Oakville Beaver, 24 Nov 1993, p. 22

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I you are a 1iitt energetic person, preter- ly with 8 legs, arms and the ability to do 0 things at once, we would love to have you our team. We are a rapidly growing natu- al health clinic and need an accurate, de- ailed person to handle the front desk. ours approximately 3 pm to 8 pm. Mon- ay, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. Call hurgday Nov, 25, 12:30 to 3:00 Manufacturing Co. in OakvilleTs ookingtgr an -" -- - aternate evenings 4:30 - 9:00 pm. and al mate Saturdays for busy real estate of Nice. Pleasant telephone manner and accu irate typing skills required. Previous experi {ence preferred. required or electronic assembtliy manufacturers ble to operate lathe an milling machines t least 5-10 years experience required eterences required. Apply in person: MiiirikiT MANAGERS. I and managers!” To re» phat p.091. who wore pro- moted or worn"! willing to work. No oxpononca’? No prlom. w. will train Call may m1535 HEADLINES Ic enismg al nday at [ nesdey ' Wnesday t Fdday paper: Thursday at Sunday pope t Quaker State Minit-Lube we are looking or an energetic technician to provide top- otch service and workmanship tor our cus- omers. If you are mechanically inclined nd tt'atlt,7 in a busy shop, this Mrs or you. e otter good working conditions, n-the-job training, benelits package and .an opportunity tor advancement. Full time and part time positions iare available at 260 Speers Road, Oakville, r Please apply In pereon between I the hours of 10am and tpm only. I No Phone Calls. ' Accounting Clerk butles include job cost, inventory control, 'order entry, accounts payable and payroll. hgust have 2 years of related experience and good communication skulls. Accounting background and knowledge of computers IS required. Please forwar your resume to {the attention ot: Office Manager ' Motrican Mfg. Co. Inc. 7 2100 Wyocroh Road - Oakvillo, ttnt, MiL StNi arm BEN mm m luor tlyors m mighborhood your own hou tmin $20 to srs No RM! tor homomakc Mind, Calt888-61?6 Murly wage ' mllDonnn 844 We" established office supply retailer seeking an energetic and motivated: ',4th or 5th year or Journeyman immediately .required in established Oakville based com (pany, Valid driver's licence a must! Expen- lence in industrial maintenance work, able to I With Smiling Telephone Voice IS20 hrs. week. ptimaily evenings and Saturdays. 83mins! capabilities helpful. S6810 per hour. ijimerview.¢ptyhpersmmmresunieto c. ted landly mm m Duties Hours cum N V“\ 22 read blueprints and work unsupervised PLC expenence an asset. Send resume to Box 4445. c/o Oakvillo Boavor. 467 Spur: Road, Oakvillo, Ontario. L6tt asa CONSUMER RELATIONS PERSON PART TIME RECEPTIONIST Required Applications are encouraged frorr qualified women, men, aborugmal peoples, persons with ttis8bilities and racial mmontles We have a six-month position aT/ailable in oper~ ating and maintaining offset presses (Heidelberg Kora and Yoko R2). and bindery/finishing equip» ment. Please forward a detailed resume and covering letter stating Reference Number l93/S/39, no later than December 3, to: Sheridan College, Human Resources Division, M30 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, Ontario u+ 2U Fax: MB) M54054. Offset Press Operator FANHAN OFFICE SUPPLIES 842-3877 Experienced inflexible PVC . Clean working environment. Non smoking Good benefits. Please reply to Box 4444 EXTRUSION OPERATOR Please call Marlene Pulford THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Oakville Honda 191 Wyecrxrft Rd., Oakville “windy; LUBE TECHNICIAN ONLY at 825-9530 otticeMlp A.T.C. - FROST 1130 Eighth Llne, Oakville sldlbd & termini help l2 . Computer Invoicing . Telephone Reception . General Office Duties : '1 p.m.-5 pm. Mon.