Oakville Beaver, 9 Nov 1994, p. 26

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t block professional stone "* mason, fireplaces/chimney i‘flairs, concrete and addiâ€" * tions. Free estimates. Sutrin Construction Inc. Call Angeâ€" lo 815â€"0901, 238â€"9060. FINISHING _ CARPENTâ€" .ER, Journeymanâ€" door, «pasing, baseboard, handrail _replacements. Beautify your _ home. Phone Mark 33â€"28% evenings. ii : I :I home improvements OAKVILLE Dateline: 1â€" 900â€"451â€"3564 ext. 560. home vements $2.99 {)rer minute. 18 and impro older. Vision Exports, Inc. nana Am ALL FORMS of carpentry. Home improvements, kitchâ€" ens, ceramic tile, painting, wallpapering. 16 yrs. exâ€" perience. 319â€"1219 PINK flamingos for rent. Proceeds to support Multiâ€" ple Sclerosis Society. 845â€" 8301 BRICK â€" BLOCK â€" GLASS, Business. If you want to cluit, that‘s ours. haw mEAa 26 If you drink, that‘s your Under no circumstances will late bids be accepted or considered.. CLOSING: NOVEMBER 22, 1994 PETER J. CAMPBELL CHIEF OF POLICE til 2:00 p.m. Oakville Time on the specified Closing dates. Bid documents can be seen or obtained through the Purchasing Section of the Fiâ€" nance Department, same address as above, telephone (905) 825â€"6000. Under no circumstances will facsimile bids be accepted or considered. TENDERS for the contracts or services listed below, addressed to the Manager of Purchasin 1151 BRONTE ROAD, OAKVILLE N L6M 3L1 will be received unâ€" Lowest or any bid not necessarily accepted ~Following initial preâ€"qualification, each interested laboratory will be «required to demonstrate ability by analysing three samples collected *from the site which are representative of the sample matrices at their "own cost. Preâ€"qualified laboratories will subsequently be invited to submit a tender to conduct the analytical program for a period of up to five (5) years. The typical analytical programs will include about 170 round water samâ€" ples, 80 surface water samples and 20 leachate samples on an annual basis. The typical analytical list will include inorganic major and minor elements, metals and volatile organic compounds. Selected samples will also be analyzed for extractable organic parameters, herbicides and pesticides. Data from sample results must be provided on a lotus forâ€" mat using a template compatible with the Region of Halton‘s database. The monitoring program is modified on an annual bases following consensus between the Region, the Region‘s hydrogeological ‘consultant and the Ministry of the Environment and Energy. Additional technical information regarding parameter lists, MDL‘s data formatting or other enquiries are to be directed to Mike Jones, of Gartner Lee Limited, Telephone (905) 477â€"8400 Ext. 217. Signed submissions clearly marked as to the contents, four (4) copies to be provided, will be received by the Office of the Manager of Purâ€" "chasing, 1151 Bronte Road, Oakville, Ontario L6M 3L1 until 2:00 p.m. Oakville Time on the specified closing date. Under no circumstances will facsimile or late bids be accepted or considered. ALCOHOLICS « ANONYMOUS A.F. LEITCH, P. ENG COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS This call for Invitation to Bidders is the first part of a twoâ€"stage selecâ€" tion process. The Regional Municipality of Halton invites Bidders to preâ€" qualify for the purpose of bidding on laboratory services for the Halton Waste Management Site. The purpose of this program is to conduct the analytical component of the routine monitoring programs for ground water, surface water and leachate. Bidders should document relevant experience with respect to the analysis of ground water, surface water and leachate, internal laboratory QA/QC protocols, a statement of method detection limits for selected parameters and laboratory certification or participation in MOEE round robins. The submission should include: 94â€"Pâ€"038 INVITATION TO BIDDERS § FOR THE PREâ€"QUALIFICATION FOR THE PROVISION OF LABORATORY SERVICES FOR WATER ANALYSES AT HALTON WASTE MANAGEMENT SITE DUE: NOVEMBER 24, 1994 You can always talk to us. We‘re here to listen. 