Oakville Beaver, 24 Nov 1993, p. 6

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New taxis are a boon for the disabled of Oakville Dear Sir: Kudos t Halton Taxi for provid- ing an accessible taxicab service that At the Nov. 4th meeting, we learned that in the near future, a decision will be made concerning the location of what the area planners call "the southerly crossing of the Nelve Mile Creek". Plans for this crossing are apparently well under way, and the most direct, and the least expensive crossing, will be at Rebecca Street. It would seem that spanning the Nelve Mile Creek at that point is a project ready to go. The subsequent widening Dear Sir: On Nov. 4th, a Public Open House/Meeting was held at the St. Thomas Aquinas School - West Campus, at 2405 Rebecca Street. A notice about this meeting was left at homes west of Bronte Creek and along Bronte Road, but msi- dents east of the creek knew about this meeting only if they read - The Oakville Beaver - careful- ly on Wed., Nov. 3rd, The topic to be discussed wasthelocationoftwobridgestobebuiltinthe near future over Twelve Mile (Bronte) Creek, south ofthe QEW. The northerly crossing did not generate great debate, but the southerly one cer- tainly did. Since one of the southerly crossing options involved developing the right of way for Riggs Road, the residents whose properties abut this land were out in force to say "No, No, No" to that proposal. The rest of the Oakville community living in the area east of Bronte Creek were less well represented. Dear Sir: Re: my letter printed in your issue of Nov. 10, 1993: at the request of Trustee Penny Siebert's lawyer, I hereby offer a full and complete retraction. Mrs. Siebert was not in conflict of interest and as such had no requirement to declare same. Thinking over the 12 Mili/tfiriiiilk bridge options Trustee wasn't in conflict of interest DearSir: I enjoyed Barb Joy's articles in the Nov. 10th Beaver, concerning Sir John Colborne. However, Pat McGregor, who did the research, mentioned "a missing link in her material is Colbome's private life. For instance, she said she was unable to discover if he ever married." Rae says that's not going to happen. You have to give Rae credit. At least he hasn't been swayed by the very groups who got him elected. We wonder how many other provincial politicians would be as bold...or foolhardy. Historical 'missing link' turns up in encyclopedia The latest bad news came this week when the Ontario Federation of Labour. this week voted to withdraw financial and organizational support for the NDP unless Rae repeals his social contract law. ntario Premier Bob Rae may have made the right decision in starting Osocial contract talks with provincial employees but it's likely to cost him in 18 months. That's when he'll likely go to the polls and go down to a crushing defeat that could even be worse than the recent drubbing of the federal Tories. FSS OPHVION We certainly applaud the government's move and yet in the back of our minds is the nagging question. where is he money going to come from to make up all that cigarette tax revenue? If the government's answer ts to raise personal income taxes again (retroactively no doubt) look for the trea- sury to swell again as taxpayers are driven to drink. Come to think of it. maybe that's Grier's plan! Nah! Dead right But while anti-smoking lobbyists were applauding the move, there must have also been a collective wringing of the hands in the halls of the Revenue Ministry. The reason is clear. Already the revenue generated through cigarette taxes is falling due to many factors and this latest initia- tive will further lessen the expected monies coming in from that source and it's unlikely that any other savings will offset these losses. When treasurers at Queen's Park were up against it for money, they have always hiked alcohol and tobacco taxes. If cigarette sales volumes decline noticeably because of this legislation, the government will be forced to borrow even more money to make up the shortfall. Ontarians might be better off medically. but the fiscal patient will be worse off than before.Talk about a cruel irony. another. -- - - _ Health Minister Ruth Grier believes it's time to try and end the hypocrisy in the cigarette trade by forcing pharmacies to stop selling cigarettes that are known causes of medical problems. Grier's reasoning is that these businesses should not be dealing in products that are harmful to people when the stores are also selling products to make people well. _ But the most controversial component of the planned law is to raise the legal age for purchasing, cigarettes to 19 from l8. This is a logical step in the government's program to cut healthcare costs in