Oakville Beaver, 20 Jul 1994, p. 19

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akville Time on the specified closing dates. id documents can be seen or obtained rough the Purchasing Section of the Finance )epartment, same address as above, teleâ€" hone (905) 825â€"6000. )nder no circumstances will facsimile bids be ccepted or considered. fowest or any bid not necessarily accepted. n opportunity exists for membership on the dalton District Health Council. Council is an Mdvisory body to the Ministry of Health in he planning of health services which truly flect the needs and priorities of the Halton egion. s a member of Council, you will face the thallenge of reviewing complex decisions n health care spending within the frameâ€" ork of community values. As a volunteer, ou will bring skills in participatory decisionâ€" aking, an enthusiasm for planning a ealthy community and be able to devote at east 12 hours a month to the position. Apâ€" ointments are made by Cabinet for a maxâ€" mum of two threeâ€"year terms. The current acancy is for a consumer member someone who does not derive their income om providing health services) who lives in he Municipality of Dakville meets on the second Wednesday of month at 7:30 p.m. at its offices at Dorâ€" al and the Q.E.W. If you would like to disâ€" suss this volunteer opportunity, please conâ€" ct David Hoff, Interim Executive Director. pplication forms are available, on request, rom our offices as indicated below and your esponse should be forwarded to the Chair ; g}e Nominating Committee by August 1, MANDATORY SITE MEETING â€" TUESDAY, JUL Y 26, 1994 AT 10:00 A.M. HALTON WASTE MANAGEMENT SITE ROPOSALS for the contracts or services ited below, addressed to the Manager of Purâ€" asing, 1151 BRONTE ROAD, OAKVILLE CANADIAN METER COMPANY INC. anadian Meter Company, Inc., an industry leader in the manufacture nd sale of measurement and control equipment for the natural and rocess gas industries since 1900, has an opening for a Technical ales Representative in our Ontario sales region. heporting to the Manager, Sales Marketing, the successful canâ€" idate will have 3â€"5 years selling experience in a related technical enâ€" ironment and a good, working kowledge of instrumentation and comâ€" uters. sased out of the Milton, Ontario headquarters, responsibilities will inâ€" slude sales and support to key Natural Gas Utilities as well as develâ€" pment of a distribution network. lnterested applicants should forward a detailed resume to: Canadian Meter Company, Inc. 3037 Derry Road W. Milton, Ontaro L9T 2X6 Attention: Manager, Human Resources masing, 1151 BRONTE ROAD, OAKVILLE N L6M 3L1 will be received until 2:00 p.m. R.N. and R.N.A.‘s Wanted Must have two years Pediatrics, ICU or Palâ€" iative Care experience. VOLUNTEER WITH THE MHALTON DISTRICT HEALTH yA COUNCIL )nly those committed to a community exâ€" erience and willing to travel to Hamilton ind Toronto and within the area need apply. Ask for Rose or Lisa (905) 823â€"5231 PROPOSAL 94â€"Pâ€"002 TO PROVIDE CONTAINER STATION SERVICES FOR HALTON WASTE MANAGEMENT SITE CLOSING: THURSDAY AVGUST 11 1994 ly 20, 1994 NEW DRUG THERAPY Please call us Dr. R. Gary Sibbald, Dermatology Clinic Halton District Health Council G 700 Dorval Drive, Suite 510, Oakville, Ont. L6K 3V3 (905) 8422120 Fax: (905) 842â€"7131 If you have genital herpes 6 or more times a y'ear AND wish to take part in the evaluation of a : "the charity Y/)) of your choice" Give to the United Way of Oakville. In memory of a loved one or friend. 