7 days a week Call anytime. About everyday problems or major crises. Caring. compassionate. and totally confidential. We‘re in your corner. TENDER 94â€"Tâ€"065 FOR THE SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF AMMUNITION. INVITATION TO TENDER Family Services 1. Corporate Overview (Company history and financial stability). 2. Related experience including four (4) references, preference on programs of similar size. Experience with Government facilities an asset. 3. Overview of laboratory services. 4. Brochures are to be excluded from the submission. In Oakville and area call L.A. WILLIAMSON ACTING MANAGER OF PURCHASING ALF‘S JUNK Removal Ltd. Serving Burlington for 2 Generations. Low Rates. Free Estimates. Call 549â€" 3291. LEAVES cleared. Resiâ€" cential properties cleared. Blow, rake, vacuum. Prompt, dependable service. Call Now! Ken, 844â€"5273. HOMEFIX minor home reâ€" pair, handyman service, 844â€"0066. GARAGE doors and openâ€" ers. Sales/ Service/ Reâ€" pairs. Installation available. Spring/ cable, reâ€" pairs. 257â€"3029. QUALIFIED _ ELECTRIâ€" CIAN: $20/hr. Experiâ€" enced. Also does security systems. Industrial, comâ€" mercial, residential. Free estimates. Call 829â€"0851 ii I] painting decor WALLPAPERING by exâ€" perienced, mature student, with references. $15/hour. Call _ Mrs. . McCallum, 847â€"8809. decorating aÂ¥ mt TRESS NTRL LESLIE WILLIAMSON ACTING MANAGER OF PURCHASING BUDGET Movers. Two professional men $40/hr. inâ€" cludes gas, equipment, mileage, insurance. . Free estimates. 24 hrs., 7 days/week. 829â€"5756. SMALL MOVES and Reâ€" fuse Removal. Honest, reliâ€" able. Good rates. Call Ron, 827â€"2897. For prompt esâ€" timate call (905) 815â€"5622. ALTORF‘S TOPSOIL, manure, _ 3â€"way _ mix, screenings, sand. Cheapest price. Pick up or delivered. 335â€"6333. PIANO, guitar, violin, orâ€" gan, theory, vocal lessons. 220 awards RCM certifiâ€" cates this year. Ridgeway. 897â€"1838 piai ces tuitions ANNE‘S INTERIORS. Expert wallpapering, painting and decorating. Phone for all your home decorating needs. 639â€"0893. DANNY‘S PAINTING, Wil! paint one room or entire home. Reasonable and Free Estimates. 333â€"4958 WANTED â€" Recorder inâ€" structor required for private lesson in home or studio. 849â€"6571. CERTIFIED English Teachâ€" er, 7 years teaching exâ€" perience at private and pubâ€" lic secondary schools. M.A.T. degree in english. Private lessons in grammar, reading comprehension and writing. 847â€"2451. "m childcare available EXPERIENCED ECE teacher has daycare spaces available in her home (Glen Abbey area). Activities planned, nutritious lunches and snacks, 847â€"2206. MY home. Hot lunches, crafts, outdoor activities. Infâ€" ants welcome. References. Call for more information 257â€"9987 RELIABLE daycare availâ€" able, my home, lots of TLC, 6th Line and Sewell. Full and gaar! time. . Call 842â€"0253. CAREGIVER required to pick up six year old girl from St. Bernadettes School, at 3 pm. to 5:30 pm. Referâ€" ences. 827â€"7709 after 6 pm. CHILDCARE/ HOUSEKEEPER, Tuesâ€" day to Thursday for Glen Abbey family. Care for 2 year old and 7 year old, Car an asset. References, January start. 847â€"9348. Proceeds for extraâ€" curricular activities. $25 an hour buys a team of five people to rake your lawn. For more information, please call us at: O.T.H.S. Music Department Leaf Raking Springbank Nursery School (West Oakvilie) offers 1/2 day Nursery School from 18 months to 5â€"1/2 years. Experienced E.C.E‘s to care for your child. Computer programs available. Also, on site Before and After Schoolaged Daycare 6 to 12 years old and Approved Home Daycare from 1. month to 10 years. Some subsidized spots available. 338â€"9746 moving storage painting decorating music, dance, drama instruction childcare wanted nursery schools irdening supplies Iunacsplngp | KE NANNY required starting December. 