-Fri. For an appointment please call My "pt c/o Oakville Beaver 467 Spears Road, Oakville, Ont. L6K 354 No Phone, Calls Please CAREER PERSON up: ELECTRICIAN MAINTENANCE MECHANIC ASSOCIATE 845-91 80 me W PART-TIME " taxes r: and CANADA'S BEST COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER Applicants will be required. to expand existing,Pusiness and to develop new pustess for community pages and for various special sections and supplements. An excellent track record in telemarketing andsome experience In the newspaper industry are essential. Remuneration commensurate with experience. Please send resume to: SHERIDAN skilled L technical help Valerie Rigby, Manager Classified Advertising "In hdp A new“: Currently h Mi)OAmaugiHt 467 Spears Rd., Oakville, ON L6K 384 is TELEMARKETER as NANNY/ housekeeper lure Me. Needed tor F able Mon. _ Sat, Own transportatton. Rolaronces available. 347-2317 T ALINA'S ever. Houses. apartments amass. The Hugues! quality Fully Insured Relerence CLEANING at 855-OS', guaranteed Full time and pen name posmons avatltugtt Please epgly between 2 pm. and 4 pm Thursday. may and Saturday. Oekvllle Town Centre I 270 North Service Rd. W. . 842-3200 We require an energetic person tor Full time/ Part time g'geg',1',e All applicants should enjoy working th people, be well groomed and have an aptitude tor Iadles' fashions. ll qualified apply to; is expandng Wearertowacceptingresumesfora2posi- tiers. We are loolung tor the Industrfs best! If you have what It takes please apply in person at the: The Oakville Beaver Newspaper has an immediate opening tor a Display Advertising Representative. Highly motivated and ambitious individuals would find this position both challeng- ing and rewarding. Please send resume to: Oakville Beaver 467 Spears Road, Oakville, Ont. L6K 384 or Fax 845-3085 MIL; Athmrtising Director All? PHONE CALLS PLEASE an opening for a professional TO ADVERTISE IN THE BUSINESS DIRECTORY PLEASE CALL Now Accepting Application. For dam help aim Display Advertising Representative Required personds Nod Wm! Required Immediately Call Mrs Roberts CASHIERS LINE/PREP PEOPLE COOKS Now Hiring Eatperienced Line Cooks Apply to: Owen Carr Kitchen Manager 220 North Service Rd., W. (North oitne OEW; 7. Sattsfatttion HARDBALL CAFE' 10874 HIGHWAY 25 (t In". north of the 401. Milton) All applications or resumes. Att: General Manager Mon. - Fn, noon till 7 p.m. Peggy's Trafalgar Village 125 Cross Ave, Oakvlllo or call 844-5361 SALESPERSON FULL TIME SALES STAFF .. " JACKET/1': 845-3751 If: N613 up & agents gSe "tjs:ti9it tum-vul- 845-2809 Mib:INliL_., DEADLINES momma-am EXPERIENCEDcIea IIETICULOUS house- cleanev avaulabio Monday thru Friday Also available tor prolessronal carpal m m. an my!) you can go and playl Mancu- Ipys. (gimme, 17 yous. KAREN AND Rhonda you be kinda ttttttta. Tnoy' rnoay paper; & Thursday at 4 pm Sunday paper. um Uansportatrort, Oakwllo Elgv‘egiesLaavo manage bu-weekJ WI 5) (I “an“ pang-nu my pane had m we time. week tor the Proceeds to Support Multi ple Sclerosis Scolely. 845 8301 EINK 1atlttngos tor_(enl Am IHTWtMMttN non "twang an PAINTING and R. -rxtoCaBaq0Abt86 CUSTOM FLOORIASYERS "" CARPENTER NUILDEI in» “to.“ C8 mama,“ partues 336-r905 Loot m ALL we: mas-om allam. alcoholism and drug addiction, She can 10m loved one: close! lo- rmer and woman owl In- uences. calling thorn by name. All readings are slnctty tronhdttntsal. Don't fall to can Rosa today and be nd or your problems tomorrow Available for parties In. Rou- ExtmoMertatm. She?- not him any other reads! that Kou might have been All er loadings are guar- anteed Mrs. Rosa can help you In manor: at Me. mgrnage. magma”. low HEAL". CARE AIDE Iva LOOK WHO! " All roadlng- $5.00 on with mun yes. FOSAu‘Psycmc it." 1050 am one. My”. Has Immediate Iull & part time openings for children Ages " Months to s Year: Our playground area IS equipped with safe and amacnve play equnpmenl For further information call Nancy at The Conservation Review Board will hold a public hearing under the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, Ch.0.18, Sec- tion 29(8) starting at 10 em. on Theedey, November 30, 1993 in the Town ot Oak- vilie, Oakvllle Room, 1225 Traiaigar Road, Oakville, Ontario, to determine whether the property known as 134 Thomas Street, gttill Gr tario shou desig- nated under Part l of the Ontario Htm'tageAct. The Board will pro- ceed in the absence of parties to the hear. Ing to whom this notice applies and tff will not be