84 Chisholm St. 183 Oakville, Ont. L6K 3H7 845â€"5571 volunteers hospital, medical, dental Be An Advisor To The Minister of Health sales help agents Genital Herpes Study Contfidentiality Guaranteed Counselling and patient information available 5400 HWY 25, MILTON K.A.JONES, C.P.P. MANAGER OF PURCHASING TECHNICAL SALES OPPORTUNITY volunteers medical, dental sales help agents OUTDOORS By Luke Landscaping, Construcâ€" tion. Walkways, front enâ€" trances, interlocking brick, flagstone, concrete, driveâ€" ways, fences and decks. For free estimates call Luke, 842â€"9185. DECKS, DECKS, DECKS! From $6/ sq.ft. Professional quality custom work guarâ€" anteed! References availâ€" able. Free Estimates. Anyâ€" time, 828â€"1320. GENERAL Contractor 20 years experience. Bathâ€" rooms, kitchens, baseâ€" ments, additions. All renoâ€" vations/reâ€"modelling. Free estimates. (905) 507â€"1891 715 moving storage FOUR STAR Painting: Inâ€" terior or exterior. Excellent quality work. Good referâ€" ences. Free estimate. Call Star 338â€"5228 BUDGET Movers. Two professional men $40/hr. inâ€" cludes gas, equipment, mileage, insurance. Free estimates. 24 hrs., 7 days/week. 829â€"5756. SMALL Moves and Refuge Removal. Reasonable Rates. Call Jack anytime. 279â€"6297. home imp;ove;nmti anytime CHELSEY Construction: Specializing in renovaâ€" tions, finishing basements, bathrooms, decks, painting, home additions, drop ceilâ€" ings, architectural mouldâ€" ings. John 847â€"2543 DESTINY BY DESIGN. A dating service for serious singles. Call Mondayâ€" Friâ€" day, 11amâ€"7pm. 1â€"800â€"899â€" 0182 FOUNDâ€" Orange and white tabby cat, male, found at Bronte_Road, Waterford area. Phone Humane Soâ€" ciety. REWARDâ€" lost brown tabby cat, Sunday July 10th, Glen Abbey area. Answers to Samantha 338â€"7851 Proceeds to support Multiâ€" glseo 1Sclerosis Society. 845â€" PINK flamingos for rent If you drink, that‘s your business. If you want to quit, that‘s ours. _ 6 cu. yds. Del: $96. 3 WAY MIX 6 cu. yds. Del: $97.50 ROSA PSYCHIC Extraodinaire Tells your past, present, and future. Conâ€" sult in all probâ€" lems of life. She‘s truly a ifted reader. all for an apâ€" pointment. $5.00 off with this ad. 6 cu. yds. Del: $99 EVERGREEN FARMS ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 487â€"5591 1â€"522â€"8392 decorating companions Family Services personals sales help agents dening supplies ALTORF‘S TOPSOIL, Maâ€" nure, Limestone Screenâ€" ings, Landscape Stone, Poâ€" tato Stones, Pebbles. Pickâ€" up or Delivered. Best price in town. Hwy#5 Orchard SOD FOR SALE, pick up or delivered. 4420 9th Line, S. of Egllnton 905â€"828â€"5066 We lay sod Classified ads must be preâ€" paid with Visa, Master Card, American Express, Cash or Cheque. WARM friendly family seeks liveâ€"in or out Nanny for 1 and 3 {Jear olds starting September. 7:30 amâ€" 3:30 STARTING September. Loving caregiver for 4 and 10 year old. Live out. Own transportation . required. Good salary. After 5 pm 849â€"0721 pm. experienced, referâ€" ences. 825â€"5328 NANNY wanted Septemâ€" ber 1st, live out, 8 am â€" 5:15 pm. Two children ages 15 months and 1 year. Central Oakville. Close to parks and library. Warm, friendly, luxurious and well equipped working enviâ€" ronment. Attractive salary. Call Nadine 338â€"9923 LOOKING for Nanny to care for 2 children. Houseâ€" keeping is required. Liveâ€"in. Must be fluent in Filipino language. 338â€"7985 NANNY housekeeper, 3 children, irregular hours, some ovemight, liveâ€"in , liveâ€" out. 827â€"8594. NANNY required. Sepâ€" tember, Near Glen Abbey Recreation Centre. Liveâ€"in. Caring, energetic, nonâ€" smoker. References reâ€" quired, 847â€"5642 MUNNS School area or bus route, 2 girls, AM kinâ€" dergarten, grade 3, 4 days wee_lgz, nonâ€"smoking, call 257â€"3056. EXPERIENCED liveâ€"out nanny needed for 2 seven month infants. Nonâ€"smoker with own transportation. Refâ€" erences. Full time starting September 6. 