Oakville Beaver, 20 Apr 1994, p. 5

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The South African Police Force id the Defence Force are both mulâ€" groups. South Africans vote in their first Ilâ€"race election April 26thâ€"28th. The 24,000 South Africans residâ€" ag in Canada will have an opportuniâ€" y to vote next Tuesday, April 26th at ; voting stations across the country. In Oakville, there will be a voting ntre at the Oakville Municipal ffice, 1225 Trafalgar Rd. W. For further information, call the outh African Consulate at 416â€"364â€" 314. "Until now, we had a government nat was illegitimate, or had no real ‘"htlmacy for threeâ€"quarters of South frica‘s population," said Kilian. This will change with the election f a government in South Africa hich represents the population, and turn, will legitimize the police orce, the ambassador expects. 1“1 believe there will be much cter policing after the election," he kid. And Kilian sees no way that this lection will be stopped.But, there will e more flare ups of violence, he said, s the election gets closer. "If people realize this election is nstoppable," Kilian said later, "then jaybe sanity will prevail." He believes a turn around in the conomy, more education opportuniâ€" es and training for blacks, and a truly »presentative government could help nprove the situation. e believes some of this violence ems from the lack of proper housing ind jobs. Six hundred and ninety people ave, died "in politically motivated Iolence since the beginning of this eair and the end of March, the ambasâ€" dor said. He cautioned that these lings were not an indication of idespread violence in South Africa s a whole, but were confined to a umber of small areas, one area being !agal _ and _ another _ around shannesburg. All but nine of the victims died in nese small areas. "A lot of criminal violence in outh Africa is executed in the guise political violence," Kilian said, and With the eyes of the world on outh Africa as its first allâ€"race elecâ€" on approaches, South Africa‘s mbassador to Canada, Andre Kilian, Soke candidly on the violence that as plaqued his country at a fund raisâ€" r (sponsored by the Canadian deration of University Women last eek. cor housing and no vork helps breed iolenceâ€"ambassador But life as a doctor after graduation id not prove easier for Van Der Ross harles. She married a doctor and oved to his home town where she During clinical training, colored udents were not allowed to examine hite patients or even attend postâ€" ‘ortem examinations on white cadavâ€" s. When a white patient was brought for demonstration purposes during lecture, colored students were pected to leave. The petite Van Der Ross Charles as "highly visible" when she gained ntrance to the University of Cape own‘s preâ€"medical program. She was 1e only colored woman among 750 pedical students for three years and K\]duned discrimination throughout her ‘niversity years. Women of South Africa have ded together to ensure their rights 1 aspirations are fully included in new South Africa that will emerge >r the first allâ€"race elections in that intry‘s history are held. "As we in South Africa grapple th our past and the complex issue of man rights in general," Andre lian, South Affica‘s ambassador to inada, told 250 people at the ville Centre last Thursday night, outh African women have shown in > past few weeks that they are very termined to use this historic opporâ€" ity to tackle the more challenging restion of women‘s rights." The ambassador and Dr. Winifred in Der Ross Charles, a colored iixed race) South African doctor, ve rare insight into past injustices id the hopes for the future of South frica at a fundraiser sponsored by e Canadian Federation of University omen to benefit the Halton fomen‘s Place. ‘ Van Der Ross Charles, who graduâ€" ed from Cape Town University in 254, said her struggle to become a >ctor was based on her race rather an her gender. School facilities for colored and frican people were inferior to those rovided for whites, she added, and hool syllabuses were different, by w, but university entrance exams ere the same for everyone. To gain university entrance was in elf a feat for a person of color," she outh African women will be heard in elections CHERYL ELLIOT rcial to the Beaver South Africa has been slow in working towards equality for women. The government only gave white women the vote in 1930, and the African National Congress (ANC) took until 1941 to allow women to vote in its organization. Today, there is On her last visit to South Africa, she returned to the hospital where she trained. There were now patients, nurses and medical staff of mixed race. And the changes continue, accordâ€" ing to Ambassador Kilian. At first, she noticed the developâ€" ment of a friendlier relationship between people of different races and friendlier service in the stores and public places. "Nonâ€"white faces began to appear in positions where they had not been seen before," she added, "But, I had to remind myself that Cape Town is the most liberal part of the country." Van Der Ross Charles has also witâ€" nessed the gradual emergence of a nonâ€"white middle class and more nonâ€" white and women doctors were graduâ€" ating and able to specialize. She moved to Zambia in 1965, emigrated to Canada in 1969 and practices psychotherapy in Toronto. On her many return trips home to Cape Town, Van Der Ross Charles looks for signs of change in