enti- to any further notice in the proceed- ings. DATED at Toronto this 10th da of '/l',ugllurg. Nancy Smith Secretary Conservation Review Board" ROSA PSYCHIC m magnum mu widest-uku- ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS " public node” 48T.5591 1-522-8392 "NOTICE OF HEARING than“ all"! Onunb b-p-tat' nnmy Servic- 5:. '-hfickaefatuiMAngefs DAYCARE CENTRE l'llli OAKVll 84 2-90 1 6 CLOSE to Sheridan and Holy Family Schools. Hot meals provided, Humble hours. receipts. Phone 842- 4790, MOTHER'S HELPER ro- quuad m m?! home, north. east Oakvt Is tor 2 boys ages 8 and 6, Approx- Imately 25-30 hours per week Lwe out, 864-6243 CHILDCARE. warned In our home tor 2 boys. Lee In or out. Monday-Friday, 7:30am-6pm. Non-smoker, Lakeshore and Burloak area. 827-a313, EXPERIENCED and rttr liable childzara n my home smoke lree onvucnmanl. Bionic ma. 827-0032 RELIABLE M on. Located In Conlury home on - cowl In was! Oakvvlb bongo“ Third and Fourth Linea. Largo Indoor and outdoor play an“. Lumlod may“, 849-a614 WEE-CARE DAYCARE INTRODUCING dayc,agalZlf2I lessonAMlaME OUAUIY WEE-CARE mm IOYNER tUroRttttrauatmott u- porFort Inch“ walnut LOVING ”mu Rot- = prolouional men 3400" in cludu qu. oqunpmonl mung-nuance Fun "hm-tn. " Mo. l dam. tt2BMr756 LOVING. «but. Gavan BUDGET Monr- The Oxford Learning Centre helps pinpoint math strength: a was build on them to onrcomn math comm, blah mun: l an. mom: Coll 134-04" For mom-mm min HOW to CALCULATE BETTER GRADES IN MATH in the Town of Oak- ville, Oakville Room, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, Ontario, to determine whether the property known as 156 Randall Street, Oakville, Ontario should be design- ated under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act The Board will pro- coed in the absence ot parties to the hear- ing to whom this notice applies and tr will not be enti- tl to any iurther notice in the proceed- Ings. DATED at Toronto this 10th day ot, November, 1993. ‘ Nancy Smith Secretary Conservation Review Board" "e. i n 1-416-976-4321 OXFORD LEARIIN CENTRE am The Conservation Review Board will hold a publlc hearing under the Ontario Homage Act, Fl.S.0. 1990, Ch.0.18. Soc- tion 29(8) starllgg at 10 mm. on Mo ly, November 29, 1993 may: "liAVlir "NOTICE OF HEARING childwe waned personals '07] um- tttth-tttttlg "winch-unq- puNle nonco- “F Ontario Imam .0.ch DAYCARE "19sttriRa Mug. Men ECE diploma an asset, non smoker, raleroncas " qunrad 338-1398, PROFESSIONAL couple seeks childcare for one int- ant plus light housekeeping. Part. lime in January, fu - lime Commencing February, Stable, well paid position for suitably qualilied person West of Fourth Line 338-1410 NANNY wanted Live out. Three days weakly. chlldran age 6 and 3, non smoker, rolerences required. 647- 3886. WANTED: L for 3 year old CHILDCARE needed for one toddler m m home. Glen Abbey, 3 Jay: per week. 827-9460, SMITH - Molany (nee McConkey), Ian Caul- field, and son Geoffrey an tickled pink to de- clare the sate atmat ot Glhan Claus born No- vember 17, 1993 at 7 lb. 6 oz. Fifth grandchild and rust granddaughter tor Mm. Jean Caumeld Smith. Special thanks to Dr. E.J. Ewaschuk tor ms years of attention and to Dr. Pyle and the OTMH dettvery staff. MURDOCK - Andrew and snarl (nee Evans) ale mulled to announce the birth ot (hell ht 1%eg, Jennllel Lone born on November 1 ' 1 welghlng 6 be. 4-1/2 on at Oakvllle-Tra- targar Memorial Hospital. Proud grandparents are Lorna and Alex Murdock ot Burlington and Manone and Bob Evans of Kingston, Ontario. Spec!al.ityttyyttl Dr. Armstrong and all (he GIBNEY - Glenn and Sandra (nee Tagger!) are Proud to announce the arrival ot Michelle Chr eline on November 6, 1993. Flrel grandchild tor Bud and Evelyn Regen of Oak- wile. fourth grandchild tor Mike an Marlo Gib- ney ot Oakville, and tirst (f/ttnl'),',',),'),',' tor Reg and Phyllis Chafman o Burlington. Thanks to Drs. Bloch, rmelrong. Locavalller, the staff at OTMH and Dabble Hines. Spdea obs " CAINADIC -Yi.ana and Goran are pleased to welcome with love, their second son, Mark ttry born on November 20th, 1993 at 3:20 am. little brother for Kristian. Proud grand arents are Zorlca