Tu, Det Jiiiiiit “CHpIQSTMAeS AT THE INN†a [ji!lll[EEiifiElfii REPAIRS from 'k%1sisga"' We sell & install auto {alarm systems - -e -""ii...... IleV " LU l IIVIHI C< YOU CAN EASILY ADAPT OUR SHOWROOM IDE‘S TO YOUR an‘TWE DECOR "121 SPF-{[3 RD. UNIT " 338-3055 We repair home and auto electronics Stereos, V.C.Fi.s. Microwaves, Fax Machines, TVs, Answering Machines (tiii-eller/gi',, Cell '149' 820-9676 â€WA SW“ NW! I DESIGN CENTRE NN Mltttus St . D18 6 CDAFT 6H0 W It's true. Over tl l natural gas high-efficiency furnace can he That 's probably less than your favourite n no matter how you look at it, natural ya FREE ESTIMATES (axe-pt V.C.R.o) (Beside Tim Hortons at ourthird) Mom J.J. Afgj,y,ittj),it,Jktto,szms te, nstallatlon SUN. NOV. 28 " A.M.-5 P.M HOLIDAY INN BURLINGTON Jncy Castle DOOR PRIZES n','gt,iggic," for and BIG SIST ER 4E KIDS FREE Candy Canes _iEfl..ylC. In fact, it c JU. Home Prowl-ts We tcCK_L 'rc Lle: mu- ML: I1L11}k11‘o;nl\wl 'rr/ctr' A 'rrt.l L1ll'_lilr:r1. ( â€Mic! [my , Egg/j, :{J‘ I mm: 1mm!» AIM N. mm â€I‘m “W! M: 'N H H "w" " f vis'""""' «II tuutr,_l'ici, ImYIIIm :Lb hunk-LN 1mm MIN Hahn we"" and Ilrcpluw MUkIay- CadlTuday! / a lf - I 0 3357310 _ I50 . 133$ EATING YOUR HOME WITH NATURAL GAS V0317 Mirror Doors & Walls Bevelled Glass & Mirrors Custom Shower Doors Tub Enclosures Art Deco & Framed Mirrors Glass Tables Prompt ' Professional Installations We also repair d) install 2 Way f CB. Radios an save you hundreds of doll 'elluetrCentne F117"; -itho7i7 Spams: Union Gas l (416) 749-4732 Since 1971 from “Emsumoo- I but] iiiiiii" I" IWmur mm true. Over the course of a war, ace can heat the average home for as little as $155" a day favourite mid-moming pick-me-up. Dollars to donuts, natural gas is still your most economical fuel choice. 1 ' iii: Mon-Fri Under the secondary agreement, the PA day Feb. 4th, 1994 becomes an unpaid day as do March 10th and llth, 1994. June 27th and June 28, Under the elementary agreement, the PA days, Feb. 3, 1994 and Feb. 4, 1994 become unpaid days while the PA days, June 3rd, 1994 and June 29th, 1994 now become instructional days. March 10th and llth, 1994 become unpaid days, extending the March Break. Halton Board of Education ele- mentary teachers will lose four days' pay under social contract legislation, while their secondary counterparts face the loss of at least two days' pay. The social contract agreements were signed last Thursday by the llalton Board of Education and repre- sentatives from three teachers' unions - the Halton branches of the Federation of Women Teachers Association, the Ontario Public School Teachers Federation and the Second School Teachers Federation, Elementary teachers will lose four Professional Activity (PA) days in February and June. The Addiction Research Foundation is offering a new treatment-research program that can help you. Treatment is conducted individually on an out-patient basis in the Toronto ind Mississauga area. All information is maintained in strict confidence, For further details, call weekdays By KATHY YANCHUS Oak ville Beaver Saw" Teachers payingfor; apr, - v MB â€UMP/M "ptiicere,t1um,,, , “Hill Inn 8180 thee NO ttttiii/ii; UNTIL 'ftiitifklt'sl '94.r . PLUS CE r 6 $50.00 COUPON 1'iC/,rwur,L,",. ml J \.Alur,1l (sus , '- lleauire, n! [In , Hm" ’ INTERESTED IN DECREASING (R STOPPING YOUR DRINKING? lil Addiction Research Foundation l'lil Mk Phrents ttriiirrGiit'ii The training showed me the strenuous ttttrat I m- Thttrtda started In A . to yl.llll7lcse'lvlfn'il'gl'llltl "ti 595-6099 "Long-legged, long-haired, busi- nesswoman. with long nails, seeks professional male, 26-38 to be my scratching post. Wanna play?" With an ad like that, it's no won- der Sheila, a tyetlty-something insurance executive, got 32 calls in a week and a half on the Sincerely Yours telephone dating service. 'Tm having a ball," the attractive professional woman says with a laugh, noting she has been on four or fwe dates (she can't keep track) since placing that ad. "lt's been a NELWOFEEDBACK m MOVE ATTHYHON SPAN 1.1P, CONCENTRATION Sincerely Y0urs:a ' In total, the publi must reduce its ex $4,618,142 elen $3,839,634 secondary Unpaid days required must be taken by March 3I, 1994 to cover the first year of what is a three year social contract plan. 1994 now become instructional days. The unpaid days will not affect the Ministry of Education and Training's minimum requirement of 185 class- room days during the 1993-1994 school year. Mr Fondation do Ia rechevche sur le toxicomanie Iowed me how to umdeniniiGaiat won I New put forth'. WI. by the middle of May we dng rem from her teachers'. old gt.rt petnasty on man public school board ts expenditures by elementary and 1dary in each year of ;serv:ce. the attractive says with a been on four t keep track) "lt's