2 girls ages 4 and 9. Light housekeeping, flexible hours, nonâ€"smoker. 844â€"7613 NANNY: Business couple with 14 month old seeking a mature, responsible nanny to liveâ€"in. _ Experience with infants. References reâ€" quired. Separate, private accomodations. Enquire after 6:30 p.m. 844â€"1199 WANTED liveâ€"in nanny for infant in Glen Abbey area. Some light housekeeping. 825â€"0262. ANNIES â€" Excellent Engâ€" lish liveâ€"in, available now or sponsor trained NNEB for February. Mary Poppins 849â€"9584. NANNY _ needed, liveâ€" in/out, January start, for infâ€" ant, 3 to 4 days per week, 7 â€" 7 pm. French speaking a plus, 257â€"2718. FULL time position to look after 2 children aged 4 2. Liveâ€"in preferred, referâ€" ences, experienced. 338â€"2179. F FULL TIME liveâ€"out nanny required for three school aged children, ages 4 â€" 9. Glen Abbey area. 825â€"2634. CLEARVIEWâ€" are you inâ€" terested in sharing our exâ€" cellent nanny with my 11 and 12 year old.?Call Debâ€" bie 829â€"0867 FULL TIME liveâ€"out nanny required Monday to Friday for 2 boys, ages 7 and 6. Glen Abbey. References please. 827â€"6075. CARING full:time Nanny â€" liveâ€"in, required Dec. 5 for children ages 6, 3 and 9 months, light housekeeping, east Oakville. 845â€"9041. LIVEâ€"OUT Caregiver reâ€" quired North Oakville, 5 year old boy, 6 month old girl. Non smoker. Resume and references required. 849â€"0992 nursery schools nannies available, wanted childcare wanted COLES â€" Howard and Chery! (nee Lawrence) are happy to announce the birth of their son, Jordan Michael, born on October 18, 1994 weighing a healthy 9 Ibs., 5 1/2 ozs.. Saâ€" mantha and Adam are thrilled with their new baby brother. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lawrence, of Oakville and Commisâ€" sioner and Mrs. Dudiey Coles (Ret?) of Burâ€" lington. Special thanks again to Dr. Mary Manno and the L. and D. staff of Oakville Traâ€" falgar Memoria! Hospital. HARVIE â€" Scott and Larissa (nee Stefaniw) together with big sister Amanda Rae are thrilled to announce the arrival of Ryan Scott. Ryan made his speedy debut on Saturday, Noâ€" vember 5, 1994 at 6:11 pm weighing a healthy 7lbs. 8oz. Ryan is the fifth gradchild for Nettie Stefaniw of Oakville and second for Sandra and Bryant Harvie of Willowdale. Sadly missed at this happy time is grandpa Rar tefaniw. Our sincere thanks to Dr. Jane Aldridge and Dr. Shelagh House for their wonderful care over the past nine months. IT‘S A BOY LEWIS â€" Laura (nee Madonia) and Murray are thrilled to announce the safe arrival of their first child, Walker Michael Salvatore at 8:16 a.m. on October 26, 1994. Proud grandparents are Laura and Sal Madonia of Atlanta, Georgia and Keitha and Jack Lewis of Cornwall, Onâ€" tario. Special thanks to Dr. Ewaschuk and Dr. Soanes. GILES â€" Ann and Des are thrilled to anâ€" nounce the arrival of their beautiful daughter, Elizabeth Anne, born at Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital.on Sunday November 6, 1994 at 12:01 p.m. weighing 8 lbs. 6 1/2 oz. Proud grandparents are Bernard Giles of Torâ€" onto and Alice and Jack Posthumus of Wolfe Island, Ont. Special thanks to Dr. Eftimescu, Dr. Cruz, nurse Melissa and the maternity staff at O.T.M.H. are pleased to announce the arrival of Ryan Christopher on Wednesday November 2, 1994 at 4:03 p.m. weighing 7 lbs, 10â€"1/2 ozs. A little brother for Patrick and Connor. A very special thanks to Dr. T. Stanton, L D nurses, Joan and Ardele and the other staff at OTMH. McANUFF â€"Colin and Laura (nee Goodfellow) | §y:19%0) ents are Pat and Anne Seines of Oakville and Winston and Karen Helwig of Elmira. Eric is interning in dentistry at Sick Childâ€" ren‘s Hospital in Toronto and Cindy is a teacher at River Oaks Public School in Oakâ€" ville. The couple now reside in Etobicoke. SELNES â€" Eric and Cindy Selnes were marâ€" ried May 27, 1994 at The Old Mill Chapel. Parâ€" THE WINNER OF THE OAKVILLE BEAVER GIFTPACK AT THE WELCOME WAGON BABYSHOWER SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6TH, 1994 AT THE HOLIDAY INN WAS: LEANNE FERREIRA ON 50 YEARS OF MARRIAGE NOVEMBER 9, 1944 We will endeavour to see that all reasonâ€" able care is taken with the pictures, howâ€" ever, the Oakville Beaver cannot be reâ€" sponsible for any photographs left with the newspaper. 