Oakville Beaver, 7 Nov 1993, p. 24

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* Shutter s l(-i?‘ilo, ~1/100 sec.) * 2â€"Way Microphon * Auto Date/Time * Auto Playback * Digital Auto Tracking * Edit Search * Tally La e VHS PlauPak Adanto * Colour View#inder 2â€"Way Microph Auto Date/Time Edit Search * Tally Lamp VHS PlayPak Adaptor 24 xÂ¥ 2â€"Head x Fluorescent Indicator Panel x "Program Director" Remote x Allâ€"Channel I1Q TIN RUDNICKI â€" JOAN FLIPPANCE wner/Manager Accountant And to enjE y those instaflL replays... Deluxe soft carrying gase for compact camcorbder * SCORE WITH THIS WINNING LINEâ€"UP! All at Flippance Carr! $VE MARSDEN . DREW RU Salesperson Salespe Filppance Carr Lakeshore Rd. ( (1/10,000 ~ 1/10059c) F‘W‘QE‘aseHead Audio/Video Dubbing e Wide Grip Strap e 2â€"Way Microphone System « Book Mark Search e Synchro Edit * Edit Search e 16:9 Wide Screen Mode e VHS PlayPak Adaptor . uttér with Auto Exposure * Still/Str@be e 1 Lux Low Light Sensitivity ®ML0: 1 Variable Speed Power Zoom * Auto Lock Mode * Hot Shoe e o Focus igital Electronic Image Stabilization e X20 Digital Zoom with Vi i lay e DynAmorphous Metal Head 4 * Colour Digital Fade e Video Hekl Cylinder e Sensor Touch * 8â€"Function Remote Control * Hi * 4â€"Head Hiâ€"Fi x DynAmorphous Metal Head * VCRâ€"Plus+" * Front% x Audio L ers Why People Shop Flippance Carr rSales . _ _ qPeople Ne on s s uen Products Adaptor * Hiâ€"Techâ€"4 Video Head System e 10: 1 Variable Speed Power Zoom Lens * Digital Fade * 1 Lux Low Light Sensitivity e Large Thurs.â€"Fri _ WERE OPEN Mon.â€"Wed. 9:30 a m.â€"6 p.m., Flippance Carr has been well established in Oakville for over 30 years providing Oakville with the best names in audio, stereo video. We will never be knowingly undersold. o Flippance Carr can assist you with V At Flippance Carr we service what any of your video, stereo, audio, we sell. We offer free dGIM? service microwave, and car stereo needs, from to assist our customers even further. brand name manufacturers. Ou ay. *DONT FORGET ABOUT OUR â€"CHRISTMAS LAYVAWAY _ Sat. 930 a.m}6 p.m. CLOS AY o Dgi All for only 4 mâ€"9pm,, Owner Martin Rudnicki stresses the importance of Oakville Business in order to do volumes necessary to provide Oakville customers with low prices.â€"His knowledgeable staff can assist you in making the right choice. Service

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