www.oakvillebeaver.com The Oakville Beaver, Friday December 8, 2006 - 37 12 Fair Trade That Dazzles! 189 Lakeshore Rd. E. 905-337-2377 oakville@villages.ca www.TenThousandVillages.ca Fair trade since 1946 Cilantro of Downtown Oakville, the Malaysian Boutique restaurant serving Malaysian & Local Canadian favourites Being the only Malaysian restaurant serving delectable Malaysian and Local Canadian Favourites in Oakville, coupled with Emelee's positive attitude, warm & genuine service, Cilantro has positioned themselves well to continue in their efforts to win the hearts and stomachs of Oakvillans. Emelee Law admits there is still a challenging task ahead as Cilantro is a very young and unknown restaurant compared to many of the established restaurants downtown. "We are not competing in terms of menu. We have a unique, interesting and eclectic menu that can please everyone's palate, from customers who prefer conventional but tasty choices to those who appreciate spices to create exciting flavours. We are however, challenged in creating a critical mass of regular customers who can form the backbone of Cilantro's daily `bread & butter'." In this respect, Emelee is prepared to strive harder to win the confidence and trust of existing and new customers for their continuing and much needed support. According to Emelee, there has been and healthy diet." Cilantro wants to fula significant increase in Christmas and fill that market niche. year-end parties compared to their first Thirdly, Cilantro is intent on building Christmas since opening in April 2005. "I their off site catering business. "Our have three immediate goals. I am giving eclectic menu makes Cilantro's cuisine my best to build Cilantro as the ultimate the ideal choice for home and office choice for celebrations. Cilantro is a bou- functions. Cilantro will help customers tique restaurant that makes the ideal build the ideal menu based on their indiplace to hold celebrations from a party of vidual budget and tastes of their guests. four to 40. When there is a function of They will then deliver the cuisine and more than 22 people, Cilantro chooses to help set it up using the existing crockery close the entire restaurant so that we of the customer. "We have in-fact can place all our focus and commitment catered several functions based on this in providing the Cilantro's experience of concept and we have received fantastic Great Food, Love & Life to everyone. feedback." Secondly, Cilantro is committed to Finally, Emelee Law appeals to all building their Gourmet-To-Go business Oakvillans to give her full support for into a household name in Oakville. The Cilantro's fund raising campaign for the prices at the Gourmet-To-Go Corner are Canadian Cancer Society, Oakville Unit. 15 per cent lower than the dine-in prices With all these goals in the pipeline, and the portions are bigger. "Our main Emelee will certainly have her hands full aim is to provide a variety of delicious for a while. Cilantro is located at 305 yet light & healthy cuisine at affordable Lakeshore Road East, Oakville. For more prices to all Oakvillans. We believe fami- information, please visit Cilantro's weblies who do not have time to cook every site at www.cilantrocuisines.com and for night are searching for tasty, good, light all reservations and Gourmet-To-Go Small_PIONEER5_new.ai 11/21/2006 contact & healthy gourmet cuisine for a balanced orders, please 7:35:06 PM 905-845-9333. Exceptional Hair Colour Requires Exceptional Advice Promotional Offer $ Call Today. Valid For New Clients. Redeemable with this Ad. 30 f for Wash, Cut & Style or FREE Wash, Cut & Style with any Colour or Highlight Service 338 Church St. 905-337-1713 To advertise in this feature call Rob Marini 905-845-3824 ext 236 JULIA'S BRINGING MUSIC BACK! FOR THE MONTH OF DECEMBER, FRIDAY NIGHTS AT JULIA WILL FEATURE A LIVE DISC JOCKEY TO PLAY YOUR FAVOURITE TUNES! ALSO JULIA WILL FEATURE A LIVE GUITARIST DURING OUR FAMOUS SUNDAY BRUNCH. COME AND ENJOY THE MUSIC! REAL SHEEPSKIN Canadian Sound is Oakville's exclusive dealer of Pioneer Elite products. SLIPPERS FOR LADIES AND MEN MADE IN ENGLAND Glastonbury has been famous for Sheepskin since the 12th century when the monks at Glastonbury Abbey started tanning skins. Natural Sheepskin is unequalled for it's comfort and wearing properties and Drapers maintain the link with tradition by continuing to use the finest materials available. Say hello to the leading edge of plasma technology. Never has so much passion, style and technology been packed into a slimmer space. Don't take our word for it. Visit our showroom and let your eyes judge for themselves. CHARLES AUSTIN ·SHOES· 232 Lakeshore Road East, Oakville 905-845-5582 www.juliasristorante.com