20 - The Oakville Beaver Weekend, Saturday April 21, 2007 www.oakvillebeaver.com National Volunteer Week April 15 - 21, 2007 VOLUNTEERSGROWCOMMUNITY Volunteer organizations in our community ALLENDALE VOLUNTEERS Allendale Village 905-878-4141 ext 8025 ALTRUISTS 109 Thomas Street, Oakville, ON ARTHRITIS SOCIETY (THE) Hamilton and Halton Region, Burlington Office 905-632-9390 BIG BROTHERS BIG SISTERS HAMILTON AND BURLINGTON Hamilton Office 905-525-3860 BIG BROTHERS BIG SISTERS OF HALTON 905-339-2355 BRANTWOOD LIFECARE CENTRE 905-637-3481 BURLINGTON ART CENTRE 905-632-7796 BURLINGTON FAMILY RESOURCE CENTRE Ontario Early Years Centre, Burlington Head Office 905-632-9377 ONTARIO EARLY YEARS CENTRE, BURLINGTON Head Office 905-632-9377 BURLINGTON MUSEUMS Ireland House at Oakridge Farm 905-332-9888 BURLINGTON MUSEUMS Joseph Brant Museum 905-634-3556 1-888-748-5386 BURLINGTON REUSE ENVIRONMENTAL GROUP Reuse Centre 905-319-0477 BURLINGTON. CLERKS DEPARTMENT Burlington Crime Prevention Committee 905-335-7600 ext 7855 1-877-213-3609 BURLINGTON. PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT Burlington Seniors Centre 905-335-7888 1-877-2133609 BURLINGTON. PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT Special Needs Program 905-332-1996 ext. 227 BURLINGTON. PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT Velocity...A place for youth 905-6315654 CAMA WOODLANDS NURSING HOME 905-681-6441 CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY 905-845-5231 www.cancer.ca CANADIAN DIABETES ASSOCIATION Central South Region, Halton Diabetes Information and Supply Depot Sites 905-528-3111 CANADIAN MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION Halton Region Branch, North Halton Office 519-853-9793 CANADIAN NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR THE BLIND Ontario Division, Central West Region Halton/Peel Office 905-275-5332 CANADIAN RED CROSS West Central Ontario Region, Burlington Branch 905-637-5664 CANADIAN RED CROSS West Central Ontario Region, North Halton Branch 905-875-1459 CANADIAN RED CROSS West Central Ontario Region, Oakville Branch 905-845-5241 COALITION FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES 905-755-9958 1-800-270-3861 COMMUNITY LIVING BURLINGTON 905-336-2225 COMMUNITY LIVING NORTH HALTON Child and Family Services 905-8782337 COMMUNITY LIVING OAKVILLE Adult and Adolescent Residential Services 905-844-0412 CROHNS AND COLITIS FOUNDATION OF CANADA Halton Region Chapter 416-929-0364 DISTRESS CENTRE North Halton 905-877-0655 DISTRESS CENTRE Oakville 905-849-4541 EARTH DAY CANADA 416-599-1991 ext 107 1-800-661-7785 ERINOAK Burloak Site 905-332-4418 FARESHARE FOODBANK 905-847-3988 FIELD AND STREAM RESCUE TEAM 905-525-3778 FOOD FOR LIFE CANADA 905-849-6039 FRESH FOOD BOX PROGRAM 905-634-864 GIRL GUIDES 1800-565-8111 www.girlguides.ca GRACE HOUSE INCORPORATED 905-844-4772 HABITAT FOR HUMANITY HALTON 905-637-4446 ext 1 1-866-314-4344 HALTON APHASIA CENTRE 905-702-5312 1-866-204-4044 HALTON CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD Holy Cross School 905-877-4451 HALTON CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD Holy Rosary School, Burlington 905-634-3609 HALTON CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD Holy Rosary School, Milton 905-876-1122 HALTON CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD St Gabriel School 905-332-333 HALTON CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD St James School 905339-0731 HALTON CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD St Michael School 905-844-6811 HALTON CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD St Patrick School 905-639-3975 HALTON CENTRE FOR CHILD CARE 905-825-6106 HALTON CHESHIRE HOMES Carey House 905-681-2682 HALTON CHILD AND YOUTH SERVICES Head Office 906-634-2347 ext 239 HALTON CHILD AND YOUTH SERVICES Milton Office 905-637-2347 ext 239 HALTON CHILDRENS AID SOCIETY 905-333-4441 or 905-878-2375 HALTON COMMUNITY LEGAL SERVICES 905-877-8223 HALTON DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD Brant Hills Public School 905-336-2330 HALTON DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD C H Norton Public School 905-3323897 HALTON DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD E C Drury High School 905-878-0575 HALTON DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD Eastview Public School 905-827-1541 HALTON DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD George Kennedy Public School 905-877-4381 HALTON DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD Glen Williams Public School 905-877-9112 HALTON DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD Harrison Public School 905-877-4421 HALTON DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD J M Denyes Public School 905-878-2379 HALTON DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD Kings Road Public School 905-637-3477 HALTON DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD Lakeshore Public School 905-634-3244 HALTON DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD Limehouse Public School 905-873-6354 HALTON DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD Lorne Skuce Public School 905-8454372 HALTON DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD Mohawk Gardens Public School 905-632-3946 HALTON DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD Munns Public School 905-844-9461 HALTON DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD Oakwood Public School 905-845-0412 HALTON DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD Robert Little Public School 519-853-2540 Continued on Page 7 S.E.N.A.C.A 53 Bond Street Oakville, Ontario L6K 1L8 2521 Dundas Street West (at Bronte Rd, Palermo) Seniors Day Program Halton Inc. 8:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M. Individualized care for adults in a nurturing environment Phone: (905) 337-8937 E-Mail: senaca@senaca.ca Fax: (905) 337-0768 Website: www.senaca.ca Thank You To All Our Volunteers! United Way of Oakville Halton Women's Place W For more than 25 years, volunteers have made Halton Women's Place, y W ' a safe alternative for victims of domestic violence. As the Region's only emergency shelter for abused women and their g y g y dependant children, we rely greatly on the contributions of our volunteers. Thank you o V lunteers V Volunteers spend their time in the shelter assisting our front line crisis intervention workers, assiting in administration, sitting on various committees and helping out at our special events. Our volunteers are important and W ' Halton Women's Place salutes them ALL! There are so many great opportunities for you to get involved - contact us today. www.haltonwomensplace.com