those workers who toiled for a short time, will be on unemployment even longer. Short-term gain, longtennpain. .. . , ._ " ran" " "'"9 -____V_ I'“““ When pressed, Chretien still refuses to say how he will deal with the GST and we get no clearer indication of that f mm 'the red book'. Further, his policy of cuts with job stimulation was tried during the Liberal regime where he played a number of dominant roles, including minister of finance. There were good years then and the Liberals heaped on the debt. So much for fiscal responsibility. Animal figmfikmbut who cries for the children? Kim Campbell: her government saw Canada through some of the best economic years of the century and they chose to feather their own nest and do nothing for the average Canadian. Instead they refused to make cuts and added to the deficit and the national debt. Her debate performance rang hollow. When questioned about the multi-billion dollar helicopter deal, Campbell said the deal would boost high-tech industries which would fuel the recovery. Hogwash. The military, always the first source of cuts, needs new equipment but not helicopters. Personnel carriers and other peace- keeping gear is what's needed. Also, to think for a mili-seamd that the Progressive Conservatives or any other party will cut the deficit in five years or less is just plain laughable. Not only can't it be done, it won't be done, no matter what the leaders say- the downside is just too terrible to contemplate. Audrey McLaughlin: a nice lady with some good ideas who is politically doomed thanks almost entirely to the efforts of her Ontario counterpart Bob Rae. It doesnt matter how sincere her views, or sound her policies, the country has seen the NDP federal future in Bob Rae and they don't like it. Say goodbye Audrey. Preston Manning: here's a guy who is telling people he'll solve the deficit prob- lem and if you take his solutions to their logical conclusion, he probably could. The downside? How does slashing health services sound. At a time when the Americans are moving away from a tiered medical system, that's just what The Reform Party is advocating. Got some money? Walk right into that operating room...with your chequeofcourse. Abouttheonlythinghe's got right ishowtodeal withtheenfimt terrible of Quebec, the Bloc Quebecois' Lucien ('I haven't been a PC for two years..") Bouchard. Says Manning: tell the Bloc they're either in Canada or not and if they're not. They're really not. No social safety nets, no unemployment insurance, no gov- ernment contracts. no federal government bail-outs and no preferential treatment. ucaBouchGi:aone-traponywhosepresentxonthenatiortal stageisadis- gracelfisvowisleadQuebecinmwpamtimmdifhewutsanughseatsindus electiorthemayjustswoeedForgetanythinghehastosayeonceminganyoneliv- ing outside Quebec-it's completely irrelevartt Dear Sir: In [spouse to "Animals Innocent “aims of Ouchy." Sept. 15th. SHE CRIES' Fort THE ANI- MALS ... WHO cams FOR THE CHIIDREN'? Animals have also been "a special panofmy life"andltooamappalled “beyond comprehension" at the suf- fering they endure at the hands of "sick and cowardly" people. "My aim in writing this letter" is "to make people aware of" a "crimi- nal, cowardly act" that "if this would have happened to a child the screams of outrage and for justice would "Nor' have been heard throughout our legal system." "Everyone would "NOT" be demanding to know the identity of such a sick and cowardly person." "Even after the sadness I have encountered," I too, "want to believe that the majority of our soci- etyfeelsthewaythatldoandhope- fully this letter may enlighten people to the point where something can be done to prevent any more suffering." "Unfortunately, helpless “CHIL- DREN are among thousands of statis- tics "that some disgusting excuse for a human being" throw "away" and Dear Sir: Why is Canada turning into a banana republic? Why is the Canadian dollar going down, down, down? And why do university graduates have fewer jobs to go to, each and every year? Why has Canada become a worse place to live in, as time goes on? I asked my wise, old uncles for their wisdom. The answer was simple and obvi- ous. Your readers should hear this: "We, not the government, are mainly