her counâ€" try, and she has seen some. "The local hospital was staffed by white nurses," said Van Der Ross, "and according to the prevailing rules of the nursing association, a white nurse was not obliged to take orders from a nonâ€"white doctor." Van Der Ross Charles worked in areas where disease was rampant, there was no health care system and she was not paid for 40% of her work. She gained respect from her patients, but was unpopular with the white peoâ€" ple in the town because "she dared to be a doctor." completed her internship and built a practice. Unfortunately, it was difficult for her to follow up on her patients that needed hospitalization because she had no hospital privileges. She was appointed medical officer in the infectious diseases hospital which was staffed by colored nurses, but declined the appointment when she learned her salary would be based on the colored salary scale "which was substantially lower than the white salary scale." Make OTMH one of the most advanced community general hospitals in Southern Ontario! Have a cheque ready when our Neighbourhood Campaign Team volunteer calls at your door between 5â€"9 on Merchants in Oakuille‘s Shopping Maills are being approached to help provide advanced equipment that enables doctors to diagnose problems earlier and more accurately, treat them better and return patients to everyday living more quickly. Tuesday, May 17th, or Special Shopping Mall Team Mobilizes for OTMH New Equipment Campaign You can help put our campaign over the top! "Whereas in the past the issue came to be the preserve of the liberaâ€" tion movement," said Kilian , "the government has become very much a part of the process now." The government announced in 1992 it was examining the possibility of signing all the United Nations conâ€" ventions on the rights of women and it South African ambassador Andre Kilian and Dr. Winifred Van Der Ross Charles only one woman in President FEW. de Klerk‘s cabinet, while 12 of the 50 members of the ANC executive are women. With upcoming elections on the horizon, women‘s right shave become a key political issue. Setting a Course for Tomorrow...With Advanced Care Today. SpecificallÂ¥ designed for medical and nonâ€"medical professional, including such topics as "offâ€"shore" tax planning All classes will be held in the offices of ScotiaMcLeod. Enrolment fee $15 (course materials included). No charge to customers of ScotiaMcLeod or Bank of Nova Scotia NEXT COURSE "FINANCIAL PLANNING FOR FAMILIES 103" Wednesday, May 4 â€"= TT IT | _ CALL FOR MORE INFORMATION FINANCIAL "INVESTMENT PLANNING FOR THE PROFESSIONAL 200" WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27 8:30 am â€"10 am ScotiaMcLeod Trusted investment advice since 1921 PRESENTS THE OAKVILLE BEAVER 700 KERR STREET, OAKVILLE COâ€"SPONSORED BY TEMPLETON "As a result it (the Women‘s Charter) is a document, that any future government of South Africa will ignore at its own peril," said Kilian. established a special subâ€"council on the status of women as part of the transitional arrangements. And South African women are not waiting around to be granted their rights. They have seized the moment and "have taken steps to ensure that the issue of women‘s rights will firmly remain on the agenda for the future." ‘They did so by developing a movement that cuts across ideologiâ€" cal, political and racial divides," Kilian said. Eighty organizations, repâ€" resenting over two million South African women from such politically diverse groups as Afrikaner cultural groups to the Black Women‘s Rural Movement, came together in 1992 to establish the South African Women‘s National Coalition. The organization‘s focus is a Women‘s Charter which unifies all South African women, regardless of political affiliation. He added that among some of the suggestions received were that New Equipment Right Now! Help our OTMH professionals give Advanced Care. Fill in, and join the OTMH Advanced Caregiver Team. Please make cheques payable (and mail to) to: OTMH CHARITABLE CORPORATION 327 Reynolds Street Oakville, Ontario L6J 3L7 or Payable at the rate of $ ____________ per year for the next y I prefer to pay by credit card. Please charge me as follows: DMasterCard DV'sa _ ___ _3 > "__ap Date Address City/Town Signature_ Enclosed isD My cash donation in the amount of $ The ambassador drew thunderous applause when he said that another suggestion put forward was that "women ought to take over the govâ€" ernment, since men have made such a mess of it." Muslim women should be allowed to institute divorce proceedings and that the value household work should be included in the national accounts. NOTHING HELD BACK CLOSE THE DOORS FOREVER At All Three Locations : The Gold Centre has been forced by creditors to liquidate everything and D My pledge over a period of time, as follows: Total gift $ ALL FINE JEWELLERy "<3 Beta L‘ Fine Diamonds e Emeralds * Rubies Sapphires * Lustrous Pearls e Gold Iewellery nd Chains All Watches Will Be Sold At... TREMENDOUS SAVINGS! After 13 Years Province Postal Code But even if they cannot attain this goal this time around, South African women still aim to become decision makers. On the national level, 30% of the candidates running for election on April 26thâ€"28th are women. Of the 26 parties represented, two will be all female parties, the South African Women‘s Party and the Women‘s Rights Peace Party. years

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