467 Speers Road, Oakville, L6K 384 For further information please call: CONGRATULATIONS TED AND MARJORIE WILSON DID YOUR BABY‘S BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT APPEAR IN THE OAKVILLE BEAVER IN 1994? If so: Your notice will appear in our anâ€" nual "NEW ARRIVALS 1994" Suppleâ€" ment in Janauary, 1995. If you wish to have the announcement accompanied by a picture of your baby: 1. Choose your favourite picture. 2. Put your name, telephone number and the month that the baby was born on the back of the picture. 3. Bring it into our office no later than December 16th, 1994 1994 BABY SUPPLEMENT BABY PICTURES With love and best wishes from your family AK VILLE BEAV LEWIN, Marjorie â€" Peacefully in her home on Saturday, November 5, 1994 with loved ones around her. Marjorie Lewin in her 80th year. Beloved wife of the late Eric Lewin. Dear mother of Hilary and her husband George Frasâ€" er, Robert and her late daughter Sylvia Gulley. She will be sadly missed by her grandchildren, Jennifer, Jaqueline and her husband Dave, Anâ€" drew and his wife Penny, Mike and his wife Dawn. Cherished great grandchildren Danielle, Kaitlin, Brianne, and baby Carly. Remembered by her loved ones in England June, Dorothy, Barbara, Pauline and her many loving friends. Visitation was held at the Oakview Funeral Home, 56 Lakeshore Rd. W. (one block east of Kerr) Oakville from 3â€"5 pm and 7â€"9 pm Monday November 7, 1994. Funeral service was held 11 o‘clock Tuesda?' at the Oakview Funeral Home. Cremation. In lieu of flowers memorial contributions may be made to the Victorian Order of Nurses. McGARVEY, George â€" In his 65th year, peacefullé at Oakvilleâ€"Trafaigar Memorial Hosâ€" pital on Sunday, November 6, 1994, after a courageous battle with cancer. Loving husâ€" band of Leone (Arnold), dear father of Anne and Jane and fatherâ€"inâ€"law of Charlie. Proud Erampa of Steven. Son of the late Bill and mma McGarvey. Brother of Pete and his wife Eileen, brotherâ€"inâ€"law of Isabelle. Predeâ€" ceased by his brothers John and Bill. Lifetime employee of Brunswick of Canada. Visitation was held at the Oakview Funeral Home, 56 Lakeshore Rd. W. (one block east of Kerr St.), Oakville from 7â€"9 p.m. on Monday November 7, 1994. Funeral service was held 2 o‘clock Tuesday at the Oakview Chapel. Cremation. We are thankful that George was able to mainâ€" tain his thoughtfulness and sense of humour. McGREGOR, William Roy â€" On Saturday, November 5, 1994 at Oakville Trafalgar Memoâ€" rial Hospital, at the age of 68, after a long and courageous battle with emphysema. Lifetime friends and cherished husband of Patricia. Deâ€" voted father of Rob and wife Brenda, Jamie and wife Karen, Mike and wife Leslie and Carrie and husband Alan Cameron. Adored "Papa" of Chris, Anna, Melissa, Ryan, Darcy, Jared, Joe and John. Brother of Dick of Ottawa and Don of Oakville. Predeceased by sister Dorothy. in better times, Bill was a dedicated employee of the Ford Motor Company and Sheridan Lincolin Mercury. Friends will always remember his pasâ€" sion for fishinE and his ability to fix anything. His patience, kindness and dedication will live on in our memories. Funeral service was held Monday, November 7, 1994 at the Oakview Fuâ€" neral Home, 56 Lakeshore Rd. W., Oakville. Donation request to the Multiple Sclerosis Soâ€" ciety. and his wife Sheila and family and nephew of Gladys and her husband Jack. Visitation at the Oakview Funeral Home, 56 Lakeshore Rd. W. Oakville (one block east of Kerr) 7â€"9 p.m. Wednesday. Funeral service 2 o‘clock Thursâ€" day afternoon with visitation one hour prior. Cremation. In lieu of flowers those who wish may make memorial contributions to the