Oakville Beaver, 1 Dec 1993, p. 18

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18 W0 MtltreStt0tttt INDIE WM“! MY MO DE USED " 0mm SPECIALS TM Golda" Shun": GM Shoe TM Gwendo‘ TM mm." Hound Them The HI TM Harv"! Knew"; Th. Guilt Pllch The Thcmo or Tm Tina . Noodbcrln To Set A Yum Tot Tun: E T'IIHI “A? Ann: Pans Unlw Unmd Chtrttrte Unlv'rnl Dull Product- Video Vcnut World} wmu Oak: Cancun- Winn"- -e Work. ot run VOIIIICI'I Surround, TM Chute Tilt Com see Spun M, him and WINE Spoon Rd Fun! "a WINE Stereo Don Sub“ see, Sm" Smu- Swan SM” TCBY TCBV TN sumo Cola The Bram»; TMC the Each-mod tioepe The mu A © m"io 99“. Mutant»! Raul limit" Sn A Can Ltd seond Chane: Anutp 509mm Guam Scour I The anIng Princgh Des”: Quicksan- Rom - A _ Shel! like} N." 005190 Rotrerrs FM Can no!» 3... Ola-Inn oee Ame 50m: A sun PU, -eextee Pugh. In: oi Milt rm Fumtt- PM a m (In! Hm OM Pub n Prtrtt. Man Blue; Cult OIIMII Ame Rum-Io! oumun Comm: We a 0- will! Olkvlh Oahu! Subscribe Now and Receive Ag a prepaid suirscriire naive mo persanahre naive 'g,',tgt,trd shop wally Caro. You In your Shop lly Curd null every patch-u trum an participating much-m Than discounts. will canin the lublzripiion [mu m "veral week: of regulitr llm I * K human Us ”not Wanting Manning Janelle Manna Racing m - Led BIO Cluck. ”I'd! Gnu Honour-m b a. SUBSCRIBE To THE OAKVILLE BEAVER & SAVE M. YEAR XIII-Ken 9mm] L' M de Twat L'Aukr Canon-n u Inn-term: Creed. Leh's In!“ Delta-[nun Mtrt Mult‘ Home“ 0mm t6ufuer I In" Colman Jetted of unoc- Rest-ttt M3001 Chow! K In! Dunn's Dou- mm "It my: was: KubMu In! Shot: A has" Nature‘s Best Conn J CtUrlte Sun & Service Jeggun I Sons flu Sewn. UH Jel Auto Centre lump Realm-nu MIMI! Ruhmlntl Mum On Earth Put-urn m - not! In“: Mal-m! ”out. of India 00ml Bridal ' Formal Wear E, N. Braddock _ Olkvllh t22t9' mum Auto Sonia El SE79 El!!!“ Wall- Flmul Full In“! Fuanouch Firat Choice Nulr Omen Fimt Choke Nah Canon Funk Nair Sign 6033': Fun Glen Mttt Hunt” A Fun Art Gm Palm _ Valiant Golden Griddle Good Books Hilton Auto Etectric ”"va Cr." Nam-ow: or 0“th “anal-III no!" salivary 3 "In” a will In! In. In". null In. - ("In Two mu Mop Lanny Cum “yummy-hum: tM"-t.nrouu-qttmrLmarrturg I . mm Cluullu M W MI Wm Ont Imam In In. onu m u Pump-nu. 6w“ nmnommm 1r_ittotttrtMreMm"rtwrtNarwtm Human A i?Le.mL WHEN! ' _ -- “lion Maggy A _ kiln Lock l Sate Co Adi; Flow" Shoe " Cull CommunIc-uom Aladdin Poul-n Rug: Albert. Cara! PM. Ayah Auto Gnu Auto Cloning A Dolllllng Auto Tum Dug" Anion Finn J.rr_.lht, In! Pal-din Balloon Exam lamina Garden Hull-mm lama. 'N Lluun lelng "tey 021mm. 8"th Print A 0021 In“ Damn A annlxlml Quinn Robbin- sum Roam": mum- Scrvtcu Olkvllll Ioumll‘l . Books am!“ I In“ Collection: Buttock mm Clo-Mn C.S.l. Dunn Calico Cull Sheen can“ CM: luau Chick“ On A _., ligand: Comet Sam Cumgbh PM! Rom-All- Con-eel! Gaunt" Crtnot.nt.t mm" ' Glut Co, COM“: Some. Fe: San: County Donut- Docov I Inc. "0th1““. Gama" Inc Dam of can“. Inc Ollmonucn" ' Gum" I Ewan"!