24 - The Oakville Beaver, Friday October 13, 2006 www.oakvillebeaver.com Town promotes Clean Marine at harbours As part of the Town's commitment to maintain the highest environmental standards for its harbours, the Town of Oakville has become a member of the Ontario Marine Operators Association's (OMOA) Clean Marine partnership. Mayor Ann Mulvale was at Oakville Harbour recently along with Councillor Mike Lansdown, Harbour Master Rob MacKay and Director of Parks and Open Space Chris Mark, to display the new OMOA flag and to celebrate Town's Clean Marine Declaration. "Oakville's waterfront is a celebrated feature of our community and we are very proud to take this step toward safeguarding it for future generations," said Mulvale. "Our OMOA membership is another step in the Town's environmental strategic plan to protect and enhance the quality of our natural environment. The Clean Marine program will help us to maintain our waterways at the highest standards." The Clean Marine Declaration states that the Town will strive to meet the highest standards of environmental stewardship of the harbours and require that its suppliers and contractors do the same. Marinas that apply for membership in the Clean Marine program are subject to a comprehensive environmental audit, to ensure compliance with more than 200 standards set out by the OMOA, Environment Canada and the Ontario Ministry of the Environment. The OMOA flag is provided to marinas that successfully complete the audit, in recognition of their achievement. Oakville's harbours received an eco-rating of two anchors out of a possible five. Harbour Master Rob MacKay, was pleased with the results of the audit. "We now have an objective assessment of the environmental status of our harbours' operations," said MacKay, "which we will use to establish goals for improving our eco-rating in the future." The OMOA flag will be flown at Bronte Harbour. For information on Clean Marine, please visit www.omoa.com. For details on Oakville's harbours or to read the declaration, see www.oakville.ca. RON KUZYK / OAKVILLE BEAVER CLEAN MARINE: Mayor Ann Mulvale displays the new Ontario Marine Operators Association's flag and Clean Marine Declaration in celebration of the Town's environmental objectives to protect its harbours. Left to right are Chris Mark, Director of Parks and Open Space Oakville, Mulvale, Robert Mackay, Harbour Master, and Councillor Mike Lansdown. Science author in town Give A New Look To Your Walkway, Driveway, Patio, Interlocking, Garden Walls and more... Quality Work & Full Satisfaction 2 Year Warranty! CALL TODAY FOR YOUR FREE ESTIMATE 416-803-8883 Store & Warehouse Sale WAREHOUSE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC ic Fabrric Fab bric Fa SALE BUFFET & SHOW $ 28 95 p er p erson, p er show, plus taxes "Can we be conscious of our consciousness? What does consciousness feel like? In the end, do we even need our brains?" These are the questions that Jay Ingram, renowned science broadcaster and bestselling author, asks in his new book Theatre of the Mind: Raising the Curtain on Consciousness. Ingram will be discussing the book at the Oakville Club, 56 Water St., on Oct. 18 at 7 p.m. Tickets cost $10 and are available at all library branches. Ingram takes a look at some of the most fascinating and mystifying cases in the world of consciousness research. His discussion will send listeners on an intriguing, mind-bending experience and, perhaps, even on a journey of self discovery. Ingram is the author of several bestselling books, including The Science of Everyday Life, The Barmaid's Brain and The Velocity of Honey. He is the producer and co-host of Discovery Channel's award-winning show Daily Planet, and also contributes a weekly science column to The Toronto Star. 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