Oakâ€" ville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. COYNE, Gerald Francis (Former Councilâ€" lor of Township of Georgian Bay. Former memâ€" ber of the District Health Council and a retired Forester with the Province of Ontario.) â€" On Thursday November 3, 1994 at St. Michael‘s Hospital, Gerald F. Coyne in his 73rd year. Beâ€" loved husband of the late Mary Graham. Loved son of William Patrick Coyne and Annaâ€"May Ladaceour both deceased. Dear stepâ€"father of Joan Carnall. Grandfather of Doug and Chris. Brother of Marie (Mrs. D. Simpson), Audrey Coyne, Raymond, Donald and the late Dougâ€" las. A private cremation was held at the Koâ€" priva Taylor Community Funeral Home, Oakâ€" ville. Those who wish may make memorial conâ€" tributions to the Canadian Cancer Society or St. Michael‘s Hospital Palliative Care Unit. HUNTER, Leslie â€" (Retired from Gulf Canaâ€" da Research and Development, member of ATS) â€" On Sunday, November 6, 1994 at Oakâ€" ville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. Leslie Hunter in his 73rd year. Beloved husband of the late Jean. Loved father of Joâ€"Anne. Brother of Eric As an expression of sympathy, the famâ€"ily would request donations to the C.N.1.B. or the Alliance of Breast Cancer Survivors, 20 Eglinton Avenue West, Toronto M4R 1K8 in Babs‘ memory. And God has yet another flower in His garden. This truly remarkable and beautiful woman left an indelible imprint upon all whom she met and loved. Her legacy to her family will live on through her husband, children and grandchildren. Sleep with the angels our beautiful one. We shall miss you and love you forever. A wake was held for Babs at her family home at 2045 Lakeshore Blvd. West (Palace Pier) on Friday, November 4th, 1994 from 3 until 9 p.m. A mass was held on Saturday, Novemâ€" ber 5th, 1994 at 10:30 a.m. in St. John‘s Chapâ€" el adjacent to St. Michael‘s Roman Catholic Cathedral (200 Church Street, Toronto) with burial at St. Mary‘s Cemetery in Port Credit. _ Born on July 22nd, 1919 in Dublin, Ireâ€" land, Babs was the lifelong companion, best friend, wife of 54 years and true love of J. Thoâ€" mas Rock. Grieving at the loss of their beloved Mother are Allan of Ottawa, Joyce of Montreal, and Patricia and Junne of Oakville. Her brothâ€" ers and sisters, Mamie Fischer, Wailg, Austin, Derek, Jimmy and Joe Torley, all of California, and Laura Ryan of Ottawa, will forever mourn the loss of ther beautiful sister and friend. Babs‘ daughterâ€"inâ€"law Deborah Hanscom will miss her soulmate and friend deeply. Her randchildren Justin, Alne, Lauren, Stephen, ndrew and Kate will remember their Nana for her wisdom, tenderness and her gentility. The family wishes to acknowledge the kindness, compassion and guidance of Babs‘ nephews Dr. Desmond Fischer and Dr. Julio Szmulloâ€" wicz during her last difficult months. She was the cherished daughter of the late Joseph and Anne Torley. BLACK, Kenneth Austin â€" Peacefully at the Credit Valley Hospital on Thursday, Noâ€" vember 3, 1994. Kenneth (Ken) A. Black in his 53rd year. Beloved husband of Yvonne. Dear father of Yvonne, Coleen, Denise and Rayâ€" mond. Also survived by several brothers, sisters, nieces and nephews. Mr. Black was the owner of Criss Cross Grinding of Missisâ€" sauga. Visitation at the Kopriva Taylor Comâ€" munity Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville from 7â€"9 p.m. Tuesday, 2â€"4 and 7â€"9 p.m. Wednesday. Visitation 1â€"2 p.m. Thursday at the Church of the Nazarene. Fuâ€" neral Service 2:00 p.m. Thursday November 11, 1994 at the Church of the Nazarene, 320 Bronte Road, Oakville. Interment Trafalgar Lawn Cemeteré. Donations to The Church of the Nazarene, Oakville would be appreciated. ROCK, Anne Dane (nee Torley) â€" Joined the angels on Thursday, November 3rd, 1994, at her home in Toronto, with her family at her side, at the age of 75 years. ______ _ _ _ HEANEY, Jack â€" To the friends and fami of Jack Heaney â€" on behalf of his 7 childr and their