847â€"7887 or 844â€"5750 MATURE babysitter reâ€" quired, partâ€"time in my home, beginning Septemâ€" ber, for three boys, ages nine, five and 6 months, da;s 9 to 3:30, or evenings 2:30 to 8. Must be nonâ€" smoker, own transportation, references. Located betâ€" ween Kerr Street and Dorâ€" val. 849â€"6046, LOVING childcare for child 17 months. Housekeeping. Immediate. . References reâ€" quired. Phone 842â€"2588 LIVEâ€"IN Nanny. One child 2 1/2 years old. Please call Kim (days) 845â€"4267 (eve.) 842â€"2075 FULL _ TIME childcare wanted starting September for 2 girls ages 4 years and 6 months, your home, in Sunningdale School area. Call 844â€"6904 ’lfl childcare wanted DAYCARE wanted in my home starting September 6th. 3 children, ages 4, 3 and 6 months. Car needed. References, receipts reâ€" quired. 257â€"1887 EXPERIENCED at home mom to give stimulating care to infants in your home. References. Nonâ€"smoking. English speaking. Southâ€" east Oakville 905â€"277â€"9013. EXPERIENCED caregiver required for Glen A bez area. Children ages 1â€"1/ and 5. Call 847â€"3642. starting September. Our home. Children ages 3 and 6 References requested. 844â€"2934. WEDGEWOOD CREEK. Loving Mom of 6 and 4 year old boys will provide good quality care for your afterâ€" noon kindergarten child. Before and after school care available. Large fenced yard on playground, huge layroom, games. 2 blocks rom Sheridan and St. Marâ€" uerite.. On Sunningdale us route. 849â€"0047 BABYSITTER wanted RELIABLE and energetic mother will ?rovide loving childcare, full or part time. Infants welcome. Glen Abbey 825â€"8064 RELIABLE experienced loving daycare starting Sepâ€" tember Oakville Place area. Crafts, library, parks. Referâ€" ences. 844â€"7185 LOVING childcare in smokeâ€"free home, available full or partâ€"time, Crafts, lots of fun, in southeast Oakville. private tuitions PRIVATE Instruction in Secondary School Matheâ€" matics. Call Jeffrey at 569â€" 9829 for further information. TIONS. Cakes for all occaâ€" sions. Birthdals, Seasonal, Anniversary Weddings 847â€"5378 ANDREA‘S CAKE CREAâ€" Page will be published on August 17th, 24th, and 31st. nannies available, wanted ardening supplies childcare available tuitions/schools catering Classes Instruction PLEASE CALL 845â€"2809 OR FAX $45â€"5516 TO ADVERTISE IN THIS SECTION The Annual SHEA (CUMMINGS) â€" John and Lorraine announce with great joy, the birth of their first child, Alexandra Maurice (6 lbs. 13 1/2 oz.) arâ€" rived at 3:54 am., on Monday, July 4, 1994 at Oakville Trafaigar Memorial Hospital. Proud E'randparents are Edward and Patricia Shea, of amilton. Thankâ€"you to the peerless nurses of OTMH‘s Labour/Delivery, Obstetrics and Speâ€" cial Care Nursery for the wonderful care of both mother and daughter. Special thanks to our family physician and obstetrician, Dr. George Southey, and of course, thank you to our family and friends, who have welcomed Alexandra so warmly and assisted her parents so greatly. HOLDEN â€" Mike and Jenny are delighted to announce the birth of their first child, David William Geoffrey Holden, born Sunday, July 17, 1994 at 2:02 pm. at Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital, weighing 8 lbs. 6 1/2 ozs. Proud grandparents are Mrs. Marion Brisley and the late Mr. William Brisley and Geoff and Doris Holden. Many thanks to Dr. Joshi and the wonderful nurses at OTMH. HARRISON â€" Jim and Melinda (nee Copp). Jim, Melinda, Stephanie and Geoffrey are thrilled to announce the arrival of their newest family member Annie, born Friday July 15, 1994 at 12:56 p.m. Proud and helpful grandâ€" parents are