OAKVILLE BEAVER, Saturday, September 23, 2006 31 AZ Driver~ Local Evening Work, Sunday 4:30pm-1:30am, MonThurs 7pm-4am. Loading and unloading by driver. Must be physically fit, able to work without supervision. $18.50/hr, Oakville location. Fax resume and abstract 519-824-1750 WA N T E D t r u c k d r i v e r, must have dz license, drive Mac Tri-Axel Dump Tr u c k . M u s t b e e x p e r i enced. In the Milton, Burlington Mississauga area. Call after 6pm, 519-9242542. FULL-TIME Spotless Drycleaners counter person needed, Burlington. Not suitalbe fo students. Must have great customer service skills and be very outgoing and cheerful. Email resume to stanradej@rogers.com, fax: 905-333-6374 attention Stan GENERAL Laborers required asap to assist with interior/ exterior renovations email elevationhome design@yahoo.ca or 905630-9137 GENERAL Laborers/ forklift operators. Male/female required for busy Oakville company. Day and afternoon shifts available. Paid weekly Apply in person: MC Personnel, 154 Queen St. S., suite #214, Mississauga (Streetsville). 905826-8300, directions www.mcpersonnel.ca GROWING wiring harness manufacturer in Oakville is seeking two positions for Assemblers for bench work. One entry level position and one w/soldering experience, Starting Salary will be geared around experience of individual, some medium lifting involved. Fax resume 905847-6858 HOMEWORKERS Needed!!! To A s s e m b l e P r o d u c t s , Stuffing Envelopes, Mailing/ Processing Circulars, OnLine Computer Work Available. Up To $1500/week. No Experience Needed! Free information at www. Jobs-WorkConnection.com Reference 3-103 IMPORTANT Notice: The Burlington Post, Oakville Beaver and Flamborough Review recommend you exercise good judgement when responding to employment opportunity advertisements which ask you to provide credit card information, send money or sign a contract. JANITORIAL Subcontractor required. Suit couple. Must have experience cleaning schools. Oakville. Call after 6pm: 905-3029483 LUBE Technician & Class " A " Te c h n i c i a n r e q u i r e d F/T immediately. If you are motivated and energetic drop off your resume to: Burlington Hyundai, 2016 Plains Road East, Burlington, or email: service@ burlingtonhyundai.ca MANAGER needed for Santa land in Oakville mall. Call Nancy 1800394-2440 ext 233 or fax resume 905-549-1136 MERRY Maids looking for full and part-time help. Work while the kids are at school! Will train. Car preferred. Call 8:30am- 4pm. 905-336-1956 MOLLY Maid requires energetic, dependable people. Full-time Mon- Friday, No evening or weekends! Paid training, benefits, car provided. licence required. 905-681-7484 (Burl./ Oak) NEEDED Professional Dog Walkers. Previous experience an asset. Only serious candidates need a p p l y. E m a i l : i n f o @ t h e doggiewalksite.com OAKVILLE Renovation Company seeks experienced helper/ renovator. Own transportation/ tools required. Subtrades welcome. Eric 416-899-5530 OVERNIGHT FT Merchandiser/ Cashier required from 10pm to 8am. Schedule is a rotating 4 days on/ 4 days off. Must be flexible. Competitive wages and benefits. Apply to Shoppers Drug Mart, 520 Kerr Street, Oakville Ontario. Fax resume to 905-845-3407 PRODUCTION Machine Operators required by Burlington manufacturer. 2 shifts. Training provided. Send resumes to: Nixon Integrated Machining Designs Ltd, 3291 Mainway, Units 5 & 6, Burlington, L7M 1A6 SHOPPERS Drug Mart (Appleby/ New) now hiring permanent part-time supervisors, cashiers, merchandisers, cosmetician, driver. Days, Evenings & Weekends. Must be flexible. Fax resume Attn: Christie 905-639-0757 SUPERINTENDENT COUPLE for mid size apartment building in Burlington. Close to Lake and Park. Experienced knowledge in repairs, rental and cleaning. People skills essential. Salary +apartment provided. Please Fax resume 905-628-2004 or email yubat455@yahoo.ca SUPERINTENDENT Couple required immediately for Burlington highrise, on the lake. Fax resume to 905-632-5486 SUPERINTENDENT- mature couple able to multitask for mid-sized Burlington apartment. 905-8274766. 