- their homes. It is where there is a sense of helplessness, where there is a feeling of powerlessness, or a lack of control over their way of life - then people become angry, frustrated and totally unhappy about the situation in their com- plex. In the 4th century B.C., Chinese philosopher Chuang Tzu wrote, "Much unhappiness has come into the world because of bewilderment and things left unsaid." Nowhere is this more evident than in condominium corporations. Of all the complaints that come our way, perhaps the most common revolves around what is happening in that area which most deeply concerns unit owners Too often this comes about because Directors, particularly Presidents become Parallel betwegn condo corporations and politics? $364,900. Gré Main floor der games room, h $429,900-$489,900. 5 style freehold townh creek. Roof top terrace M. CONNELLY'IB. NEWELL' 8446061 sep CONNECT FOR SALE PHYLUS NICHOLSON‘ 8446061 PHYLUS MCHOLSON' 8446061 DONNA MACRAE' 844.6061 JAMES ROSE' 8446061 Great at tut value J2ert)Jllljii2-g There must be some kind of infection, some form of disease that strikes people who have held office for a long time - and nowhere is this more evident than in the election campaign we recently wit- nessed. where everyone is so completely fed up with the old line political parties that they are demanding a new deal from the politicians. Could there be a parallel situation in some condominium corpora- tions? Have some directors become so entrenched in their positions, perhaps having served for several terms of omce, and have become almost completely indifferent to the needs of the units own- ers they are supposed to serve. I HOME OF THE WEEK Bthrm., home feature tam. rm., main h. der BEV ELLIS' 8466061l84S2388 BEV ELLIS' 84660tiMM5.2388 JANE LUMBERS’ 844.6061 AKEVIEW m mke‘hnre Road Easl,Oakville - 844-6061 It is this complaint that we hear from so many unit owners, but when we sug- gest that perhaps the answer might be found by becoming more involved in the operation of their condo themselves and perhaps they should run for office at the annual meeting. involved in the day-to-day operations of the condo, so bound up with their respon- sibilities and that sense of power brought about by their Thomas Bailey Alderich when he said, "The possession of unlim- ited power will make a despot of any man. There is a possible Nero in the gen- tlest human creature that walks." There seems to be an almost automatic reaction to this recommendation. "No," they say, "we will be spending several months in Florida in the winter and dur- $419,000. East Iocanon - sep. dining rm solarium, fam. rm., nanny suite, lame. kit gorgeous master. Mature private lot - pool. . if“ x "L%El, TI ' . :‘4, {I Ili!! " Nli .e, dq a.r,'gi" 'iii " . - " CJ, 3T ii; § ElNali BRENDA NEWELL' 8446061 EDNA KING' 844-6061 EDNA KING' 8446061 $289,000. Delightful upgraded bungalow on 1/2 acre lot In North East. Sep. 35'x25' garage/workshop ideal for hobbyist/trades. ing the summer we're off to the cottage and it wouldn't be fair to be away so much," - and that's a valid point. But still there is a problem in those corporations if so much discontent is evi- dent. And if it threatens to become seri- ous enough to disrupt the operations of the complex, then there is a responsibility on the part of the Board to correct the sit- uation. The answer may simply be one of lack of communications between the Board and the unit owners. An occasional newsletter, perhaps once a quarter, giving information about the progress being made with maintenance plans and any proposals for future developments could ing the summer we and it wouldn't ty much," - and that's (See Assure' page 20) In keeping with our 45 years of service excellence Jamie Gairdner, President & CEO of Johnston 8. Daniel is proud to welcome Ms. Susan Wiseman as our new Vice-President, Sales Support & Training. Since 1981, Susan has played a productive role in real estate sales & management. As part of the J&D team, Susan will be nstrumental in connecting you Mth the best. ANNOUNCEMENT BILL HUMPHREYS' 844-6061 SUSAN FLYNN' 8446061 M. CONNELLY' 844-6061 CONNECTED SOLD m I.)