22 - The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday June 28, 2006 www.oakvillebeaver.com What Canada means to me! Oakwood Public School celebrated Canada Day by having an essay contest sponsored by Scotiabank. Each student was asked to submit a one page essay on "What Canada Means to Me". As a reward, classes were treated to a pizza lunch compliments of Scotiabank. First Place WInner By Carl Mallia - Grade Five in Oakwood Public Canada means many things to me. The first thing I would like to talk about is how multi-cultural we are. People from all around the world come to Canada for a better life. When I walk down the street I see people of many nations and cultures. I appreciate Canada because they ban guns and have no tolerance for racism. Canada is a country where we can all live Second Place Winner By Anwar Mohamad - Grade Five in Oakwood Public School Canada is a very multicultural country. In my class there are Jamaicans, Muslims, Portuguese, Malta, Barbados and so on. I came to Canada because me and my family knew it was a free and peaceful country. So now I have the freedom to go back to my country whenever I want. Now that I have the experience of Canada I can see the differThird Place By Marina Ghlchinska - Grade Five in Oakwood Public School What Canada means to me is that it's a home to lots of people. It accepts immigrants, which makes it multicultural. I'm from a different country. Many people are from different counAn award celebration was held on June 22 at Oakwood Public School to present the essay winners with their awards. All of the essays will be on displayed at Scotiabank located at 320 Speers Road, Oakville from June 22nd until July 3rd. together among different cultures, religions and beliefs. Canada also helps the elderly, and sick people, and the homeless by giving them shelter, food, medicine and care. Missionaries are another big part of Canada. If a country is being attacked we're there. If any natural disaster occurred we're there. In my opinion Canada is a nation of teamwork and politeness. We reach to any limit to help others. That is what Canada means to me. ence between Canada and my country. In Afghanistan people are too poor to go to school and get educated. But here in Canada everybody is well educated. Canada is intelligent and helpful. We take care of our elderly and missionaries. We have the freedom to do what we want. We help our veterans and we appreciate them and the people who died for us. So that's why we have Remembrance Day and everybody loves Remembrance Day and so do I. I love Canada! tries. Everyone is different and we respect everyone's own culture. Here in Canada people are very polite. For example, when I lived in the Ukraine, no one stopped to let my mom and me cross a busy street. In Canada mostly everyone stops to let pedestrians pass. That is why I think Canada is such a great country! BARRIE ERSKINE / OAKVILLE BEAVER Canada Day writing contest held by Scotiabank for Oakwood School students. Here are the winners from L to R: 1st place Carl Mallia 10, 2nd place Anwar Mohamad, 3rd place Marina Ghlchinska, and 4th place Chanuka Mallyabu. In the back are Sandra Schulthies Branch Manager Scotiabank Dorval and Speers and Lorraine Brady Manager Customer Service Scotia Bank Dorval and Speers. Honorable Mention Chanuka Mallyabu Grade Five in Oakwood Public School Canada is my second country and it is a great country. When I came to Canada I did not know about this country. My sister came with me. But now I know a lot about Canada thanks to my teacher. My friends helped me too and my principal taught me not to fight with anybody. I thank everybody for teaching me and I have had a lot of help from my ESL teacher. In Canada all the people help each other. In Canada there is a lot of space and not that many people and Canada helped my country lots of times. My country is poor and Canada gave my country a lot of money. Tsunami made my country even poorer. Lots of people died. Lots lost their homes. Some kids lost their Moms and some kids lost their Dads. Canada gave a lot of help to my country and gave money to make houses. They helped kids who didn't have families. I THINK CANADA IS THE BEST COUNTRY. KS FIREWOR LE AVAILAB E! IN-STOR Garden Centre CLOSED CANADA DAY SAT., JULY 1st Open Sunday 8 am - 9 pm Black Earth 30L Bag 6" Potted Roses SPECIAL PURCHASE Outdoor Decorator Clay Pots (sold individually) 297 97 Medium 12" 4 $ 97 Large 15" 7 every day Small 9" $ $ each each each $ 257 every day $ each 497 every day each 4-Piece Rattan Wicker Set $ 1 Gallon Shrubs $ Outdoor Bamboo Tiki Bar Set CLEARANCE Bonnie Brown M.P., Oakville Let us celebrate a country whose diversity, inclusiveness, and prosperity are the envy of the world. 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