905-315-7610. SUPERINTENDENT/ Janitor required. Part-time. Low rise condo in Oakville. Experience essential. Knowledge of mechanical systems an asset. Fax resume 905-275-2134 TELEMARKETER needed~ Mature and reliable for financial services. $10/hr+. Contact Alex 289259-5022 TELEMARKETERS, experienced, needed for business- to- business contacts. Good pay and incentives. 905-829-9225 UNICCO Facility Services requires full-time/ part-time light duty cleaners for weekdays and weekends Please fax resume 416369-9156 or call 416-3690137 ext 187 WA R E H O U S E help needed for growing Fastener Company 5 days/week Duties include: order filling and general warehouse cleaning, prior fastener experience preferred but willing to train. Forklift certified would be preferred. Benefits after 3/ mo. $11.50/hr. Fax or Email 905-569-8787, k2corrosion@bellnet.ca WAREHOUSE person required full-time, shipping, receiving, light assembly, Oakville. Apply by fax 905827-3414 WA R E H O U S E p e r s o n ~ Part-time flexible shift. 20hr/week. Must have valid drivers licence, be reliable and able to lift 50lbs. Fax resume 905-639-3771 Now Hiring for brand new location in Milton Opening October 28th Management Positions & F/T Exp'd Stylists & Apprentices · Premium hourly pay + commission./bonuses · Seniority based annual pay increases · Equipment/advanced training provided Call 1-877-700-0062 RECEPTIONIST/ Admin. Assistant. Fulltime. Must have good working knowledge of Microsoft Office, pleasant telephone manner and the ability to multitask. Bookeeping skills an asset. General office duties. Start immediately. Apply in person: Condor Signal & Communications, 2388 Speers Road, Oakville. RESEARCH Coordinator/ Office Admin. Full-time days, office near Oakville GO. See www.AdDynam ics.com/job.htm for details. Email: gskene@AdDynam ics.com Only those considered will be contacted. RMTS needed, Full/ parttime for busy Oakville multi-disc. clinic. Call 905469-2973, Fax resume 905-469-8061 RN for family practise in Missisauga. Permanent PT Fax resume 905-822-1358 ALINA'S Cleaning Services: European, 15yrs experience, own cleaning staff/ equipment. Insured, references available. Residential/ Offices. Call for free estimate: 905-6895696, 905-630-7148. C L E A N I N G l a d y, 1 5 y r s . experience, has opening available. Errands/ dog walking. Reasonable rates. Excellent references. 905631-6196. EXPERIENCE, and reliable cleaning lady, has some openings for her weekly or twice a month schedule. Excellent references, Good Rates. Phone 905-827-1631. I don't cut corners. I clean them. Call Karlene 905320-9373. ISABELLA'S Cleaning Service offers excellent residential/ commercial service. 15 years experience. Bonded. Insured. 905-541-6484, 1-866-4980756 NO time to clean your home? Call the Cleaning Ladies, Reasonable rates, Maggie 905-527-3711 SUNSHINE Maid Service. Detailed house cleaning/ laundry. Burlington/ Oakville area. Call the cleaning specialists. 905-320-2194. Community Classified Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30am - 5:30pm NOW HIRING My Apartment and Squeeze Nightclubs seeking energetic, outgoing, hardworking Notices E-mail: classified@haltonsearch.com $$$$ Paid Weekly!! Company needs part-time/ fulltime help processing unclaimed bank accounts. Call 1-866-883-0780 ext.121 $16.85 base/ appt., flexible FT/ PT, Sales/ Service. Conditions app l y. 9 0 5 - 3 3 8 - 6 6 1 8 o r ptf9.com AUTO preper/ painter required, minimum 3 years experience. Competitive wages for the right person. 905-634-2320 BAKERY in Oakville looking for full time cashier, deli-clerk and dishwasher. Email resume to info @monasterybakery.com or call Leo 905-847-1020 BILINGUAL English/ French customer service rep Entry level position. Insurance company background an asset. Fax resume with salary expectation to 905-847-8283 or email diane@RACentre.ca CANLAN Ice Sports Oakville- Full and Part-time positions- Cooks, Servers, Cleaners, Zamboni Drivers, Proshop Clerks. Contact Andrew anoble@ice sports.com or fax 905-8456054 CAR Rental Jockey ( Wa s h , v a c u u m , d r i v e ) Full-time. Clean driving record, honest, punctual. Oakville. Must be 19+. Call 905-337-9373. CARREMM Controls ltd, specialists in process controls & hvac equipment is seeking an experienced inside sales person. Duties include, technical sales & customer service of related product lines. Email resumes only to car remm@carremmcontrols .com CASH Daily~ $12-$20/hr. + bonuses. Oakville/ Burlington door- to- door Fundraisers. Supporting people with special needs. Rhonda, 905-873-0723 CLEANERS/ work with fun group who love to clean. The House Cleaning Angels. 