Bray! and Marge Copp of London and Gerry and Eileen Harrison of Sarnia. Many thanks to Dr. Debra Feldman and nurses Bobbi and Anne at O.T.M.H. Many hugs, kissâ€" es and much love to Annie from Stephanie, Geoffrey, Mommy, Daddy, Grammy and Grandâ€" pa, Gigi and Papa, Great Grandma Margie and all her aunts, uncles and cousins. and receive a FREE Penaten pack (value $18.) and the announcement will also appear in the annual NEW ARRIVALS SUPPLEMENT to be published in January. Patios, Sidewalks, Driveways and Steps. Quality Work Low Rates Call Cralg or Ed (416) 922â€"9452 M Harry‘s Construction 2 General Contractor Custom Built Kitchens Rec Rooms Decks Free Consultation and Estimate Call Harry 842â€"1772 ANNOUNCEMENTS Place your birth . announcement 2 times in COMPUTERIZED CORPORATE AND PERSONAL TAX RETURNS Preâ€"Payment is Required ENTERPRISES ACCOUNTING SERVICES R.M. HOME IMPROVEMENTS »Bathrooms »Renovations Additions «Basements Rec Rooms Reâ€" pairs Quality Work Free Estimates Bob 336â€"6092 Guaranteed VIRTUE, Lawrence â€" On Monday July 18, 1994, at Oakvilleâ€"Trafalgar Memorial Hospital, Lawrence, in his 83rd year. Beloved husband of Jean. Loved father of Gail and the late Brian Douglas. Loved grandfather of Geoffrey and his wife Valerie, Kevin and Derek. Greatâ€"grandâ€" father of Jim, Amanda, Brian, Brittany and Jesâ€" sica. Greatâ€"greatâ€"grandfather of Jarrod. Dear brother of Harold, Evelyn and the late Ross and Marjorie. Visitation was held at the Oakâ€" view Funeral Home, 56 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville (one block east of Kerr) from 3â€"5 and 7â€"9 pm Tuesday. Funeral Service at 1 o‘clock on Wednesday afternoon (today). Interment St. Jude‘s Cemetery. HURLEY, David â€" Peacefully on Saturday, July 16, 1994 at Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. Beloved husband of Suzanne Hurâ€" ley. Loving father of Wayne and his wife Eroica and Tracey and her husband Michael Palmer. He will be sadly missed by his grandchildren Christopher, Cassandra and Anthony. He is survived by his sisters Marie Veeneman, Bonâ€" nie Hodgson and Gloria Filman. He was a Comâ€" mittee Member of the C.A.W. for thirt?(-one years. Visitation was held at the Oakville Fuâ€" neral Home, 56 Lakeshore Road West (1 block east of Kerr), Oakville, on Monday, July 18 from 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. Funeral service was held Tuesday at 11 a.m. from Knox Presâ€" byterian Church, 89 Dunn Street (corner of Dunn and Lakeshore), Oakville. Interment Traâ€" falgar Lawn Cemetery. For those who wish, doâ€" nations mfe/ be made to the Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital Building Fund. HIBBS, William H. "Hibbsy" (An Ontario Blacksmith for many hears. A member of Vicâ€" toria Lodge A.F. and A.M. #474 G.R.C.) â€" Peacefully at home after a courageous battle on Sunday, July 17th, 1994. Hibbsy in his 57th year. Beloved husband of Joyce McQuarrie. Dear father of Diane and her husband Patrick Forgie, William and his wife Dianne, Brian and his wife Phyllis and Douglas Doyley. Loved Papa of Candice, Michael, Chloe, Elyse and Rachel. Visitation was held at the Kopriva Taylor Communig Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore Rd. W. Oakville from 2â€"4 and 7â€"9 .m. Monday. Funeral service was at 11 a.m. uesday. Cremation. Those who wish may make memorial contributions to the Toronto Hospital for Sick Children or the Halton Victorâ€" ian Order of Nurses. section on the following Sundays August 14th, 21st, and 28th If you would like to advertise please call GIBSON, Ethel (A retired Elementary School Teacher in Toronto) â€" Suddenly on Friâ€" day, July 15, 1994 at St. Michael‘s