*Savings are per call compared to your local telephone company‘s regular long distance rates to locations within Canada and to the U.S. and depend on calling patterns and monthly calling volumes of over $220.00. **Unitel will credit your account every 12th month against your 12th month charges up to the value of your average spending for the previous 11 months, as long as you remain a Precedent customer. ®Precedent is a registered trademark of Unitel Communications Inc. business decisions evgry (lay. ntrepreneurs like you make un 1recls 0 tough : * Excellent call quality. * Over 140 years of experience and the l)aclzing of ATT, Rogers and Canadian Pacific. And if you signâ€"up before December 12, 1994 your company will receive a free, one year sul)scription to Canada‘s management magazine â€" Canadian Business. There, now wasn‘t that easy? Call the number below. Here‘s why: it will save your company as much as 45% on long distance every montl'l_. If that‘s not reason enough to pick up the phone, consider everything else that Unitel‘s Precedent® plan has to offer a company like yours. * Volume discounts for extra savings. * Additional savings to the area code you call most often. * A free month of long distance every year you‘re a Unitel subscriber** * A free long distance Corporate Card. * Account codes to ]zeep accurate track of calls. HGI67S all casy one. Quality long distance for less. S ty ::.’.hn unileL Toh h 4i e t s C o