905-842-3672. Leave message CONSTRUCTION & Maintenance Labourers required full-time, exp. an asset. Fax resume to 905-639-7412 or email letsburlington@on.aibn. com DRIVER for delivery's twice a week from Oakville to Toronto. Approx 2-3hrs there and back. Suit healthy retired person. Vehical provided. Call 905338-8696 EXPERIENCED cook needed for Oakville daycare Menu planning, grocery shopping, full time. Must posses G drivers licence. Excellent wages and benefits call 905-4692944 F I R S T, S e c o n d o r t h i r d year apprentice required for busy shop in Burlington. Call 905-637-3888, or Fax 905-637-9266 FLYER distribution manager, required for Direct Mail Distribution. Candidate will have minimum 3-years experience managing a large distribution force, for delivery of various types advertising. Must be reliable, organized, self motivated and a t e a m p l a y e r. E m a i l r e sume: info@firstpriorityfly ers.com. Halton. GROWING Bakery looking for all positions, F/T & P/T, $9/hr start. We will train, must be flexible to work days and or weekends. Fax: 905-637-9103, email: shunt.sb-ont@bellnet.ca 905-407-4901 Get Paid to Learn a Trade MOUNT Royal Beauty Salons requires licence Hair Stylist. Call 905-332-7221 SALON Mirage requires a Receptionist, full-time or part-time. Apply within at Mapleview mall Burlington or call Michael 905-6814546 WANTED~ Friendly, motivated & talented stylist Our growing burlington salon is looking for a experienced stylist and a jr. stylist/ assistant. We offer a fun, relaxing and modern atmosphere. Enjoy going to work! Call 905-336-2344, email revive-salon@ sympatico.ca HAMILTON Volvo requires Full-Time Sales Representative. Hours include weekdays, evenings, Saturdays (shift basis). Positions also avail in Oakville. Must possess excellent customer service skills, be outgoing/ motivated. Clean driving record necessary. Apply 5 7 R y m a l W, H a m i l t o n , Mon-Fri, 10am-4pm. Ph-905-389-7111, F-905389-1234 DOOR STAFF BUS PERSONS SERVERS for part time weekend work. Experience an asset but not necessary. Call for details (905)712-2227 Or (905)829-4448 BUSY downtown Oakville cafe hiring F/T and P/T servers and weekend dishwasher. Apply in person to Manager, Caffe Del Libros, 170 Lakeshore E., Oakville. COOKS P/T-F/T wanted. Will pay up to $15/hr. No late closes, Call 905-3328 8 8 8 o r e m a i l l i n d a 11 @bellnet.ca EAST Side Mario's, Waterdown now hiring kitchen m a n a g e r, a s s t . k i t c h e n manager, line cook, bartender & servers. Fax resume 905-690-9706, email waterdown.marios@ kwik.net EXPERIENCED Cooks/ Assistant Kitchen Manager required, PT/FT days/ evenings. Competitive wages Apply in person to Rod at Clancy's 4490 Fairview St., or fax resume 905-333-9051 email clancys@scom.ca JAKE'S Grill & Oyster House. Join The Crew!F/T Grill & Line Cooks, e v e n i n g s . 9 5 0 Wa l k e r s Line (beside QEW Travelodge) 905-639-4084 OAKVILLE Catering Company Kitchen Help wantedPart-Time, include dishes and prep. Email careers @plumcatering.ca PART-TIME help, Oakville, 11-2:30/ 3:00pm, Monday to Friday. Oliveiro's Sandwich Spot, 700 Dorval, at Wyecroft Road. Apply in person or phone 905-8446623 THE Atrium Restaurant requires diningroom wait staff, Mon-Fri dayshift, also r e q u i r e d J r. S o u s C h e f , and line cook. Fax resume 905-319-1266, email bccon@look.ca WAIT staff & Busers req u i r e d F T / P T. F l e x i b l e hours, great atmosphere. We will train if necessary. Apply in person to Dynasi Restaurant, 399 Dundas W., Oakville, Fax 905-2572614., Call Maya 905-2578275. Death