the province. By trying to stop cigarette smoking earlier, and making it somewhat more difficult to buy the product, the government hopes to real- ize real dollar savings down the road. I thought this strange for a man ith its announcement Monday, that it intends to pass the toughest anti-smoking legislation in North America. the provincial govern- ment is trying to solve one problem but in so doing. is creating M (onllow‘HlJI mmpnncnl M lhc plunucd l.l\\ l\ to riilst' the )ll[\-h.l\lng clzjdh‘lhw In It: from Ill Ek ROUND OF gnu! Hep In the gmmnmcnl'x progmm In cu! hulllhcurc (mix ( "' lly (run; In \lup upglrcllc smoking earlier. and making; ll l 1c difficult In buy lhc product. lhc gmcrnmcnl hopes In real- ltiill I snungx mm n lhc mud " 0 .A.. .._.l ,._,I ll . t I I I EDITORIAL Butting out Roger Love effectively meets the transportation needs of the disabled. Oakville joins a growing list of progressive com- so famous, so I looked him up in my 30-year-old Encyclopedia Canadiana, and lo and behold, in volume 3, it is mentioned, "In 1813, he married Elizabeth Yonge; they had several children, including two sons who rose to the rank of gener- It may also be worth investigating WONT ALONE CALL845-75585 Imaginewithrnethefollowingscenario-the bridgeisbuiltatRebaxasueiBmnteRoadis widened to accommodate the many cars coming hom west ofthe Bronte Geek, but there's a lot of traffic. It would be an attractive option for the motorist to elect to continue east along quiet Rebecca Street, past the church and the school, to BuOtstarninute. Whathtippenstotheresiden- tial west end of Oakville once the more come- nient, and less expensive bridge is built at RebeccaSminsleadofmepossiblecmssinglo the north at Speers Road? No problem, say the madandbridgeplannersThetmmcwilljusit1ow across the bridge and then proceed north on a widened Bronte Road. There are no plans they say,towidenRebtxcaStrmteastofBmmeRoad tofourlanes,noplansatait The engineering charts indicated. however, that another possible southerly crossing of the creek couldbeatSpeersRoad,withamatisobetxo trmughlartdwhichisasyeondeveiopaiornaU the connection with Rebecca Street on the west side of Bronte Creek. Rebeca Street west of Bronte Creek is an extension of New Street in Burlington. This option was given short shrift: more expensive and harder on the natural environ- ment they said. of Bronte Road from Rebeca Street to Specs Ray] is a well developed probability. "SFEAK mun MIND l All callers are allowed 45 sec- onds to express their opinion and must provide their name, address and phone number for verification. A ems section of the "spam will be published in next Wednesday's Oakville Beaver. Got a gripe? Give us a call. Readers are invited to express their opinion on a topic of their choice by calling 845-5585, box whether or not Elizabeth Yonge (a not-too-common last name) was an offspring of, or related to, Sir George Yonge, British Secretary of State for War and friend of Colonel John Graves Simcoe, who named York's (Toronto) Yonge Street after him in the late 1790's. munities committed to meeting the province's goal of full accessibility for all Ontarians. Advom Ippll: The Otglrvilie Beaver whom your comm. All letter: must be towed and include the writers address and phone number. Loner: should be typed. double-spaced and addressed to: Lana: to the Editor, The Oakvmo Beaver, 467 - Rd., Ookvlllo. Ont. LGK MM 467 lacunae Classified Advertising: 845-2809 Circulation: 8459742 or 845-9743 845-3824 Fax: 845-3085 Spears Sam Leonard Road, Oakvllle, Ont. L6K " THE OAKVlLlJi BEAVER It might be a good idea for all residents of oakeilleandthosewhotiveinthewestendin particular to take another look, and maybe another andanaherlookaraplan,whichwouidseemto be an easy solution to this complex question. Whendoilarsarescarceandstraightruiesmake suchgoodsense,itmay bedifficulttoweighthese considerations against the intangibles of commu- I1itylifeinwestoakville.ontheotherhand,per- haps we should collectively say that we have th0ughtth-posalsover,anditisourwishthat tresoutheriycmssingbebuiltatawestetiyexten- sion to the present Speers Road, with a curved connecting mad between the bridge and Rebecca Street on the west side of Twelve Mile Creek, It is, after all, one ofthe options. Line. It's virtually a four lane highway. My 1ien1sinthattownte0methatratilitiesUni, NewStrmtareanoetgoingoccurrence,andased. ous oonccm to Budingum residents. It's hard to keep the Speeders in check when the mad ahead looks like Number 5 Highway. Fat any Oakville resident {who would like to seehetuttare,takeatriptoBuriington,amitravet “pug yer Stream Buttock Olive to Guelph the Third line. and from there proceed north to the QEW interchange. Before