Special rates for Groups and Birthday Parties Summer Hours 11:00 am - 11:00 pm Father’s Day Special 32 00 man ms on“ . FREE Soft Drinks for Dads and Moms and Kids Adults ......... $4.50 Seniors ........ $4.00 ROSS Adults ......... $4.50 Seniors ........ $4.00 Child .......... $3.25 BOR BIKINI Reg. 813 FULL LEGS Reg. s48 (Includes Bikini) LOWER 1/2 LEGS Reg. 523 Only with presentztion of this ad. Expires June 30, I994 polish 'n poise JUNE WAXING SPEcIAL 3341 Rexway Dr. Burlington TWINKLE TOE SPECIAL (Manicure Pedicure) Reg: ‘39“? Now ‘35“. 637-3757 Now $2000 Now $10"0 Now $4000 MM MI: I 6 mpg It A ga/h.’ 0 Come see our wide selection of Marco models to choose from. ' Professional Courteous Service ° ' FENCES ' AD ° DECKS ° RE ° REC ROOMS ' R0 CALL TODAY FOR YOUR FREE ESTIMATE A INORCO Bike will get DAD rolling along this Father's Day. BRANT CYCLE EXPERIENCE IS OUR STRENGTH We don’t offer discounts! We Give Our Customers The Best Price Up Front! From beginner to professional AM EMEWW 460 Pearl St. Burlington 632-4199 wll Construction Burlington, Ontario ADDITIONS RENOVATIONS ROOFING 332-5311 STARTING AT '19†DAD'S safety counts! Wide selettion of helmets for all ages types of riders.‘ WE CUSTOM FIT YOUR HELMET. 0W M©F0©W 421 Brant Street, Burlington (across from City Hall) 637-3137 OPEN SUNDAY NOON TO 5 PM FREE PARKING @EZT’S $1995