INSIDE SALES MOTIVATORS Ultramatic Sleep is looking for enthusastic, up-beat, motivators. The newly created full-time positions are to work with our 30 inside sales appointment setters. We are located in Burlington. Remeber, *only you can inspire a group, if you are filled with confidence and hope of success. Are you the one.. let's talk! Fax resume to Donna HARDWOOD floor installations. Custom designs. Experienced workmanship. Call 905-815-3420 HAMILTON Volvo requires Full-Time Service Advisor. Must be customer service oriented w/excellent organizational/ time management skills to work in fast paced environment w/little supervision. Apply 57 Rymal W., Hamilton, Mon-Fri, 10am-4pm, email service@hamiltonvolvo.net C a l l 9 0 5 - 3 8 9 - 7 111 , F a x 905-389-1234 LICENSED Plumber Permanent, GTA/ Hamilton, Commercial Industrial Construction, Benefits, RRSP, Uniforms. Contact Forrest Mechanical 905338-8109 HEAVY Duty Equipment Mechanic: Truck Coach/ heavy equipment license. Familiarity- Cummins, Detroit, Cat engines. Teardown /assembly diesel engines. Also: Engine Machine Shop Machinist: Experienced/ licensed automotive machine shop. Knowledge in cylinder head rebuilding. Oakville. Fax resume: 905-8271106/ email: whiteoaksdie sel@bellnet.ca M A C - A R T I S T, e x p e r i enced part-time required by printing company in Oakville. Work includes film-stripping. Fax resume: 905-844-5517. 905-639-9139 or call 905-639-7368 inVU Drapery Co. now accepting applications for part-time Sales Consultants. Must have knowledge of drapery treatments, sales experience, be computer literate. If you have an outgoing personality, are "design savvy" please e-mail/ fax resume: info@invudraperyco.com Fax #905.639.8686 Attn: Regional Manager SALES Position, P/T----for ladies' wear store, downtown Oakville. Suit mature, enthusiastic fashion minded person. $ 1 0 / h r. + c o m m i s s i o n . Call Paul days, 905-8452031 SALES Professional needed for US market, High Income Highly Motivated closers, Base + Commission. Great Atmosphere. 905-9013196, events@lightyearmedia. com STRUCTUBE Contemporary Furniture, Oakville requires full-time sales/ stock associates immediately. Email: emploi4@ structube.com Fax: 905829-0961. Phone: 905829-0170, Lauren 1-877-JUNK-TWO-GO. 1877-586-5896 Same day junk removal service. Senior discount. Call & get it done! TRUE Green Painting & Deco: Interior/ Exterior, Paint away the Winter Blues. Ask about our gift certificate program. Fully insured. (905)781-5786 Nutemp Mechanical Systems Ltd. has an opening for experienced DRIVER/ WAREHOUSE person. Must have clean drivers abstract, knowledge of GTA and excellent organizational skills. Please visit www.nutemp.ca for complete description and to apply or Fax: (905)338-6677 1# EliteMoving, 10-28ft truck available. Short notice. Reliable. Experienced. Punctual. Disassembling/ Reassembling. 416-560-2723, 905-8414723 www.elitemoving.net G O O D M o v e . Yo u r r e s i dential Moving Expert. Houses-Apartments- Offices. Reliable, Quality, Insured Service. 416-3125534. MAXX Movers. Professional/ Reliable. Residential, office, piano movers. Local/ long distance. From $62/ hour. 416-823-9705. HENDERSON, Jean (Jini) MorrisonSuddenly, on Wednesday, September 20, 2006 at Gairloch Gardens, Oakville, in her 79th year. Jini, beloved wife of Larry. Loved mother of Larry Jr., Jan, Stuart and his wife Ruthanne. Dear grandmother of Kevin, Tom, Annie, Amy, Laura, Erin, Katie and Sarah. Dear sister of William McFarlane and his wife Kathy of Tennessee and the late Peggy McFarlane. Dearly loved by our Michelle. A loving mother and wife, Jini was also a long-time volunteer with the Women's Auxiliary of the Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital; a proud 50 year member of the Beta Lambda Masters Chapter of the Beta Sigma Phi Sorority and was Past-President and recipient of the Order of the Rose. Visitation will be held at the Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville (905-844-2600) from 2-4 & 7-9 pm Sunday, September 24, 2006. A Celebration of Life Service for Jini will be