families a heartfelt thank you for yo support and love in recent days. Your gen osity and kind thoughts reflect those of t man we all said goodâ€"bye to this week. Ag thank you. ZEMAN, Rev. Fr. John Michae O0.S.B. â€" (Founding pastor of Saints Cyr and Methodius Parish in Hamilton, Ontario Rev. Fr. John Michael Zeman, O.S.B. of S Andrew Abbey, Benedictine Order of Cleve land Ohio. Entered into rest on All Saint‘ Day. Beloved son of the late Michael and Mai Zeman of Sask., loving brother of Mary (Gor| don) Larson of Oakville, Filip, Fero, Conrad of Western Canada and Helen Aikens of Grims| by, Ontario. Predeceased by 2 brothers and sisters. Mass of Christian Burial was hel 10:30 a.m. Saturday, November 5, 1994 at th Abbey Church. Interment Calvary Cemetery] Cleveland. Those who wish may make mem rial contributions to a charity of their choice. In loving memory of Shawn Michael Towey, our son and brother, November 9, 1993. There was no time to say goodbye that cold day you went away. You left oh so suddenly one year a?o today. We think of you in silence and often speak your name. All we have are fond memories and your picture in a frame. If tears could make a stairway and heartache make a lane, we‘d walk the path to bring you home again. Missing you deeply, Dad, Dorothy, Simongaxd Sheldon. Y AHEARN, Judy â€" in special memory of my daughter-ln-law sisterâ€"inâ€"law, wife and auntie.. Fourteen long years have come and gone since you were called away. But we still remember as though it was yeste( day. We often talk about you and end up sheddma tears. AII your special memories will last throughou the years. Just like the love you left us, it will go on forâ€" ever We will always cherish your love and 1 4 g you never. ou‘ll always be very special to all of us. e remembered. ;g Sadly missed, always loved and lovingly STOKX, Sarah "Pat" â€" On TuesdaL, No vember 8, 1994 at Ballycliffe Nursing Home Ajax. Pat Hornsby in her 84th year. Belove wife of the late Chuck Stokx. Dear mother c Gary and his wife Marie, the late Ron and hi wife Donna. Loved grandmother of Sandra, S« san, Bill, Rick, Teri, Randy, Michael, and gre grandchildren. Dear sister of Irene and the laft ohn. Visitation at the Kopriva Taylor Com munity Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore Roa West, Oakville from 2 â€" 4 and 7 â€" 9 pm Wee nesday. Funeral service 11:00 a.m. Thursday Interment St. Jude‘s Cemetery. Those wh wish may make memorial contributions to th Alzheimer Society or to the Arthritis Society. PA1I3I8(1ER Jackie â€" passed away Novaml§1 9 AIways in our thoughts and saldly missed 11 Mom, Dad, Janet, Rick, Carla and families. !!* READER, Edith Marie B.S.C.N. (Grad ate of the University of Toronto) â€" On Tue! day, November 1, 1994 at Ferndowne Dorse England, Edith Marie Tallyn, beloved wife the late Charles Edward Smith, the la Clarence Baker and the late Harold Reade Dear mother of Chery! Smith of New Brun wick, Charles "Ted" Smith of Toronto and Pet Smith of Saskatchewan. Loved by 8 grandchi dren. Sister of Marie (Mrs. D. Simpson), A drey Coyne, Raymond, Donald and the lat Douglas. Visitation at the Kopriva Taylor Co munity Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore Roal West, Oakville from 7 â€" 9 pm Friday. Funer, Service 11:00 am Saturday, November 1 1994. Interment St. Jude‘s Cemetery. SMITH, Edith Marie B.S.C.N. â€" Se READER notice. Oakville Chapel 109 Reynolds Street â€" 844â€"3221 * Don Clarke * Kevin Usher * Shaun Webb * Terry O‘Brien Meeting the needs of those we serve by being receptive, flexible and responsive. Long established locally operated by caring community minded people. KOPRIVA TAYLOR €4 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville: LOCALLY OWNED OPERATED BY ! RUDY KOPRIVA NEILL TAYLOR (905) 844â€"2600 56 LAKESHORE ROAD WEST, OAKVILLE FUNERAL DIRECTORS Oatkbiew J uneral Bome 8422252 Mom" Ahearn and family The Heaney Fami November 9, 19 Since 1914

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