- SAVE MONEY All Year Long with tho Onkv/Ile Buver Shop Locally Card no ,loe_.lutt ' Gm: Aguphlu 1 Jitht [WW Merchant Chum Chick“ . Rb! Chum Chick." I an. Child Chm" I Rb. W TM County TM Camila ml. ”on Ltd. ulre E mum Sundmchog I Subd- Sandvucnu ' Smog (Luna Cuttmg P002" WSW Lawn More: Chm Gnu A Mm: Lttt 'ttr" Showing 1h! Pic. input-non Exp-mace Expires: Dec. 24, 1993 Enloy Year ‘n Shoe Gull-g xpuu SWIIE: I Bu! I Bul [an I 1’73) ua, I. Lttt Tum “I "I 19031“!ng Beaver, yuu 2 FOR , Mom. I Gm: Tuna-ya only . Senor, 10% oft III no" FREE COFFEE Wlth P: m FREE Mndmm Son Orme Wm Mo Purcnau of I Salad " “WW FREE GIFT wm Mn FREE Salad Wan Any Mu! Po " " OFF Any Pun-mu " OFF my)” Priced Morn/1mg”. " OFF Regular Pncod Moran/lam 'Excludmg Elma! " OFF All Etruratonateumo Selma At Roguln/ Pm " OFF Mumm- ' A Film. Signs " OFF Regular Prme Cloning PM 10% or! sun, Boon, bnongs, Rncqum a Acct-cams " th OFF name ' mini? W 5% OFF ROM! PM. Yam: 4 Foam: '51; OFF We! Find ”mud!” 10% OFF - Pttemt moms. w w: w. pay no GST a PST On Ar FREE DESSERT and Conn or Tu W "RE E REE OFF Cum VILLE BEAVER I Mt/ur Our Spoon! We: OFF Suggubd Rum Ine AX w. '5.“th MAtth SHAMPOO Wm Em Huron: FF Any loo Cram Ho: ttr Cam At Myer. Pre. WF an! In 6mm Cu» At Mee PM. TM amount oil my mm Promol'on FF Any Purchase In Sm FF Party 5mm Balloon: _ Buy rid-I 1;" Como. tee or Pop mm Any Mu! FF Human. Pan: and Wood Gummy Flnplm Amsms FF Common mm Glam: Or Com-cf Lonm Plus 10% of, Sat. mm: P077”: Any Canning Snmco Duct, Chi/"my, Fumlcc ' " " Sow M 5.001 Rog - Pnetd Moms 500 Business Cm: Simon! Unwind/Bloch Inks " Sly!" to Choose Frum - Ella-s GST On You! Pu Mud. ' Impound Gold, Silva Diamond, Fromm: mu Ot Gifts. Wanna: or Final Exam my th Prite MmMndIn Pncod Antwan!!!" " “Wu Want" of cu. Smog Bum-n 2pm . 59m WM a PST terrept am in!!!) up No! in murmur: win any om amt on" - Oman 6 so” OHM Samar Fun: a mum om, Upholstery :OGW1HmodluCodF‘ :11“: g "In" luau MW Shop Locally Monthly Sway MISC Till"! mop Loony My Spoon Sch luau AnaAn Emu " OI! , BOOM, Hood/u ' Ammu- u 'r Wooden Farm From gum Moan/y Snow m a mom-o. Mt-smtar_tiWturst" , For halo mm am mam u or Pound u Rrguar Pne- ($31 Wr"nttituttt - or chlnco lush-u um my: (arm Discount Applms to Rom All lumumornsrocvmtox WWI Summit} Bow ' Cllu In: W" " mm of I HOW COIN/IA NIH any” 0m CST Tttstory U Guidebook J . “0.00 Clam/ind Ad will" i TRIAL SHOP LOCALLY CARD 1 GOOD AT THE FOLLOWING LOCAL MERCHANTS I CUT OUT THIS CARD I AND SAVE Slur]; Loratft Cantu Embmml 41315] Gem: ' Sun! Rona/I Of Rut/"Mg 2070 Ml any Um! no Fill in and mail w, FREE shop Elly no: 61009, Olkvillc. ON LBJ "'5 545-3324 Plea" Cluck th" Cl New Subscription OCcnvcrl From Monthly Payment Duo Dvm Due 2304 Rw a mashed 54W Hem“. Mall 15t5 2307Mon¢w 511 MM MAI-v Mom 327 Owen 323 Chad! SI t20 Thom“ St, oumnb 142 unmet. an E 1033 SE" Rd Unll 601 Yuk St, OIOMIII 601 Yam Sl., Olkvlllo 177 leum an E, 01km- Town Cunt" PM”: Tut-1g" 2070 SE" Rd Unit I! 01m Plum, Olkvlllc HS Tatar Rd., J23 Guard: St Unlt “5 22t mom Rd