Oakville Beaver, 10 Nov 1993, p. 6

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ngerious issuesat stake in Board travel policy Dear Sir: Contrary to sentiments expressed by R. MacKay and Gloria Lawrenson (letters - Oct. 27th), the Supreme Court of Canada grievously 'erred in denying an appeal by Sue The volunteers at Fareshare Foodbank wish to thank the many individuals, churches, and organizations who were both generous with money donations and with their time during our recent Thanksgiving Food Drive time during our recent Thanksgiving Food Drive. w _.-_ Special thanks go to the local participating food stores, our firefighters, and all the individuals and Dri- Woman wishing to die with dignity denied justice d: mercy DearSir: o.\,4_..,..,t.t._ -L, _ _ If you believe in miracles, apart from one or two cuts, sprains, and bruises, the most severe injury was a broken thumb. However, the accident looked potentially very serious, and many people responded with time, con- cern, and blankets when they I would like to thank everyone who stopped to offer help to the girls and see them through this traumatic incident. They especially remember nurse "Minnie Mouse" on her way to a Hallowe'en party who inspired confidence, giving advice and reassurance. There were others who were just as kind. I Dear Sir: _ Re: Your Nov. 3nd editorial and Frank Gue's letter the same day regarding Halton Board of Education teacher attendance at out-of-pnovince conferences: without wishing to belabor a point. there are serious issues at stake which your edito- rial seemed to overlook and I trust that you will be able to print this for your readers' clarification. Chairman Coons has stated in the Burlington Spectator that the dispute with teachers is a con- tract matter. In that case, the four trustees with union connections, including Oakville's Penny Sieben who voted on the matter. were definitely in conflict of interest - a conflict which they did not declare - buy why didn't the chairman point this out during debate? This raises again the major issue of how a person connected with the teachers' unions can serve effectively as an inde- Dear Sir: On Oct. 30th at 4 p.m., my hus- band, daughter, and five other young teenage girls were involved in a car accident on Hwy. 25 between Oakville and Milton. Help rendered in car accident will be remembered For those whifcoukint maie last Thursday's meeting, you have until Nov. 20th to make your views known to the town. One thing is sure, it wont be easy making the decisions on this issue. The town's position five years ago was to support a bridge linking Speers Road in Oakville to Fairview Street in Burlington and that continues to be an option for the northerly bridge. Complicating matters is the controversial and emotional issue of the southern T?ssingefthttireekmompebeccawestosthecmettospeersRoarokaGit' side, or from Rebecca on the west to the proposed Riggs Road artery. It has previ- ously ditched linking Rebecca Street on both sides of the creek after residents corn- plained about the plan years ago. But all that is, if you'll forgive the pun, water under the bridge. What we now have resurfacing in town is the discussion of where the next crossing(s) of Bronte Creek, otherwise known as '11velve Mile Creek, will take place. Throw into the discussion the greenspace that is Riggs Road allowance and you have the makings of a kitock-dodn, drag-out fight among the pro and con forces. The permutations on the bridge links are many, with each route having its supporters and detractors. f there is something everyone in Oakville has a viewpoint on, it's bridges. The Lown has several of them and most have been embraced by the population at arge. The latest example is the Upper Middle Road bridge (make that the Smith- Triller Viaduct) that just about everyone couldn't wait to see open. The same was true of the Rebecca Street bridge crossing the Sixteen Mile Creek at Oakville Harbour. Dear Sir: by war-no fathers or husbands Killed. no sons, brothers or {irrurrhlcrx who died m the name of peace. But as the clock strikes 11:00 a.m. on Nov. llth as Canadians. let us all pause to remembecLest We Forget. B id . ti Any discussion of wars brings out the statistics. And they are sickening numbers. More than ll4,000 young men and women perished in the wars fought by Canadians, a horrible waste of young people who gave their lives so future