and Zdenko Canadlc of Osirek. Croatia and Steflca and Jerko Llovic of Visnjevac. Croatia. A very special thanks to Dr. G. Walsh and the nursing stall of OTMH. FARMER - David and Suzanne (nee Murray) are pleased to announce the arrival of their twins November 14, 1993. Big sister Macken- zie is thrilled that Derek Evan Murra‘, 9 lbs and Leanna Jenna Eva 7 lbs. 1/2 oz. ave li- natty armed. The wait is "nail? over tor proud grandparents 2grre, and om Murray and alricia and Rona Farmer. Special thanks to Dr. Etirmescu. Dr. Charters, Dr. Ewaschuk and the obs. Matt at OakvllIo-Tralalgar Memo. rial Hospital who took such great care at " ot us. D'AUFIIZIO - Tony and Juliet are Proud to an- nounce the safe arrival or their irst child, a beautiful daughter, Alissa. on Wednesdaé, No- vember 10th, 1993 weighing 7 lb. 5 oz. roud grandparents are Tine D' urizlo of Oakville and Les and Annette Shepherd at Sidcup. England. trlt thanks for all their care and support to r. Feroze and Dr. Richmond Peck 8fd to nurse Penny and the maternity staff g H. BOMMAHITO - Christine Dalgetty and Sal Bommarito are pleased to announce the birth of their son Nicholas Sean weighing 9-1/2 jifgg,'ti', on November 20, 1993 at t. Joseph's ospital, Hamilton. A baby brother tor Emily. WOW! TWIN BOYS BLOEM -- Anthonie and Francine and big sister April thank God for the sate arrival of their twrn boys. William John and Christopher Edward born on Thursday, November 18, 1993. William weighed in at 5 lbs. 13 025. Christopher at 6 lbs 4 ozs. Third and fourth grandchild for Irene Carson of Oakville and second and third grandchild for Edward and Mary Bloem of Oakville. Francine you're beau- tltull Special thanks to Doctor Eltimescu and all the obs staff at Oakville-Tra- lalgar Memorial Hospital. Thanks mom for your support and encouragement in the deliv- ery room. BOLAN - James and Kathleen (nee Chap- man) and big sister Brittney, are happnto an- nounce the birth ot James Robert, on ovem- ber 16, 1993 at Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital, weighingBB lbs. 3 1/ 025. Proud grandparents are, ob and Eileen Chapman and Theresa Bolan, all of Oakville. Also wel- comed by CYreat grandparents. Eileen and Tho- mas Rea er, o Oakville and Pearl Marie Gouin, of Windsor. Special thanks to Dr. Mac- Donald and the nursing staff at OTMH. 3, 1993, at 8:17 am at Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. He is a welcome brother to Mikayla and Jacob and is Cy) to be the fifth grandchild tor Dave and nn Baxter, of Troy and the sixth grandchild for Frank and Maria Heaney, of Oa ville. He weighed in at 8 lbs., 8 1/2 ozs. and both mother and son are doing verz well. A special thankyou to Drs. Rouse, Ric mond-Peck and all the nurses at OTMH. BAXTER - John and Tricia (nee Heaney) Baxter, are pleased to announce the birth of peqlgn f'reistt?n Heaney Baxter, on November and receive a FREE Penalen rack (value ttit) and In: announcement will a so appear In the annual NEW ARRIVALS SUPPLEMENT to Do publisheuAin January. A It so: Your notice will appear in our annual 'NEW ARRIVALS 1993' Supplement on January 7th, 1994. It you wish to have the announcement ' accompanied try a picture of your baby: l. Choose your favourite picture. 2. Put your name, telephone number and the month that the baby was born on the back of the picture. 3. Bring it into our olfice no later than December 10th, 1993. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS 467 Speers Road, Oakville, L6K 384 For lunher inlormalion please call: 845-2809 We will endeavour lo see that all reasonable care is taken with the pictures, however. the Oakvllle Beaver cannol be responsible lar any photographs lell willl the newsoaner. Place your 1i.rth announcement 2 times In MI YOUR BABY'S BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT APPEAR IN THE OAKVILLE BEAVER IN 1993? 1993 BABY SUPPLEMENT BABY PICTURES childcare waned nannies available, wanted ff at O.T.M.H “HEOAKVIILEBEI Pre-Payme'm TEt2TEliir9 we-In Mann: and 6 mom _anuary 1194 shun Is Required NANNY required two or three days a week starting January to care tor three year old and seven month old m our home. Close to Hospital Rolerences ro- qunred. 