E. Nopodllo Mun ms 137 lenhou an E mo Spoon Ra um TII'MQII Al 401 North SIM” Rd " Normandy Hm“. Mar 1515 "0Sp-Rttntt 3mm Yhgt " 135 leuhon Rd W 130 and.” SI ' O-kvula 10it M MM. Rd t 15 Trauma: " mum. how E 290 Ml Rd J 35 ukuhon MW zoo m. Ad um 23, 315 Lanna" PM 10MSoutttNrvicqRtt I20§MR¢.0WIO “MFGJJINM 30trttttgttqortStrmt, 25 35 leuhon Rd W 96mm Infill L0 Sean Rd , Oakvlllo 5'40vaer mic Address UMMC Bo E Mule akuhom Rd E WE gill (60(11ch ql Wm th Vllllg! Vlllugo 125 Wutt. in Rd MUN Plan a)teille 25 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Phone 549-5364 642-2205 339-272 M7-700 BIO-7736 8M 338.082t 338-102 512-5‘02 336-3583 047-9633 Mb Mt “2-6220 60-7333 044-0726 3154424 0417014 942-3793 338 BM 6000 6890 $393 -”‘0 6606 866 experts kn Even our arches! nationalists find their ears a-tingle to distant drums. We were told last week our big pension funds, like teachers' federations' and other super-heated Canada Firsters', now hold record pogies of foreign investments. Ah, free trade! It's coming. Everybody knows THAT. Despite Jean Chretien’s show-off maple leaf rattling in Washington. And super- patriot Maude Barlow's re-cycled But don't, my friends, take my word on re-jigging your money affairs on your own. Not even with the euphoric promise of a free trade-borne universal investment boom. Consult your resident anti-Yank paranoia. A happy hour for us seniors with our fixed income supplements crying to be juiced up. Even our archest nationalists find their ears a-tingJe to distant How does free trade affect pensions? Ask your banker ruo nu "JUL?! ' $.am _ avglayr - 1225 TRAFALGAR RD na c7j,)js,,.t,.t /,,,eii?i'ii)jiiiii,ia/,-i',i:i,', P081711 3H1!!! a2.'%gr,tilgr1J2tggg WampoleVltamlnE d think time and hard hould guarantee us oldsters 1235 TRAFALGAR RD El 'rtgtl"tttugttllttggttrb'u accr-Cir5iFthifFiE Tylenol discretionary skills to place our money where it counts most and risks least. I'll make a confession. I'm an exception, relic of a long line of frustrated money tutors. I refer, for example, to Gordon Pape, current high priest of money matters. When he worked for me at Financial Times, I felt obliged to cloak my disability in his chosen art. Oh, Gordon, would that I had picked your brains for insider clues! Prof. Hewetson, the noted eco- nomics learned, had his go in my freshman year. Sadly, his custom of showing up for morning lectures in distracting dishabille, fly at half- mast, up-staged Adam Smith and nomics learned, had his go In my All of the above explains why, freshman year. Sadly, his custom of on the threshold of free trade's showing up for morning lectures in golden age for our golden years, distracting dishahille, tly at half- I've SOS'd my banker lady. Think mast, up-staged Adam Smith and about it. Signature Fund Raiser The St. John Ambulance will hold its first ever fundraiser since begin- ning operations in Oakville back in 1957. it's First Signature Fund Raiser at SportDomes on Dec. mm. The aim Iitpriorscope n "e 1 