held 11:00 a.m. on Monday, September 25, 2006 at St. John's United Church, 262 Randall Street, Oakville. A luncheon reception will follow at the Oakville Club, 56 Water Street, Oakville. In lieu of flowers memorial contributions to the Alzheimer's Foundation, 1685 Main Street, Suite 206, Hamilton, ON, L8S 1G5 would be appreciated. Email condolences may be sent to kopriva@eol.ca; please place HENDERSON on the subject line. "Jini's elegant, loving grace and "Tasty Beef" will be sorely missed by us all" THE Oakville Beaver would like to express sincere and heart-felt condolences to those who have lost their loved ones. Full Time Maintenance Person required for our Oakville retirement community Email Resumes to: joannmeyer@lrc.ca Fax 905-338-7117 ADMINISTRATIVE Office Clerk/ Customer Service position needed for busy automation components distributor in Oakville location. Must be organized, detail oriented and have excellent communication skills. Microsoft Office knowledge a must, knowledge of Mas200 database a plus. Email resumes@kinequip.com OAKVILLE Private Investigation company requires individual for full-time administrative support role. Responsibilities include preparation of investigative reports and other administrative duties. Understanding of Microsoft Office programs and proficient keyboarding skills required. Fax/ email resumes 905338-7885 or ted@ investigativeservices.net. OFFICE help needed PartTime, knowledge on Quickbooks Pro a must. Fax resume 905-338-1929 ASSISTANT and Hygienist required full-time for progressive Mississauga dental office. Fax resume to: 905-785-8333. AT our Optometric Office, we're looking for good people to complement our team. Must multi-task, have some sales experience. Part-time position (2 evenings/week, several Saturdays/mo). Fax resumes 905-338-9192, drop off 203-247 N. Service W. Oakville, Attention Judy, by October 2/06 BURLINGTON Chiropractic/ Rehab Office seeking full-time office assistant. Experience preferred. Computer skills a must. Please email resume to jmalatesta@bellnet.ca PRIVATE plastic surgery facility requires RN with OR experience 3 days/ week. Administrative and c l i n i c a l r e s p o n s i b i l i t y. Email Resume to plasticnurse@sympatico.ca FLORAL Design course (AFD), certificate beginners course. Small classes, completely hands on, all materials supplied. 1 evening a week/ 6 weeks, shop environment. Now taking registration for October. Limited space, 905-335-6623. In Memoriam In memory of Susan Ford, September 23, 2004 As I loved you, So I miss you. In my memory, You are near. Loved, Remembered, Longed for Always. Bringing many a silent tear. to place an ad call 905 337.5610 bb bargoons now accepting applications for Mississauga location. Must have min. 2yrs sales experience, knowledge of drapery, furniture, sewing. Excellent hours, competitive wage +commission. If you're an outgoing "design savvy" individual e-mail/ fax resume: info@bbbargoons.com fax 905.828.5966 Attn: Regional Manager DAYCARE hiring flexible, enthusiastic staff P/T (3pm-6pm) $9- $11. F/T ECE & ECA flex $11- $14 Supply staff $10- $14. Call Jen to book an interview 905-338-KIDS FIRST Steps in Burlington has an immediate position for an ECE Teacher for the preschool room. Send resume to Lisa at first stepsccc@bellnet.ca or fax 905-632-4230 WERE growing and looking for ECE's & ECA's for our toddler/ pre-school program. Call 905-8426280 H AY R i d e s , C a m p f i r e s , Horse-drawn Groups, Birthdays, Families, Party Room. Uncle Porky's 1/2-Hr from Burlington. 1800-203-9093 www.uncleporkys.com Love Auntie Ann WHAT'S IN THE CLASSIFIEDS? Cars, bikes, RVs, auto repair services, boats, electronics, pet supplies, antiques, collectibles, home furnishings, jewelry, sporting goods, musical instruments, personal services, real estate, travel packages, employment and business opportunities, personals, public notices and much more ... Pick up your copy today. call 905.337.5610 fieds lassi C work! CLASSIFIEDS LIVE-IN Caregiver for 2 children, plus light housekeeping and cooking. References required. Call 905-469-4510