long, widening Retina Street would heme logical next step... III/M The company is to be heartily congratulated. Clearly, transportation is a key component to achieving one's goals and aspirations. Halton Taxi's wel- come initiative provides wheelchair- bound individuals with the means to travel by cab in the comfort and dig- nity they fully deserve. At the heart of the matter lies Ontario's Human Rights Code which seeks to eliminate unwarrant- ed discrimination of any kind. The preamble taken from the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, is worth stating: ' And whereas it is public policy in Ontario to recognize the dignity and worth of every person and to pro- vide for equal rights and opportuni- ties without discrimination that is contrary to law, and having as its aim the creation of a climate of understanding and mutual respect for the dignity and worth of each person so that each person feels part of the community and able to con- tribute fully to the development and well-being of the community and the province.' 3S4 mmon (1 I'm Adv-mama upacu occupm by mu cuulutun Ham. mam" win a mnuumuh Murmur u In: van-mm will um bu chum km hm my human! M lama-1mm ml no pan: for I! In ma won! ol typuqmpmul um», ndvonmnu gum: or son/Icon I! luv wrong [may unnu- Ut nun/nun may ml by wet Advannmg In may»; on an. to all I!!! my D. WHNVIVI’I ll any "no Peter D. Pellier Janet Bollinger Robert Glubey Arlverttsinq Director Norman Alexander Editor Geoff Hill Circulation Director Teri CIIII Ojlk'e Manager Tim Cotes Production Manager Ian Oliver Publisher 'gb..-, Still, all in all, we did have an enjoyable time because with every dark cloud there is a silver lining. In this particular case most of us were spared the irrelevant ramblings of John Scheel, whose presence at any Oakville- Trafalgar High School function we find both objectionable and hypocritical. Unfortunately, there were a number of problems, which detracted from the success of the evening. Parking control was poor, there were no direc- tions as to where the presentations were going to be made, and last, but by no means the least, the sound system did not function until well into the proceedings. Dear Sir: As parents of a graduating student we were invited to attend the cere- monies at Oakville-Trafalgar High School on the 22nd of October, 1993 and we looked forward to what should have been a most memorable occa- sion - the first graduation ceremonies in the new high school. Silver lining in OT grad ceremony cloud W_ewillalwaysbemaitgratefulhzallthepoiicehavedonetorus apdaoncewouidliketoseethemrrxeivethecredittheysoriay deserve. Ttealt,asweseeit,liesnotwithourpolicemce,butwithoursm citlled)udicitlsysttthatcaresnotajothkthevictim,butNoectsthe o!rendt.era!allcests9urpoliceworknightanddaytobrinithes- Irlet?justiceoruytohavethecourtsreiumthemiothestrutsunimn- TheinsensitivityBarbspeaksof,inourcase,cameathehandsof certain unscrupulous lawyers. working for and eventually helping to fiee,arnarthtymusthaveknowntohivebeenreaysick,astime%s now proved. He has, recently. been re-arrested on numerous serious charges involving violence against women. Had justice been served all those years ago, many innocent young girls and women might have been spared their ordeal; Ourdaughter was vicioyslybeatenandrapedbyacompletestranger twelveandhalfyearsagoheteinOakville,GdthiHaitGNiiceFtxa celdn'thrrtbetnmorecaringandhelpfutotheentireaiy-some ofthemstillkmpingintouchwithus. Dear Sir: ThisisintefetettcetothearticietyBamJoyintheBeaver,dated Nov. 17th, on Author Kevin Manon's book Fatal Mistakes - i.e. "Had...Yeo's victims not been afraid to come forward (those who did, often faced insensitive police handling). I take particular exception to the latter remark Hf!t Blame judicial system, not police LETTER OF THE DAY The Oukvllla Beaver, pubMuhod wavy mummy, ll Camus, Is one ttt ho Menoland Punting, Puhll: magnum which Imam Nax-Plckonng No Gunman. Buying? Poul. fdlntge Com Impondonl/ Ac Fm Plain, mm Th Econornhl and Sun 8touetlhr/pxtsrktis Tribun- Nowu, iGGiiai.%iaii Eva-Bantu, North V Oshawa/Whllby Thu Wm. Pohrbovough Tm Wonk. Richrmnd HIV Liberal, ,tirl't,taM,inr " mtttttrlal publi- In the ottkttlht Bum . wound by copyva A: who» or In part ot [his manual . smelly lam without Ina canon ot the 'tit/l' y Sunday, Wanna-do hung, Publhhm & or: Moving Now- Admin nod Com-anon, " (my. Tm Wank, North You "rror 1rrtr, and mung M M? are" m, mg ' Cumming L cup 0 ttttttttttttn I Momma, 8am. Again, Br em Mon. Ehbboko Gummy“ 0001mm Wonk, mam Thu Wonk, mum-m Milan Canadian Champlon, Midwin- k Minor, Oukvllo 5mm, Onlln Today, Wuk, Richmond HIWMMWMMH Nameswithheld V tr'rr-" je care" 'lii,iiii"

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