845-0800 'eu?fEijtt.,t Maalox Ms PJMUPBIIIDI‘I I cfs ~] TlrtparTttm A I mm mm Humpty Dumpty Ma Paoet was m; lt will. I ikTist Viva The event is being co-sponsored by the Oakville Beaver. Tickets are, available at the Beaver, 467 Speers Rd., SportDomes at 1113 North Service Rd., and at the St. Johs" Ambulance. For more information", ticket reservations or to make donaE tions to the door prizes and silent aucé tion, call the St. John Ambulance at 844-4844. c.', The Oakville St. John Ambulance. is interested in launching the Dog Therapy program in Oakville, an program co-ordinators Doreen Brock and Jim Newell will be 5 SponDomes, along with some dogs. : Special feature for the evening will be demonstration and explana- tion of the St. John Ambulance Therapy Dogs. This new program, which aims to become national, trains dogs and their owners to visit the lonely and sick to develop a bond of friendship. The Therapy dogs pro: gram began last year in Peterborough with six dogs and eight people: Therapy Dogs are trained and pul through a 'Canine Good Citizenship Test,' and owners are asked if thet are comfortable with visiting the sick (and dealing with the circumstances related to the illness) before dog and owner are accepted into the program.", Marx. No chance for academic sobriety amidst the giggles. Next came Manhattan's celebrat- ed American Management Association. With high hopes, Ford dispatched me to their high-faluting seminar "Financial Management for Non-Financial Managers." . On my third day of charts and in- speak, I aborted to Lexington Avenue's Pink Poodle whose piano player did "Blue Moon" with Keynsian artistry. t “ McMaster’s after-hours MBA course was my last chance stop on the high road to money comprehep- sion. The prof blind-sided me with his first assignment. Do a dissertation, he command- ed, on Ford's current shareholder reports. Who'd just researched and written the damned things? Yours truly. A boring semester loomed, stampeding me back to the streets. "We hope our first fundraiser will be successful and become an annual" event," said John Burkus, chairman of the St. John Ambulance board of directors. is to raise $4,000 from the sale of 350 tickets at $25 each, allowing people to sample SportDomes' facilities (bat- ting cages, driving range and minia- ture golf), enjoy a buffet dinner, and place bids for unusual auction items. The First Signature Fund Raiser, from 6 p.m. to midnight, will feature, door prizes and a silent auction, both for such items as a Sony ghetto- blaster, restaurant gift certificates, engraved stationary, four hours of business consulting, clothing, sports memorabilia, and free income tax ser- vices. C "We're looking for donations, mostly of an unusual nature - the more unusual the better, for our silent auction, so people can have some- thing instead of us just asking for their money," said Burkus. "We're looking for off-the-wall stuff." ' Dec. 1,1993

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