genera- tions could be hee of the terror that is war. In France the thousands of crosses in manicured order mark the final resting place of our war dead-the French remember. And in Holland the military cemeteries are a constant reminder of the sacrifice of those who helped liberate a peaceful nation-the Dutch have never forgotten. We are now into the second generation of Canadians who have not been touched by war-no fathers or husbands killed, no sons, brothers or daughters who died in the This year marks the 75 anniversary of the end of World War I. That fact alone means any veterans of the honors of that war, will be well into their 90s. There aren't many of these boys' left as a reminder of the carnage that was unfortunately not, The War to end All Wars. morrow at 11:00 am. we should all take one minute of silence, no matter I where we are, to think about those gallant men and women who fought and died in both world wars and the Korean conflict. Remembrance Day was once a time of national importance. But as the years go by it seems that the significance of the llth hour of the I 1th day of the I lth month, is lost on most people. ontinuing foodbdnk - OPINION EDITORIAL Never forget Insisting upon the continuation of life amid such unspeakable suffering is simply inhumane. In rejecting her desperate plea, five of the nine Rodriquez for a physician-assisted suicide. ful. Also, thanks to Dr. Cook and the Emergency Staff at Milton Hospital who saw us safely on our way with such concern. could have driven by My thanks are extended to the emergency services of fire, police, and ambulance who were wonder- Fift9irt' ALONE CALL845-5585 and pri IFOE “requestionattheheanofthemaueriscon- trol. If administration is accountable to the Pstees-."itit-titenthetrusteeshavetherigta to amend a policy or the manner in which it is carried out. Even if contracts provide for admin- istration personnel to make decisions, the trustees can surely rule on the terms under which those personnel can approve expenditures. As trustee Marilew noted earlier this fall, the money is con- tracted; what is at stake is value for money - responsible trustees want the money spent to best advantage and in Ontario where feasible. It is pendent and unbiased trustee. You say that the law is on the side of unions... whose legal opinion? Clearly. not board's. for that would be confidential. W question was asked of your lawyer giving opinion? MT you support appreciated vate companies who assisted by collecting and/or deliv- ering food donations to our warehouse. And to all the many young people, parents, and others who worked so tirelessly sorting food over the long weekend... thank J SPEAK Yliiririijriiiir All callers are allowed 45 sec- onds to express their opinion and must provide their name, address and phone number for verification. A cross section of the responses will be published in next Wednesday's Oakville Beaver. Got a gripe? Give us a call. Readers are invited to express their opinion on a topic of their choice by calling 845-5585, box 5250. Fortunately, six young girls and their parents have survived the experience, knowing that seat belts really work and, also, that there are people who care... nei- ther will ever be forgotten. A very 'grateful mother (Name withheld by request) judges willfully ignored the most fundamental element of justice; namely,oompassion. Rodriguez' plea for mercy was supported by a legitimate case under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Patricia Baker For the Staff at Fareshare The Oekville Beam when»: your comments. All levels must be Mum: and include the mner's address and phone number. Letter: would be typed. double-spaced and addressed to: Lama to the Editor. The Oelrviue Beaver. 467 Spoon Rd., Oekvllle. Ont. Lot: 354 the the hat the 467 Spears Road, Oakvuiie, Ont. L6K 384 845-3824 Fax: 845-3085 Class; Advertismg: 845-2309 Circulation: 845-9742 or MS9743 All in all, another issue where trustees are dividedoetwhois- aodwhohouldbe--inam. tml of the board's activities and responsible for taxpayers' dollarth is unfortunate that, with the division as equal as it is among Trustees. this issue will not be decided until next November's elections-but the main debate is being formed. Roger Love Taxpayers Coalition, Hilton case? Finally.theteachets'coemacuasenotnaxs. "rilytoberenewed nextyear. Social Contract pmvisiomcan.apparently,kttheboaniotrthat htxesothattheissuernaynotberectitiatein rtt1994ctmtmctswhatwouidyoudointhat noteworthy that other Ontario boards have adopt ed similar requirements for conference alien dame. l'llliOAl' rs). 