220 WYECROFT ROAD, OAKVILLE, ONTARIO_ LGK 3VA1 (EXIT QEW, SOUTH ON DORVAL DRIVE, EAST ON WYECROFT) "...the exploration of the full human potential and the enrichment of the body, mind and spirit" festyle Enrichment Centre, an exciting new yoga f programs, workshops and bodyworks. yecroft between Kerr and Dorval with lots of ious, clean and comfortable. We also invite tour, a chat and to enjoy a cup of tea or oom. Special Yearly Yoga Membership package, a full year for only $325.00! Workshops and Seminars beginning in September featuring various /ifestyle issues. Register now for Prenatal Yoga, a new program starting Sept 15, 1994. Young Yoga: to age 14, children enjoy a story circle for a half hour before beginning their one hour class at 10:00am on Saturday. Tai Chi, works with the energy flow, relaxes areas of tension in the body. a _____ n im OOPM OOPM OOPM (Young Yoga)