844-4440 Nurses tor live-in and out positions tor Immediate and early 1994 placements. Call Jg22y Personnel Ltd, 849-65 . NANNY requnred for mid January 1994, Live m, ref. erences raqurrtrd, Call 844- 8065, NANNIES/HOUSE- KEEPERS/NURSERY It's not just what you say, but how you say it - let one of our professional advisers assist you In style. layout ' wording at your MM, 845-2809 alized ad nannies available, Ivanhd MRI l I FREELANCE BOOK. KEEPING SERVICES. Available at reasonable rates for temporary aa- sngnments or monthly fi- nancats Call3aty-280t You are never truly aware of all the people who know or care ot your family until an accident or tragedy occurs. We all, to you all, would like to express our sin- cerest and heartfelt thanks tor all the con- cerns, dedications and support we have re- celved. Our son Shawn died prematurely from his own choice and has left a void in al our lives. We personally thank God that drugs, alcohol or any other illegal actions were not involved in his death. Shawn is. .issed by everyone who knew him. We all wish we had or he had known sooner. From: Dan and Dorothy, Simon and Sheldon Towey David and Enid Champion and the Land family. Thank You Oakville WHARIN, Douglas H. - Peacefully at Churchill Place, on November 17, 1993 in his 92nd year. Beloved husband of Lou. Father of Don and wife Carol. Loving grandfather ot Chris, Jeff, Jim, Jane and John andgreat- grandfather of Ashley, Tara, Curtis, atlin, Iex. Joshua, Jennifer, Jamie, and Megan. A private family service was held followed by in- ternment at St. Jude's Cemetery in Oakville. Arrangement entrusted to The Ward Funeral y,tyyt,Takville Chapel", 109 Reynolds Street, do FARM, Franclsco (Retired emplrrvree of Tru-Wall Construction) - On Sunday, ovem- ber 21, 1993 at his home in Oakville. Francis- co de Farla. 66 years of age, beloved husband of Terezinha. Loving lather of Maria and her husband Luke Tavares. Dear grandfather of Christine and Jason. Brother of Antonio and Maria Amelia and the late Jose. Visitation was held at the Kopriva Ta Ior Community Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore zoad West, Oakville on Monday. Funeral Litur was held at St. James Church, 231 Morden ‘yoad Oakville on Tues- day, November 23, 1993. Interment Trafalgar Lawn Cemetery. WI, CLAY, James T. - In Adelaide Australia, November 15 1993. Beloved husband of 'ts trice. (Bea). Dear father of Patricia, her hu band Donald, Jamie and his wife Kim. Loving grandfather to Michael, Ian, Duncan and Blan- ca. Former laboratory manwger at Oakville Tra- falgar Memorial Hospital. ill be sadly missed, by many friends in Canada. borlhwick. Loving mother of Wllllam, Cheryl and David Hillls, and Scott Borthwlck, Dear Grandmother ol 3 Grandchildren. A Funeral service was held at the Tubman Funeral Homes, Westlawn Chapel. Interment at Bow- man Cemetery, Ancaster (Hwy 53) Thursday at 11 a.m. Those who wish may make memorial donatlons to Children's Hospital of Eastern Orr. taro. Borthwick BORTHWICK, Donna Joan - m hosplt on Monday November 22nd, 1993, In her 60 year. Donna Borthwick, beloved wife of Willie I KOPRIVA T1Ylf?, l FUNERAL DIRECTORS l "rftrtgttt-tyotttto-rtmtry b"tqmmtthm,metitinttmsportsttm. This Section will run Wed., December 1st, 8th ' 15th, 1993 Reach over 23,000 homes with your gitt subscriptions. Advertisers place your ad now. Please Call: Oakville Chapel 109 Reynolds Street - " Lakeshore Road Mrrt, Olkville 844-2600 LN Many thanks lo all who donaled - Ion our book: h " sent overseas EH fumrul 'Wmte Ltmiii'itairtistmt a [only stunted by caring community min a people. 56 WESHORE ROAD WEST, OAKVILLE FUNERAL DIRECTORS Terry cm Don cum Sun Wett Shannon Court- CARD OF THANKS COMMUNITY FUNERAL HOME lllllard Meal Home There's A Deal Waiting For You Di1tiystivelyrs Di brent Gi Ideas Phone: 845-2809 Fax: 845-3085 845-2809 DEATHS 842-2252 SECRETARIAL/DATA oncesslng Services. Lat. ters, reports, resumes, mak. mg lists and Invoices. Oualr , work at reasonabie rates. lease call 578-5108. tthdttittt; VIEWED Sum: 1914 am am al

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