been a a Some guys she was able to elimi- nate right away as potential prospects; like the guy who described himself as a six-foot- seven. bald-headed ex-biker. Then there were the two married men that wanted to meet for "coffee and con- versation". Their voice messages didn't indicate they were married. That came out in a subsequent tele- T "I attend boring meetings, and I don't date clients," she states while puffing on a cigarette. "lt cuts down on the possibilities." Since trying out Sincerely Yours, Sheila has had so many calls she hasn't been able to call back the last " She's met two engineers, an architect, and another guy who owns his own con- struction company. urea or the bar scene and with a policy against dating clients met through work, Sheila admits it can sometimes be difficult meeting peo- ple. V car to school, supper, single I mentary teachers involves the deduo tion of one day's pay from the Nov 25th, Dec. 17th and Jan. 25, and Feb 25 pays. . Under the secondary school teach- ers agreement, one day's pay will be deducted from the Nov, 25th, 1993 pay and one day's pay from the Dec. 17th, I993 pay. If the secondary teachers agree to accept a 2% raise, retroactive to September, a third days' pay could be deducted from their 'ke-NV-ke-sae?-, the I he SOC can close Recycling new help to recycle nee t1,iiii, /, "tf. pn vill newsprint nee 1n real Ontario success ial contract. [ payroll deduction plan y teachers involves the ssible social contract mart u 9Qs approach to dating JCHCTS Involves the deduo t day's pay from the Nov 17th and Jan. 25, and Feb that's still n John (age 26) oll secondary school leach- , one day's pay will be I) the Nov. With, 1993 lay's pay from the Dec. ay. If the secondary md flyer insert Irs we import. And the more tt the recyclin Import more ur It dum; )ut it) P ll 15%, more from the us. If rec Jttiyrif, Id Je rs we. But we every single md the l many new enough. They actually news mills m " for ek story. Together, we 00p md flyer inserts is Following these steps should lead to great success. Peck estimates the Sincerely Yours service is getting between 80 to 150 new ads a day - along with another l.500 calls a day to respond to ads and leave messages. It's a '90s approach to dating. you give them him to leave his phone number. 2. Once you‘ve decided to make that call, talk with him a few times and really get to know him before you actually decide to meet. 3. Finally, when you make that first date, it would be prudent to meet him in a public place, such as a restaurant or club. even more Peck said. "We have a very high success rate on those that have met the 'right' person." If you are really serious in wanting to meet someone, this is an excellent way to do it. (Hearing someone's voice is a good way of familiarizing yourself with' that person before you take the next step). It is particularly safe for women, when used properly: l. Leave your mailbox # when responding to another mailbox. Ask Je People calling the '976' line are. charged a flat-rate, usually $1.99 per minute. (To a maximum of 5 min- utes.) If the call is long distance, there are no extra charges involved. Although the price is not expensive, one should not judge this service on. price alone. "How can you put a price on love or companionship?" Peck said. "We have a very high' success rate on those that have met the 'right' person." If you are really serious in wanting to meet someone, this is an excellent mm: In tin " There are generally anywhere from four to nine operators on duty any given time answering phones, taking ads, and responding to any questions that the callers might have. All callers remain anonymous. They are never asked to give their names or telephone numbers. phone interview. "l just cut them mm at the knees," she said. J Myra Peck, customer service manager for Sincerely Yours said “telephone dating is really taking off in a big way. It's another way of meeting people. The company she works for, Telesphere, handles tele- phone dating services for over 40 different newspapers across Ontario? and Quebec. February paychatues. i "We've tried our best to maintai high standards of student learning an have arrived at what we consider to the best solution within difficult, if not impossible, social contract reStric- tions," said Trustee Cheryl Reid, chair of the Board's Salary Policy Committee. "The 185 instructional,' days required by the Ministry of Education and Training are main- tained and we want the public to understand that their concerns are our concerns." f) spapers as e recyclec need your 3. the less mills will municipal lf Id news JW we news back we ard's Salary Policy "The 185 instructional', ed by the Ministry of nd Training are main- we want the public to at their concerns are our