to blame!" Our dollar is fast collapsing because we drink Spanish liquor, serve Danish Cookies, read British magazines, walk with Italian loafers, eat Icelandic codfish, holiday on Miami's beaches, keyboard Japanese video-games, throw Chinese baseballs, and buzz around in German cars, etc., etc. In other words, our dollar is col- lapsing because we don't buy Canadian products! As we send our dollars abroad, it becomes increas- ingly worthless. Pretty soon, anada becoming a banana republic EDITORIAL Farcical We open our mouths. cry out in pain but no "sounds come out." No onclistens ...notmewantstohear. Our lives have been broken "into a million pieces" "God only knows how long" wehave livedthis way ... "scared, alone, and" shattered. We ducnotuust ... seknownotlove. “his son of thing happens all the time" "h's a sad fact" that according tostaisticsdternajority"ofthepeo- plewho"tmatchildrmthis"wayare nevercaught"ortepmted. - - Canada will experience the "rubles- into-rubble" erosion, that is, the cost of imported goods will climb steadily higher. Just look at the his- tory of all those banana-republics. DettrSirt csnaa'sporsticians,frrxnupolitieaiparties.aud1eamakxmxnhe lessansofMm. "ikmisn'ttuatoeviationfortheiatestcatsewaanneostamisiiortite MinistryormtemaimarrraieandrmieagormreagettinJe which was established after World War II allegedly to direct the Japanese economy. A collapsing dollar will cause apparent inflation, too! As jobs become scarce, crimes of despera- tion (like robberies) occur more often. "imi"sprimepurposewastosoocatricanxresourrrstethose.1eaa.iiry aigeiaiusirieswiisiwou1dpmpeuaPn'sexxlTPtt?tirfhoehofthe. industrialized wodd.inother words,they would pickbusinesswinnersand losers. What do my wise uncles say? If we want to keep jobs in Canada, then we'll have to buy Canadian I can W' séveral cases includ onxourse,afterthewarJapandidbazomeanindustrialgiantbutinmically (skSountfpatys7) a%adians can still learn from Japanese Fifthii' ALONE CAU84§5585 IFOS l SPEAK mun MIND E Got a gripe? Give us a call. _ Readers are invited to express their opinion on a topic of their choice by calling 845-5585, box 5250. All callers are allowed 45 sec- onds to express their opinion and must provide their name, address and phone number for verification. ingmyownwhae"theacrusedes giGf'a1igN"jair'seaentxantiNo "tine." A cross section of the responses will be published in next Wednesday's Oakville Beaver. "The majority of the persons cturgedaregivertaslapontitewtist." "whaeisthejustitxinthat?""Asin anyothercrime, it seemstomethat minimum: accused havemote weigNdtwherightsofhevictimC' When I started my Walk of Awareness in support of victims of childhood sexual abuse from hrtctmia, B.Ctothtawainedtobrittgmy German Shepherd with me for safety and companionship. I loved Della goods, though they may be of less- er quality or slightly more expen- sive. Let's be smart, like the Swiss and the Japanese. In other words, if we buy foreign goods, we are com- mining economic "ham-kin". Why don't we all try to save ourselves from a calamity? Buy Canadian products today and, perhaps, the next generation will have better jobs tomorrow! Buying Canadian will help keep the crime rate down. Anthony Lee The Oakvillo Beavet welcomes your comments. All leners must be simed and include the writer's addtess and phone number. Lane's should be typed. ttoutAr-tpatxrd and addressed ltr. um to the Editor, The om Beam. M? Spoon Rd., Milk. Ont. an 334 I'lll l Fax: 845-3085 Adverlislng: 845-2809 845-9742 or 845-9743 \KVll more than life itself and would no me put her injeopardy than I would my own child. After we both appeared on the front page of the hrtctneiaTtmes Colonist. June ll. m, that several of the callers were more concerned for the safety of my dog than they were for mine. I cannot comprehend why some people hold thefifeofananimalahovethatofa human being ... a child. There seam to be more animal rights activists and shelters for animals than there are for abused and battered women and the children ofahuse. I love animals but I love the children more. WHERE AREOUR PRIORITIES?!” "l hope that if we all work togetis ertmthiswecanputaneaitosuffer- ing andcruelty." “On closing, I'd like to report that "Della's" story has a happy ending andanewbeginning.SheisIivingin Vancouver with a wonderful woman. They have formed a special friend- ship.They are both survivors ofabu- sive lives. Their bond has brought me much happiness and much sadness becausclhadtogiveherup.lsaw thatthetripwouldbetoohaaionher amiIwouidnotpushherashardasl pushedmyself. Life for children of abuse is not that easy. It does not have a fairy-tale ending. We do not live happily ever after'. We do not chose to suffer this way. Our innocence was stolen, our lives taken like those little kittens in the box. We can only hope for for hope itself, we can only pray for the dragons to go away. We can only dream that more people will speak out and fight in a more whole-hearted manner for the children and adult children of abuse with the same enthusiasm as they do for discarded pets. I have met many wonderful and courageous people throughout my travels. People who like me continue to fight for the rights of the children and those of the survivors of abuse. These people have given me hope. These people are the survivors. These people are the children of abuse. If you look closer you will see that these people are your friends, your neigh- bours and members of your very own family. If you think you don't know a survivor of abuse ... think again! Paulette St. Jean A.W.A.R.E. Box 186, 2150 Burnhamthorpe Rd. W. Mississauga, L5L 3A2 Elli] LE Robert Glalbey Advertising Director Norman Alexander Editor Geoff mu Circulation Director Tor! CIIII Mce Manager Tim Cotes Production Manager Ian Oliver Publisher not make public appearances in her role as Mayor at this time. In the Oakville Beaver September 17th issue, it was advertised that "The Honourable Mayor" would be participating at a public event which sounded like traditional campaigning to me.. Dear Sir: There has been some controversy concerning whether or not the Mayor of Oakville should step down while she is running for the Conservative Party. I understand that it is not illegal for her not to step down. However, if she stays on as Mayor, I believe that she must She should not be allowed to use her position as Mayor when cam- paigning for the Conservatives. To do so demeans the position of the Mayor who represents the town and the people of Oakville, whereas a candidate for one political party at election time certainly does not. May be she should consider taking a leave of absence! Mayor should be on leave of absence When it comes to violence, Scarborough gets bum rap I don't suppose there's anything more difficult than proving to an ignorant person that she is ignorant of the facts. Metro police statistics show that with 23% of Metro's population Scarborough has only 19% of the violent crime. When a crime takes place in North York, we read that it happened in the Jane/Finch area. When crimes are reported in Toronto, we are told they happened in Parkdale or Regent Park. But when a crime takes place in Scarborough, the city's name almost invariably makes headlines (Scarborough rapist?). Thus myths are created. [ Other than perpetuating the myth that Scarborough is not a m place to live in, Hart has only proved to me that she is a person with very little class - even if she does live in Oakville. E. Cordileone Dear Sir: Re: Diane Hart's column Sept. 29th - LvhiLniElittisia MI " Some! TRUTH 0R , CONSEQUENCES. World chum production. 1950-92 Permits Year (number of qit1et1t.t...t..). 1 950 1 960 1 970 1 980 1 990 1 991 1 992' LETTER OF THE DAY y; tttyt WEEKLY FOCUS 1 .029 1,001 Scarborou a Q) It” 840 985 984 Tor, I use 1tii; It (i,,,) mom ot the whim "if-'c"'"-i--)-'sz'-'--e-Fh/gi'iii'i - I I!" Harm: Amara. Brampton Guild“, SWIM" "all: "rrrrrwtt,'Mrr, Emma» Omldllu, 000W 'ml/ "on, Khwon Thou Wonk e,'t4LJ, WM. MIMI-VI 1 Sm, '3tnuthaatUxtrMtp, mm, M Cancun tat loam Notttrsteorhurtrt, Eva-Bantu, Mom York W01, Jeeg 0|hawn/Whtlby Thu Weak, Pmbmoum m. Wont, Thom IWaunmn leoul, Sommouw Mum mm In tttrt Came Bonn! I: mom by MW All wirttjtt-" t 3,tt2 Fromm (billion) my, wm Mllwlaul 'ltl . " : f; ., _':i,?isi,iiii's, x\5 s'" mm by 00W W Wu ahtr. 5,390 I 5,392 I 5,453 I 2tdtttt 1Vrrr,T,',T'X5TTh' AVrA'r-'_ '.r's' m “a Amy Ito W Jil H E33

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