www.oakvillebeaver.com The Oakville Beaver, Friday December 1, 2006 - 39 BAPTIST UNITED 2489 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-827-1643 Corner of Bronte & Lakeshore Rd. W. www.waltonmemorial.com WALTON UNITED Walton Welcomes You Sunday Dec. 3 y Advent One Sunday School and Nursery UNITED PRESBYTERIAN ANGLICAN HOPEDALE PRESBYTERIAN 156 Third Line, Oakville 905-827-3851 Anniversary Celebrations Sept. 2006 - June 2007 905 844 2801 www.chartwellchurch.org g Sunday Worship 228 Chartwell Road 8:45 and 11:00 a.m. 9:30 am Larger Family Service 11:00 am Traditional Service U.C.W. Cookie Walk Saturday, Dec. 2 1:00 pm Senior Social Thursday, Dec. 7 1:30 pm Service of Memories Sunday Dec.10 at 2 pm CHECK OUT: WWW.WALTONMEMORIAL.COM Minister: The Reverend Sean J. Foster Chartwell @ King's King's Christian Collegiate 528 Burnhamthorpe Road West 10:00 a.m. Nursery, children and youth programs through high school at weekend services Worship 10:30 a.m. "The Season of Expectancy" Church School · Nursery Provided Sunday, Dec. 3 Inviting all to be Alive in Christ E-mail: churchoffice@hopedalechurch.ca 1415 Trafalgar Road (across from Sheridan College) (905) 842-0938 Sunday, Dec. 3 10:30 am "Transformers" Derik Fuller speaking 6:30 pm A look at Luther's "Treatise on Good Works" with Dr. Stephen Westerholm We have various Small Groups meeting p g throughout the week. Please contact the g church office for more information. www.faithbaptist-oakville.com Minister: Reverend Jeff Crittenden 9:30 am Sonrise Service Raise your spirit, 10:10 am Recital be welcome and feel at home as 10:30 am Service "Ancient and New Hope" we learn and worship together. Rev. Don Gibson Communion Bazaar Sat. Dec. 2 9:00 am-2:00 pm Blue Christmas Service Mon. Dec. 4 4:00-7:30 p.m. ST. JOHN'S You Are Part of the Family www.hopedalechurch.ca KNOX PRESBYTERIAN UNITED Dunn & Church Streets GLEN ABBEY SIXTEEN 262 Randall 905-845-0551 (Dundas Rd. W. & Lions Valley Park Rd.) www.stjohnsunited.ca j UNITED Read Sunday Dec. 3 Sunday Service 9:30 am 905-335-3433 Rev. G. WalterLittle y The Church With The Big Welcome 8am, 9:15am &11am 1496 Nottinghill Gate g glenabbeyunitedchurch.com y PRESBYTERIAN Sunday Dec. 3 10:30 a.m. First Sunday of Advent "Waiting and Watching in Hope" www.knox16.com (905) 825-5292 COMMUNITY CHURCH PENTECOSTAL A Church for Your Heart, Mind & Spirit TM Sunday, Dec. 3 7 10:00 am "Hope in Suffering" by Pastor Jeff Chase Meeting at AMC Winston Churchill 24 2081 Winston Park Dr., Oakville INVITES YOU TO WORSHIP WITH US Interim Moderator: The Reverend Sean Foster, Minister :The Reverend Mike Marsden Lakeshore Rd. at Dunn St. Downtown Oakville 905-844-3472 Sunday, Dec. 3 9:00 am & 10:30 am Worship p "What Makes a Meal a Sacrament?" Hollyberry Bake Sale y y Sat. Dec. 2 10 am-12 noon ADVENT EVENT SUN. DEC. 3 5:30-7:30 pm p Pot luck Supper, Wreath Making, pp Candlelight Worship OAKVILLE PENTECOSTAL APOSTOLIC CENTER A vibrant, faith-filled, growing family u d y Bible Teaching and Worship Service 12:30-2:30 pm (NORTH RIDGE ROOM) Advent 1 The Lord's Supper will be Celebrated at both Services Sacrament of Holy Communion MARK YOUR CALENDARS Sunday School Nursery Refreshments Ministers: The Rev. Dr. Paul Crittenden The Rev. Lexie Chamberlain Dir. Music: Michal Rozycki www.stpaulsoakville.com p e-mail: spunited@bellnet.ca p 10:15 a.m. Glenashton & Eighth Line 416-855-4400 416-995-6325 IROQUOIS RIDGE COMMUNITY CENTRE The ALPHA Marriage Course, Home Groups, 20's, Youth Group, King's Kidz Sunday @ 10am Iroquois Ridge Community Centre 1051 Glenashton Dr. at 8th Line info@kingsfamily.org Nursery and Church School for children and youth We provide support & caring in times of need through Stephen Ministries Weekly small Groups for Youths & Adults Thursday Bible Teaching 7:00-8:00 pm Chris or Rachel 905-617-8091 y www.kingsfamily.org Call for location UNITED UNITED CHURCH www.munnsunited.com MUNN'S Sunday Dec. 3 y Advent III MAPLE GROVE UNITED CHURCH TRAFALGAR 346 Maple Grove Dr., Oakville p 905-845-5721 Everyone Welcome E-mail: knoxoakville@cogeco.net Website:www.knoxoakville.com JESUS IS LORD BIBLE CHAPEL "Where relevant faith meets caring community" Presbyterian 905-842-2800 Dundas Hwy. & 6th Line 905-257-8434 Rev. Dr. Morar Murray-Hayes yy Director of Music: Alexander Cann TRAFALGAR & UPPER MIDDLE RD. Sunday Dec. 3 Advent I y 9:00 am Memory Sunday Celebration of Communion Celebration of Communion Directions: Take Trafalgar Rd. to White Oaks Blvd, North on Litchfield Rd, to the end Our vision is to be a centre of biblical excellence in Oakville, teaching, guiding and supporting each other to be fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ 9:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Services "A Light is Gleaming: Paying The Light Bill" 10:30 am Worship p Discover a warm and diverse Christian community Minister: Rev. Kristine O'Brien Music: Andrew Donaldson Join us any Sunday All are Welcome! 10:00 am: Coffee and Tea 10:30 am: Sunday Service y ****Nursery Available**** Praise & Worship and Communion **Children and Youth - preschool to high school - leave from the main service for a church program with their peers** (both services) Sunday School & Nursery at both services "Light Connection" for Children g and Child care available at the 10:30 am service Minister: Rev. Meg Grieve Student Supply: Lyn Workman Director of Music: Rita Lamplugh "Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus" website: www.maplegroveunitedchurch.org e-mail: mguc@cogeco.net Sunday Worship, Nursery, and a vibrant Children's Program 10 am www.trafalgarchurch.ca email: office@trafalgarchurch.ca Pastor: Brian Roe 2250 Eighth Line Oakville 905 849-0567 oakridgebible@sympatico.ca