'ihtd I ' i 'dll iflgNijil, t Rodriguez w tice and mercy. As well, the method of appointing Supreme Court members (currently through the Prime Minister's office), must be altered. In light of the Supreme Court's shameful abdication of its responsi- bility in this matter, pressure must be brought to bear on our newly-elected government to remedy the situation. Why then did five of the nine judges choose to deny Rodriguez her Charter rights? Did they feel com- pelled to place community-held val- ues on euthanasia above the law? Criminal Code forbids counselling, aiding or abetting a person to com- mit suicide. At the same time, it does not deem the act of suicide or attempted suicide to be a criminal offence. Clearly, Section 241 is in direct violation of the Charter! Section 15(1) of the Charter ensures that 'every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to equal protection and equal benefit of the law without dis- crimination’. Section 241 of the Section 7 of the Charter guaran- tees 'the right to life, liberty and security ofthe person, and the right not to be deprived thereof... '. Clearly, Rodriguez no longer enjoys 'security of the person'. Afflicted with the deadly Lou Gehrig 's dis- ease, she is totally dependent on oth- ers for her daily survival. Moreover. chief justice Antonio Umar and three of his learned col- leagues completely agreed. ll BEAN as denied both jus Peter D. Pellier Robert Gil-bay Advertising Director Norman Alexander Editor 000“ mu Circulation Director Ted Cun- Mce Manager Ttrn Cole. Production Manager Ian Oliver Publisher Indy Rental ThtecryitC1astor93andrwouoetoexpressourawrecia- tion to all who contributed to OFD "FLOOD AID", by acknowledging them through your publication. Please refer to the enclosed list. . B, As the Town of Oakville flag flew over the work site, people would stop by and comment, "We can't believe that strangers from another country would come here (Mary's home) to help with the rrsbuilding." We were so touched by your support and their appreciation, that plans are underway to make similar relief efforts wherever required on an annual basis. Dear Sir: . It has been just a few weeks since the Oakville Fire Department Recruit Class of '93 returned from the US Midwest, where Operation "FLOOD AID" was successfully carried out. This relief effort would ndt have been possible without the over- whelming support of the people and businesses in Oakville. During our one-week stay, the ll recruits and l, were involved in the restoration of two homes and the re-building of one home that was completely destroyed by the raging Mississippi River. Ititdifriculttodescribethesenseotpridethataoiusa,aswe extended a much needed helping hand to our neighbors in the south. Fifty-five-year-old Mary Wink, owner of the home that was completely destroyed, met us each morning with refreshments and tears of joy. From the mayor of Buffalo, Iowa who personally came out and thanked Its, to the plumber who for lunch had pizza delivered in a limousine, everyone made us feel extremely welcome. --- -....1r1ii.lrlr,.rEr,.y r.9.rii.r.ai,t,,t..rji,..iyijjrlr----- Many helped in Flood Aid project Average number of Wag out!" with per month, by MN group LEE? Hm Cu Rental, hulk Communications. Jim Rix. Mamie: Hotels, miner's-Cull: Signature Inn, Trish McTavish. McCulcheons Camera. WEEKLY FOCUS - ,. ..._.........- mum...- anlwulmla Almiuskiiitiiiiiiirri"iT'?iiia"s' ifiiiiiijririiii'iirw, mummm money In panam- mummy mm." wl commuting publlhor, M" ()nkvllv: 80mm, gamma "o"Y 9a , _ grow my mm», m mm m iit"lgu2,t "l'tlk1'l'Tll,g mum: LI) ou Ollubllbln P"Ppeovtrrstumana' . Now- 'r/full', 'd'l,1 Manon, anvlon Gilliam, Bum Collnwwo Carmelo", Em Guam-1, 0.01 m My Mum Fm Plan, Damon Thu Week, ”may 19:. Wank, M4 Eoomnm um 8tm, shuMh/Uxbndpo mm, Mum Cal-am on. My: NM. NOMPMIOH EII'BINU. North York my", ( Bum, “I 2eu'v'tg,e,ted, m. Wm. Panama: TM WWW/Tm Lee +A. anatomy: Mira All manual an“... u. A-L.Al_ ,7 . . John deHooge Asst. Chief Training Officer Oakville Fire Department with”, swim, 'tatp, ,.'r't,i,"ii','t,ii.r ty Wat. Mm". Illm Car-am filta,t North York mm, o. a. P'EWW m, Wm mm [illi.l.rfp'l 10,1993

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