Hospital, Toronto. Ethel Gibson of Oakville, beloved sister of Isabel, Jean and her husband John Darlington, John and his wife Lillian. Predeâ€" ceased by brothers Russell, George, Edward and Kenneth. Also survived by nieces and nephews. Visitation was held at the Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville from 2â€"4 and 7â€" 9 p.m. Monday. Funeral Service was at one o‘clock Tuesday. Interment St. Jude‘s Ceâ€" metery. Those who wish may make memorial contributions to the charity of their choice. Repairs to all makes of. washers, dryers, dishwashers, â€" fri stoves. Also dishâ€" washer installations. SERVICE CALL 81 995 Family owned and operated All jobs are estimated and personally supervised or inspected by owners Comy or Ted Rempel. Put your confidence in our over 20 years experience + ALL Ttypes or RooFring + SOFFIT, FASCIA e 5" SEAMLESS EAVESTROUGHING * FULLY INSURED AND BONDED + A WRITTEN GUARANTEE BACKED BY OUR NAME AND REPUTATION â€"â€" FOR A FREE ESTIMATE CALL Consult the Experts! See The Business Directory To advertise in this section CRAFTSMAN ALUMINUM AND ROOFING INC. (25 yrs. Exp.) Call Classified 845â€"2809 Advertisers will receive a free listing in the and Keep" directory on this page. 845â€"2809 or fax 8$45â€"5516 The Oakville Beaver will be publishing a Custom Designer of ... * Gas and Brick Fireplaces * Ceramic Marble Floors Walls * Flagstone Patios * Brickâ€"Block Stone WOTk â€" ave es FOR PROFESSIONAL AND COURTEOUS SERVICE Over 30 yrs. experience OAKVILLE 847â€"0619 1 REC ROOMS 1 DRY WALL 1 KITCHENS 1 DECKS FE 1 BATHROOM / WINDOWS \ ELECTRICAL \ CERAMIC TI Basement Apt. Conversion Specialist Private entrances available Free Estimates 7 Days a Week (VILLE BURLINGTON M 0619 847â€"5049 40 878â€"8636 | | _ FUNERAL DIRECTORS TASSIE, Jim â€" In memory of Jim Tassie beâ€" loved son, brother and friend. My son is no longer alone He walks each day With other fine young souls Who, like him Were taken too soon from this earth. He knows them well now As do I, For you, their families introduced me To their courage, beauty and uniqueness. Together they await us. Quality tradesâ€" men for all your alterations and renovations. Free advice and estimates. Call Paul Fray 847â€"2468 Renovations METRO L/C.B10208 sls CROWNSEAL INC. 416â€"564â€"3575 _ . OR 1â€"800â€"668â€"5186 IMPROVE COMMUNITY FUNERAL HOME 109 Reynolds Street 844â€"3221 Meeting the needs of those we serve by being receptive, flexible and responsive. «BASEMENT WATERPROOFING «20â€"YEAR WRITTEN GUARANTEE «FREE ESTIMATES â€" CALL 24 HOURS 64 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville LOCALLY OWNED OPERATED EY mRUDY KOPRIVA NEILL TAYLOF Long established locally operated by caring community minded people. 56 LAKESHORE ROAD WEST, OAKVILLE FUNERAL DIRECTORS «Terry Cooke â€" «Don Clarke _ «Shaun Webb KOPRIVA TAYLOR | Stop Basement Leaks! Oakville Chapel 1 DRY WALL 1 DECKS FENCES 1 WINDOWS DOORS 1 CERAMIC TILE (905) 844â€"2600 Pakbicto Funeral Bome 842.225 QUALITY CLEANING by local company * Windows * Eavstroughts * Siding e Painting For Free Estimate. Call Complete home and business renovations. Rec. Rooms, Kitchâ€" ens, Bathrooms, Carâ€" pentry, ceramic tiling. Quality Workmanship Licenced insured. Competitive rates. fast reliable service Days, evenings, weekends. CUMBRIA MASONRY Brick block work DANNY‘S APPLIANCE SERVICE 827â€"9559 Fireplaces Chimney Repairs Free estimates John Hodgkinson Expert repairs to: «Fridges, Stoves «Dishwashers «Washers/dryers *Reasonable Rates «1â€"yr. Warranty * $17.50 service call MOBILE 402â€"8609 Post Hole Digging Setting Excel Interiors 849â€"9707 Since 1914

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